Month: January 2017

Small changes are coming.

Hello from deepredpond.

Yes, it has been awhile since I have posted anything.  But due to circumstances beyond my control I just haven’t had the time to do it. And it’s certainly not for lack of interesting events to comment on.  is changing to . This small change of address will allow my site to utilize the “disqus”  plugin that will make commenting much easier to the perhaps less then a dozen people who take the time to read my little blog.

So, no I’m not quitting. Just on a hopefully short hiatus.

Keep watching.



Tomorrow will be a new day.

Trump becomes President in a nation perhaps more divided now then at anytime since 1861.

Ironic that the democrat party, once the party of slavery and Jim Crow and now the party of “progressivism” which is a nice way of saying socialist/slash communist is playing the same role as the confederates in 1861.

My hopes and prayers are with him. It will be a fight from the moment he is sworn in.

I’m thankful I’ve lived to see this day. But it’s only the beginning.

He had a dream.

Sunday Jan. 15th was Martin Luther King’s birthday. Had a bullet from Democrat James Earl Ray not cut down the Republican Martin Luther King in 1967 the history of our nation would have been radically  different.  If King were still alive he would have been 87. Well within the possibility that he would still be with us today.

What would Dr. King think of how those who stood with him all those years ago,  men like the Rev.  Jessie Jackson,  and Rep. John Lewis?  They became democrats.  They same party that was responsible for Jim Crow and the KKK.

What would Dr. King think of  Narcissist in Chief  Obama?  One can only speculate.

Dr. King didn’t live long enough to witness the full effects that LBJ’s “Great Society”  would have on the black family. Like most utopian dreams it came with loads of good intentions  that always eventually pave the road to hell.

Blacks were once shackled at the wrists and ankles by democrats. Now they’re shackled at the mind. After fifty years of a “war on poverty” and eight years of our first black president, (at least on the outside) race relations in America are worse then ever.  And a lot of black people are thoroughly content to stay on the democrat plantation.  Because excuses are much easier then doing the hard work that can bring success.

The Democrat Party requires dependent people. That’s why they are given a lousy education in schools run by democrat teachers unions.

In Democrat run cities like Chicago blacks are killing each other in record numbers. Planned Parenthood is doing its part too.

Men like Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas,  Mr.  Lloyd Marcus  ,  Milwaukee county sheriff David A.  Clarke Jr.  Col. Allen West, Sen. Tim Scott. and women like Rep. Mia Love and Condoleezza Rice represent who Dr. King had in mind as people “judged not by the color of their skin but the content of their character”. These people are accused by black democrats and the left as being “Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemima’s” but they represent the greatest threat to the left’s socialist agenda.

Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, John Lewis and the congressional black caucus long ago submitted to their old masters the democrat party in exchange for wealth and power

It’s much easer to sit around and bitch then do the work of trying to improve the lives of your people.


The Democrats just pay you lip service Martin.  But you are sorely missed.

All hail the People’s Cube.


From The People’s Cube.

The Peoples cube was recently deleted from Wikipedia. Don’t donate to Wikipedia. Let George Soros foot the bill.


So, a young son of the al-Blogunov tribe no sooner brings his university level komsomol government text home than I open it to ensure compliance with Party™ Doctrine and the Current Truth™.

Imagine my joy when I saw the commentary on the Second Amendment which corrects the erring views of the Founders with this much more progressive insight. First they quote the Second Amendment…

“Amendment II. (Militia and the Right to Bear Arms)

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
…and then they offer the korrekt interpretation of it…

“To protect itself, each state has the right to maintain a volunteer armed force. States and the federal government regulate the possession and use of firearms by individuals.”
It could hardly get any better than that, especially in its infallible progressive logic. You see, the states protect themselves by prostrating themselves before a federal government which regulates the means by which citizens of the states may arm themselves! This is exactly what “shall not be infringed” means in a living document.

Read it all and please check out the entire site.

I wondered when this would start.

I’ve written before about the paradox of Vermont being a deep, deep  blue  state, yet when it comes to gun control, in Vermont it has meant a steady aim on the target.

But of course democrats in Vermont can’t stand idly by and watch our sister blue states Massachusetts and Connecticut slap restrictions on law abiding people and  gun owners.

A group called “Gun Sense Vermont” is pushing for Universal background checks before anyone can purchase a firearm.

Gun Sense President Ann Braden said “Vermont’s current laws are simply not doing enough to protect Vermonters”.

I believe most Vermonters are able to protect themselves.

From the Times Argus

Putney Rep. Mike Mrowicki called Vermont “a place of great hope” as he called for action.
“I’m here to hold on to that hope and also hold out that hope to you. It may not be today or this year or next year, but we are going to pass this bill,” Mrowicki said. “Hopefully, that will happen before the next shooting of the week comes to Vermont. We will get these common-sense laws that reflect life in the 21st century and common sense and the common good.”
Mrowicki acknowledged that Vermont is a safer state than most. But he pointed to the 2015 slaying of a state social worker and the scourge of drugs as reasons to try and prevent guns from falling into the hands of those who should not have them.
“I can’t guarantee any law will work 100 percent of the time, but I can share that if this bill saves even one life, it is worth it, especially if that’s the life of a child and more so if that child is mine or yours,” he said.
Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman, a Progressive and Democrat, reiterated his support for universal background checks as he called for civility and understanding in the continuing debate.

