Pandemic hysteria

Sometimes the cure can be as bad as the disease.

We know that flaming libs believe in their innate sense of superiority over anyone who might not agree with their ‘progressive’ ideology.  This is shone in when it comes to the wearing of face masks. In settings where wearing a mask would not be necessary, such as walking outdoors or driving alone in their car (I’ve seen them), they will still be wearing their masks. It could be a deep fear of contracting the virus, but for many, it’s virtue signaling pure and simple. They’re afraid people might mistake them for Republicans.


There is no denying that contracting COVID can get you very sick and in many cases can prove fatal, but the collateral damage this pandemic and its politicization have caused to the psyche of young skulls full of mush could well be as bad as the disease itself. 


And Libs it seems are coming to that realization too.



The State of Vermont has informed me…

That it’s time for my booster.

Now I was vaccinated last Spring to be able to board an airplane.

I have had a flu shot.

The latest Omicron strain seems to be hitting the fully vaccinated.

I’m planning to fly again this Spring. If they require it to fly, I’ll have to consider it.

But it gives one pause.


Via Salty Cracker.


Time to re-open the schools?

Personally I would like to see every government socialist indoctrination center closed permanently. Give parants real school choice. The money that people are forced to pay for public schools via property taxes should be instead given back to parants to allow them to obtain the tools to homeschool their children or to enroll in private/ parochial schools.

Public school teachers today are nothing more then Political Commissars. Education (reading, writing, and arithmatic) gave way long ago to (Marxist) indoctrination.

But be that as it may, it looks more and more that the schools, like the ecomony never needed to be shut down in the first place.