Month: January 2018

It all depends on where they’ve been and where they’re going.

This political cartoon of Mr. Danziger’s seemed awful familiar.




Oh yes, I remember now.


In this April 22, 2000 file photo, Elian Gonzalez is held in a closet by Donato Dalrymple, one of the two men who rescued the boy from the ocean, right, as government officials search the home of Lazaro Gonzalez for the young boy in Miami. U.S.-based relatives fought to keep Gonzalez, rescued at sea at age 5 after his mother died, but U.S. officials finally sent him back to his father in Cuba. On Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2014, the U.S. and Cuba agreed to re-establish diplomatic relations and open economic and travel ties, marking a historic shift in U.S. policy toward the communist island after a half-century of enmity dating back to the Cold War.


April 23, 2000 12:01 AM

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been corrupted.


I remember when the F.B.I. was looked upon with respect and admiration.

From its founding…


Remember watching this T.V. series.

Yes, there was a time when no one questioned the integrity of the F.B.I..


I’m sure that there has to be more then a few skeleton’s in the F.B.I.’s closet over the course of it’s history.

Like wiretapping Martin Luther King and recording his wild sex life but Bobby Kennedy had to give approval, which he did.

And of course there was that since de-bunked rumor that Hoover liked to relax in fish-net stockings.

But Now…

From J.J. Sefton via Ace of Spades

….the sad and frightening truth has made itself plain; the FBI must be completely dismantled starting at the top and working down to a level that is the least politicized, if such a level exists. When the agencies and people that we have to trust to protect us from threats foreign and domestic become the threat themselves, then we are at a crisis point in the life of this nation. I always knew that human nature being what it is, you are always going to have some level of biases, political and otherwise wherever you go. But I always thought that people who we trust to enforce our laws and with national security would keep those biases in check in the carrying out of their duties. As the eight year Obama reign of error has shown, and now out in the open for all to see who have their eyes open (the Media notwithstanding), we have an inordinately large number of people who do not respect the Constitution because they are part of the political movement in the country that wants to destroy it, so abrogating that oath is no more serious to them than stepping on an insect. In fact, between the media, academia and government itself, those who are the true believers in this movement and even worse, those who are in it just for the money, actually do consider We The People as vermin to be eradicated, politically and physically. In light of this, as I have stated many times and has now been amply demonstrated by the attitudes displayed by petty technocrats and bureaucrats like Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Sally Yates and all the the rest, heads have got to roll, figuratively if not literally.

America is under threat as never before because her enemies are the very people and organizations that were supposed to protect her.

The Sheep dog has morphed into an EVIL fox.

It’s going to be a wild ride!




A Cold Civil War…So far.

I remember from reading histories of the American Civil War that Abraham Lincoln was considered the devil incarnate by a good percentage of the population during his lifetime.

That’s hardly surprising considering what was going on in the country at the time.

I feel that America today to engaged in a “Cold Civil War”.  Whereas during the previous administration the mainstream media would piss their pants/panties like teenage girls at a Beatles concert whenever the light bringer gave them the privilege of basking in his radiant omniscience.

They had expected with unwavering certainty that with the election of the “smartest woman on the planet” She would finish the job of transforming the country into the socialist paradise they had all envisioned since college.

But on Nov. 7th 2016 came that kick in the groin they never saw coming.

With the election last year of President Trump the media’s world had been turned on its head and immediately  the mission changed to seek and destroy.

For over a year the democrats and their media overlords have been trying to bring down Trump. President Trump not only has the democrats and the media gunning for his scalp, he also has numerous  backstabbers from his own party.

In addition its come to light that during the eight years of the previous administration; law enforcement, the intelligence community, and the Internal Revenue Service were corrupted beyond recognition, and took sides.

There is a movie out about the Washington Post during journalism’s glory days publishing the top secret  Pentagon Papers. 

When I view that movie trailer I’m struck at how sanctimonious  they all sound.

Today the media has a political scandal right before their eyes that dwarfs Watergate.

But because the cesspool of corruption resides in the democrat party that 93% of journalist pledge their allegiance and money, the news is twisted, distorted, spun or just plain ignored.

America is at crossroads.

As of this writing the Federal Government is shut down, a shut down caused by the democrats who have chosen to force the country to accept over 800,000 dreamers who are here illegally over the hopes and dreams of young American citizens.

They want all of America to be California. And in California there is one party rule.  As  they used to say “as California goes so goes the country”.


But things today are not going exactly the democrats way.

Because in Nov. 2016 against all odds Trump was elected and our country may still have a chance of not falling into the abyss.





I miss Calvin and hobbes

For most Republicans and conservatives to be justly accused of hypocrisy is a stain on ones character.

For Democrats, Progressives, Socialist, Communist, it’s just one more tool to use.  













Today is Martin Luther King day!

Dr. Martin Luther King is an embarrassment to the radical left today.

Dr. Martin Luther King is an embarrassment to the race baiters.

 the last thing the left wants is racial harmony.

What Martin Luther King stood for is anathema to left today.

Because everything is racist now.

Martin Luther Kings dream will be sent to the dustbin of history.

Just remember “white people” ,everything and anything you do is “Racist“.

An addendum to yesterday’s post

From the Washington Times.

‘Gender  studies coordinator denounces ‘logic of meritocracy’, as fundamentally ‘racist’

A Short essay from Andrew Klavan

Of crudness and Truth.

No person of importance on the right seeks to silence anyone on the left. The Left, on the other hand, is broadly committed to ostracizing, blacklisting, and even criminalizing right-wing speech.