Lt. Gov. Zuckerman is patiently waiting his turn.

But maybe for the sake of argument universal background checks would be a good thing.

After all the State is in the middle of a drug scourge.  And Vermont is becoming more diverse. More African-Americans and middle eastern refugees are coming to the state.

Is this the reason for wanting  background checks?

Background checks, sounds so benign. But Progressives  must progress.

In my opinion I thought that gun control would be the 3rd rail of Vermont politics. So far it is for now. Even Libs who live on back country roads know that there are critters out there, both the four and two legged kind that may require maximum resistance. Especially when law enforcement may be a long way off.

A New York Man and his Son at their summer place in Vt.  once had a visit from the infamous  boys from Chelsea .

He showed them his Glock.  They ran away.  Later dug graves were found in the back of the building. Meant for the Man and his Son.

Thankfully not all Vermont democrats have lost their independence .

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Sears, D-Bennington, said he sees only a “slim” chance that a universal background checks bill will become law. The conditions that scuttled it two years ago, including his own opposition, remain in place, he said.
“I don’t see any difference. The fact remains that Vermont, according to the FBI, is the safest state in the nation in terms of violent crime. We have a lot of problems that we have to deal with in Vermont on a criminal justice basis, and I think that preventing violence is one of the most important things we could do, and I’m not sure that this bill would do that,” Sears said. “My committee is still made up of the same five members that we had two years ago, and there are at least three votes in the committee against it, including my own.”

Vermont is unique in one way, a pro 2nd Amendment blue state. For now. At least until it’s Zuck’s turn.

This is why I can’t listen to Bruce Springsteen

I was once a big fan,  I listened to his music, I bought his albums.  But I can no longer listen, when a song of his comes on the radio I change the station. Why?  The man hates my  guts.

I voted for Trump.

Our paths diverged. He became a mega-rock star, has earned his multi-millions. his mansions. He’s able to by the best horses for his equestrian daughter.

He produce a product that people wanted to buy. Thanks to good old capitalism.

He puts on quite a show. No doubt that he works very hard at it, especially that “working mans” schtick .  Coming on stage like  he just left the construction site.  If from what I can recall about his biography I believe that this would have been his fate, joining a construction union and wearing a hardhat until you retire with no doubt a very nice pension.

But musical talent intervened.  Not just a rock star but Bob Dylan on steroids. Blue collar roots but hasn’t been blue collar for a long, long time.  Like a king walking in disquise among his peasants he hasn’t experience any economic hardship for a very long time.

My natural talents did not take me as far. Though I’m very thankful for what I have received.

Bruce Springsteen along with quite a few other rock stars (Springsteen is not the only one I personally boycott)  do not like the fact that Donald Trump is going to be our next President.

America’s heartland voted for him Bruce. What you think of Trump is what you think of them. Nice to Know how you really feel.

Ageing rock stars have been dropping like flies lately.  There will certain ones I will not mourn.

Well it’s 2017 and here they come ready or not

Lets start off the new year with this interesting post from American thinker commenting on this story from the old grey lady herself the New York Times.

Welcome to Rutland.

It was one of many preparations this remote city in central Vermont is making before 100 refugees from Syria and Iraq arrive here over the next year, with the first expected to come later this month.

The plan’s fiercest advocate has been the mayor of Rutland, Christopher Louras, who has cited not the moral argument for resettling refugees, but an economic one: This shrinking city, long removed from its heyday as a marble producer and regional railroad hub, needs every new resident it can get. Syrian refugees, he has said, are an opportunity
“Rutland’s demographic condition right now is not just one of a declining population, but it’s also a graying population,” said Mr. Louras, who became the mayor about 10 years ago as a Republican, but has since become an independent. “We need people,” he added

Vermont has a declining and aging population. Gee it wasn’t that long ago when everyone was worried about overpopulation. Not long ago at all when you read article after article  here, here, and here,  here overpopulation was a very bad thing.  Sir Paul McCartney even  wrote a song about it.

So after years of  liberals preaching about the evils of overpopulation. Creating an economy  where people can’t find good paying jobs, the result of high taxes and overregulation. Turning the State of Vermont into the most carbon neutral of all fifty states. Creating a secular society where certain “mistakes” can be corrected by a trip to planed parenthood. Where  public education has morphed in indoctrination, and opiate addiction has become an epidemic. Apparently local businesses can’t find enough decent employees.  We just have too many old white people.

So Vermont, like the “progressive” countries of Sweden, England an Germany are going to import diversity, which means that they do not have to assimilate to there new home. You better assimilate to them.  And the people who brought this about are more then likely not going to be living anywhere near them.

Ah diversity

I can see empty churches becoming mosques. with minarets to call to prayer

I assume schools and employers will provide pray rooms.

The local girls will find the Muslim boys fascinating.  I know it’s winter girls but make sure your covered from head to toe this summer also.

It’s going to be a very interesting year in Rutland Vt. in 2017.