Ace High Flyer

It’s been awhile…

Since we’ve had a commentary from “Ace High Flyer”

The things we missed out on in school.

“CRT’s message to white students: You are unacceptable the way you are. Your self-image is flawed and must be re-constructed to one that acknowledges and accepts your white privilege, racist proclivities, and role in perpetuating a corrupt and discriminatory system. The school will dutifully train you to redefine yourself into a person that aligns with its collectivist ideology.”


“For everyone else, CRT casts you as a perpetual victim to white bigots in a fundamentally racist state. You must accept that, no matter how hard you try, the system is rigged against you. You will never be allowed to realize your full potential. Again, public educational institutions will help you to re-imagine yourself as a forever victim of white oppression.”


Critical race theory instead of critical thinking theory. The soft bigotry of low expectations.  MLK is rolling over in his tomb.



Some commentary from…

Ace High Flyer 




Remember when Georgia changed their voting laws, and the MBA moved the all-star game to Denver?  And Delta, Coke and others called it Jim Crow 2 for creating voter suppression?

The results are in Georgia just had 3 TIMES the voter participation since the law was enacted!

EAT SHIT WOKERS!  I’ll just be sitting here waiting for an apology.



In Japan, Joe said the high gas prices are intentional as we are going through the “transition” away from fossil fuels.  Unfortunately, he left out the part of this being a twenty-year process that the USA will not survive to see the end of it.

John Kerry is in Davos saying how wonderful the transition is.

People need to stand up and identify the climate hoax for what it is or surrender to the destruction of modern society.   AOC’s manager was fired for stating the truth.  The green new deal is not about the climate, it is about political power

Lets hear what “Ace” has to say.

FAA Updates Drone Rules to Allow Devices to Fly Over ...

This may sound wierd, but I’d like to see $8 gas a gallon this summer.  It was $2 under Trump, and the first thing the vegetable did was cancel the Keystone pipeline and restrict drilling.  Then when his own left starts complaining, he can say, “What did you expect?  You knew this green new deal would hurt, now shut up and take your medicin like the good little usefull idiots you are!”
Kind of like an addict needing to hit rock bottom before being able to see the error of their ways.

But Ace, that’s part of the plan to make us drive electric cars.

Am I the only one amused by the idea of an electric car ...

.Volkswagon recently went crosscountry with their new electric car. It took only 18 days, Not bad if you have plenty of time to kill. An ecouragement to take a train?

If gas does go through the roof (and of that I have no doubt) It may well be more economical to go electric, and perhaps you’ll be able to find a “free” charging station, but that won’t last. Nothing is ever free. Some of us can recall when they said nuclear power would be too cheap to meter. But energy has to come from somewhere, and nuclear power doesen’t create those bad emissions that the greenies are terrified about.

But lets cut to the chase, Our Leftist Overlords want to force as many people back into mass transit as possibe either by the carrot or ultimatly (and it will happen) the big stick. They can’t have the Masses just going places on their own whenever they feel like it.

Besides, Highways are Racist. Especially in deep blue L.A.

Commentary from Ace Highflyer

The Physics of How Drones Fly | WIRED

Did you hear that U-Tube may stop publicly showing how many likes vs. dis-likes videos have? The reason is ALL Biden and Harris videos OVERWHELMINGLY have dislike numbers hugely higher than likes. They even showed a case where the dislikes were 10,000 at 3pm, but at 7pm there were only 3,100 dislikes. Just like the election counting.

Via The Peoples Cube. Pick your poison America.

Guest Commentary…

from: Ace highflyer

How High Can A Drone Fly? | Featuring 10 High Altitude ...

I fail to understand the black’s blind support for democrats.  So ten people were shot in a Colorado gracery store, and the media goes wild.  How come blacks don’t say “Wait a minute this has been happening in Chicago every week-end for YEARS, and no one seems to mind?”
Also, how could Kamaltoe Harris set up an on line discussion regarding respecting women, and not foresee the firestorm that errupts when she chooses Bil Clinton to be her co-host?  Must be Jeffery Epsien was unavailable.

And in addition.

Why don’t these southern border invaders listen to the main stream media?   “America sucks!  everyone in America is a racist, American’s hate minorities.”
The MSM is failing in convincing central America how much America sucks.
Or maybe, the invaders have heard of “Free Stuff”.
Its Trump’s fault, that is obvious.

From Ace Highflyer

Did you see where about a dozen senators, ALL democrat are asking to have Biden give up his nuclear football? Yea sure they love him. I still say if they try to use the 25th amendment on him all Republicans should vote NO. Force the dems to look even stupider than they already are. Does a president have to hold his own drool cup, or is that an official cabinet position? Asking for a friend.

Imagine if Trump did this. Does Biden get a pass because he has dementia?

And now a word from Ace Highflyer

Funny how twitter cancels only conservatives.  There is a flood of “Hate Rush” tweets right now, and funny, NONE are removed or even have the disclaimer.

This one commenter had it right:
Rush Limbaugh spent his life exposing Democrats for who and what they are and that exposé continues even after his death.

Ace Highflyer

Hate is the only emotion that leftist, Marxist, and Democrats (but I repeat myself) have that gives them any reason to exist. It’s a drug that they have to shoot up everyday.


Commentary from Ace Highflyer.

2021 is a year for personal growth.  Why just last week I learned I am a white supremist, and a domestic terrorist.  I’m sure Kate Couric has my personal e-mail address and will tell me the details of the first zoom meeting for my deprogramming.  I am so excited!  Soon I will understand all about the genders beyond two that I was not taught in school.  I hope it includes training on our new offical language, Spanish.
Ace Highflyer


More Commentary from Ace Highflyer

I read way too much on line political opinion.  One thing I’m seeing is a thread regarding Biden taking office.  These clueless libs think that after Trump is gone, and the social media silences the conservatives, that the country will come together.  I see it differently.
First of all the number of pissed off conservatives is not 74 million as the libs claim.  That is simply the number of trump voters.  People don’t vote for all kinds of reasons, but the huge conservative swath of the country contains around 150 million pissed off people.  It was a coup.  For some reason the libs think we are going to forget about it and go along.  I say eat shit and die.
Already Biden is promising open borders, a cancelled Keystone pipeline, and that Green new deal crap.  Normal people hate that shit.  Talk about a bubble, and now even Katy Curic is talking about re-educating Trump supporters.
Trump being gone, even if he stays silent will not change my hate for these OPEN criminals that are hell bent on destroying America.
Did you hear about the National Guard being “Vetted” to see if there will be any internal threats?  Great look President Biden, being afraid of YOUR OWN troops!
Ace Highflyer

Some Commentary Fron Guest Blogger…

Ace High flyer

I understand politicians pandering to lrage groups to get votes. But with Nancy pandering to the transgenders, how large exactly is this group? What if it is 0.02% of the population? Now suppose that 50% of these have fully supportive parents. That means Nancy is potentially pissing off 99.99% of the population so that she can be “Inclusive”

P.S. How many people in Georgia tonight have NOT decided who they are voting for? As hard as this last minute push is, it must be in the millions.