Enter President Donald Trump. He is a rude and crude person. He speaks like a Queens real estate guy on a construction site. And because he does not have good manners, he thoughtlessly breaks the rules with which the Left has sought to muzzle those who disagree with them. In this regard, I frequently compare Trump to Randle Patrick McMurphy, the loudmouthed, ill-mannered roustabout from Ken Kesey’s brilliant novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. McMurphy comes into an insane asylum controlled by a pleasant, smiling nightmare of a head nurse named Ratched. Nurse Ratched, while pretending to be the soul of motherly care, is actually a castrating, silencing tyrant. Her rules of good manners, supposedly fashioned for the benefit of all, are really a system of mental slavery. All of McMurphy’s salient character flaws suddenly become heroic in the context of her oppression. Only his belligerent ignorance of what constitutes good behavior can overturn the velvet strangulation of her rule.

For Nurse Ratched, read Hillary Clinton, CNN, the New York Times, Yale University, Twitter, and Google/YouTube—all the tender ministers of polite silence and enforced dishonesty. If Donald Trump’s boorishness crashes like a bull through the crystal madhouse of their leftism—well, good. It’s about time.


Read the whole thing.  The left is Insane!


Pink Pussy hats are now politically incorrect.

A woman wearing pink pussy protest hat poses for a photograph during the Women's March on Washington, following the inauguration of U.S. President Donald Trump, in Washington, DC, U.S. January 21, 2017. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

And why you might ask?


First, the hats are allegedly transphobic because they ignore transgender women who don’t have vaginas — otherwise known as men who identify as women but choose not to have transitional surgery.


“The Pink P*ssy Hat reinforces the notion that woman = vagina and vagina = woman, and both of these are incorrect,” the group claims.

Furthermore, the group considers the hats to be racist because they assume that all vaginas are pink, which is “white-focused and Eurocentric.”

“Therefore, we ask that march goers refrain from wearing this hat and instead, pick an alternative headwear that focuses on collective women’s liberation for ALL women: transgender women, multinational women, disabled women, queer women — the most marginalized,” the Pensacola Women’s March concludes.

The comments on the post quickly turned cannibalistic, as the more progressive members on the page shamed the women who refused to comply with the ban on the pussy hats.


To disavow the struggle that trans people face under the system is a slap in the face of every person who supports the movement for equality,” Marissa McCaskill claimed. “I am heartbroken for our trans and queer community who are having to see the vile that is being spewed right now. Fuck your pussy hats.

You just can’t make this stuff up

Here’s an observation from “Ace”

I can’t wait for the hats that have huge woolen dongs dangling off the foreheads.











Yes, just where are the “Pussy Hats” now.

Remember scenes like this during President Trumps inauguration.

Mother to daughter: Remember honey,  we’re fighting for our right to suck unwanted babies from our wombs. Consider yourself lucky.

This was of course a protest against the election of Donald Trump.

Back in January, thousands of women gathered in major cities to express their anger toward newly sworn-in President Donald Trump. Among their many complaints was that Trump had been accused of sexual impropriety, and that the nation had elected a man who once referred to “grabbing” women “by the pussy.”

Of  course this was before this ardent supporter of women’s rights, a huge monetary backer of Hillary Clinton and progressive causes made national headlines as a sexual predator that everyone in Hollywood apparently knew about for a very long time.

And from that the floodgates opened.

Now we have the current protests In Iran.

So where are the Pussy hats now?


Paul Joseph Watson can explain it much better then me. 



American feminist with their “pussy hats” march in complete safety with the total approval of western media.

Sorry Iranian women. Trump backs your protest. which means we can’t. So put that hajib back on and like it.

Some year end stories from the local partisan press

Dec.27th Marijuana voted top Vt. story

“A friend with weed is a friend indeed “

Dec. 28th Vt. opioid deaths up nearly 160 percent

Was the opioid crises this bad before Obamacare?

Dec. 28th Vt. health mandate considered

You will be one with the collective.

I think we should definitely look at it. Just the basics of insurance say that if only the people who are going to put in an insurance claim are the ones who buy insurance then insurance rates will have to go way up,” said Ayer. “So it makes sense that we need to look at who isn’t signing up and why.”

Al Gobeille is the secretary of the Agency of Human Services. He shares the concern of the legislative leaders and he plans to monitor this situation very closely this winter.

“ This is one of those conversations where again the devil lives in the details — exactly what would it be, how would it work, and what would be the scenario if we didn’t do it, meaning is there is a really good reason to do it?” said Gobeille. “ That would have to be measured and weighed.”

And if it turns out that a number of Vermonters do drop their coverage, Gobeille said the Scott administration will consider backing a state individual mandate.

Having health insurance is a good idea. So good that it must be made MANDETORY!

Dec. 28th   Vt. economic outlook bleak without changes

Vermont will soon mandate that life must be fair

“To get the trend lines moving in the right direction, we need to flip our thinking,” Cillo said. “We need to start with the premise that addressing the needs of workers and families is the way to a stronger economy, not than the other way around.” 

Cillo said the root cause of economic failure on state and individual levels was an economic model that was unfair, unjust and needs to be radically amended. 

“Income inequality dampens economic growth, reduces upward mobility and increases poverty,” Cillo said. “We can increase affordable child care, ensure a higher minimum wage, and reduce barriers to education and employment. Addressing the problems documented in this report will improve life for all Vermonters.” 

Our legislature should look to Venezuela for inspiration.

Vermont is screwed.

Comrades Bernie and de Blasio cruise the underground

Well, we still have a ways to go before we can catch up to California.