Month: July 2021

Is a long dark curtain decending on America?

It certainly looks that way.

Better Bachelor is a “Mgtow” (Men Going Their Own Way) site. It’s run by a guy who goes by the moniker “Joker”. The main focus of his site is educating men to steer clear of the dumpster fire that relations between men and women has become over the last twenty years.

The reason being is the collapse of societal norms that had existed for millennia, and the cause of this collapse has been the marriage of radical 4th wave feminism, and cultural Marxism.

Google, which owns “youtube” is totally on board. With it’s massive control of social media and being a privete corporation it has the power to regulate and censor any speech or video that goes against their political agenda. This also includes “twitter” and “facebook”.

A Marxist revolution turned on its head. Totally controled by an elitist billionaire class committed to crushing the middle class and our God given freedoms. (Well, they’re atheist, so that makes it all the easier.)

As “Joker” explanes…

It’s not about “saving the planet”

And they’re not trying to hide it either.

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This is what the”Green New Deal” is meant to accomplish.

Eliminate nuclear energy. The GND also calls for eliminating all nuclear power, one of the only productive and somewhat affordable “clean” energy sources available to us, in 11 years. This move would purge around 20 percent of American energy generation so you can rely on intermittent wind for your energy needs.

“Climate Change”,”Black Lives Matter”, “Critical Race Theory”; it’s all part of “The Great Reset”.

The Marxist Left has been working toward this for the last 70 years. Their:”Long March Through the Institutions” , academia, (including K-12), media, culture, and government; especially in the FBI, is complete, and that their final victory of “a boot stamped on a human face…forever” is within their grasp.

And having the “block of wood” they installed (it was a coup) as President only makes the job easier.

Time for more Zeducation

Now that I’ve seen the light, I wish to sincerly apologize to any restaurant wait staff I that in the past I left tips too.

Pravada and Izvestia

Pravada (truth) and Izvestia (news) were two propagander organs that masqueraded as newspapers in the old Soviet Union.

Soviet citizens had a saying

“There is no news in Pravda and no truth in Izvestia”.

I would contend that the New York Times and The Washington Post are the present contemporaries of those infamous broadsheets.

And practically all other major newspapers in the country follow their lead, all the way down to your local newspaper.

Of course it’s not just the dead tree media (a misnomer, as news’papers’ have given way to digital media). All broadcast media is exactly the same, even Fox news hasn’t escaped the progressive infection.

Fortunateley Fox news still retains a conservative group of journalist that still refuses to bend the knee to progressivism. People like Hannity, Carlson, Gutfeld, & Jeanine Pirro and others.

I’m sure there are certain Fox executives and journalist are gnashing their teeth, but if the idea of a business is to earn profit from advertising, and what you can charge for commerical time depends on ratings (viewership). Fox is #1 ! Surprise, suprise.

Monday Memes

Haven’t done a memes post for awhile

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I remember my teachers of long ago.
Simpler times

Back in the day, when boys were boys, and girls were girls. The morning always started with the pledge of allegence. We were taught reading, writing, arithmetic, civics, social studies, and U.S. history.

I had an aunt who was a teacher. She taught in a one room schoolhouse, grades 1-8. She was proud of her profession. If she were alive today I know that she would be appalled.

Begining in late sixties the teachers who had been on the job since the end of WW2 were starting to retire. Young replacements started to arrive from the teachers colleges and the progressive’s long march through the education institutions commenced. I had previously written about this back on March 28th 2016 in one of my first posts.

The teachers unions whose main focus was once teachers salary, benifits, and working conditions fully embraced liberal political activism. Additionally Progressives have run and have been elected to schoolboards across the country and now feel empowered to hurl obscenities at parents and have them arrested for voicing opposition to progressive ideologies such as Critical Race Theory and, least we forget; climate change.

Climate change… another corruption of science used for instilling fear in the youth in order to advance a political agenda. Remember the student climate strikes of two years ago which were worldwide. Spured on by teachers and professors who abandoned the idea of critical thinking. And in order to save the planet the solution they want to impose is the eradication of capitalism in favor of top down socialism/communism.

And don’t get me started with the Black Lives Matter organization. Black lives are the last thing they care about. It’s only a another front group whose purpose is to rip America apart. It sickens me to think that its flag flies at nearly every High School in this State.

Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.V. Lenin

The “teachers” in our government run schools have become political commissars. Too add insult to injury we the taxpayers are even forced to pay for it.

So how is the “teaching” profession doing when it comes to math and science. Well mostly they suck. Subjects like math and science require critical thinking and we know thats not allowed. High School and College students have been dumbed down on purpose because it makes them so easy to manipulate.

The sad part is that what is happing in our country today has been predicted for at least the last eighty years.

The teaching professsion along with journalism has thrown away objective truth in favor of Marxist ideology. The country’s direction hangs in the balance.

I’m glad I’m old.