Month: January 2019

San Francisco has something North Korea desperately needs


Who says North Korea doesn’t take crap from its citizens.

100kg (220lbs) A DAY!

The North Korean government has decreed that every able-bodied citizen must turn in 100 kg (220 lbs) of human manure a day to be used for fertilizer, to bolster the agricultural sector.

Leader Kim Jong Un announced in his New Year’s address that the agricultural front would be the primary instrument for economic reconstruction…

North Korea has used human excrement as fertilizer for its agriculture for some time. Ever since South Korea cut off shipments of chemical fertilizer in retaliation for the sinking of a South Korean Navy ship in 2010.

Using human turds as fertilizer does have certain consequences  to peoples health as the world found out when this guy managed to escape.  

But  the City of San Francisco has something that North Korea needs, and has in abundance…

Now if the City of San Francisco could provide the proper bags, something that would meet all requirements for export to North Korea. Something much better then this. and place them on streetlamp poles and bus stops throughout the city.  If fat bastard in North Korea is willing to take shit from San Francisco…Why not.

“Now inquiring  minds want to know.” 

Why is San Francisco … covered in human feces?

It’s an empirical fact: San Francisco is a crappier place to live these days. Sightings of human feces on the sidewalks are now a regular occurrence; over the past 10 years, complaints about human waste have increased 400%. People now call the city 65 times a day to report poop, and there have been 14,597 calls in 2018 alone. Last year, software engineer Jenn Wong even created a poop map of San Francisco, showing the concentration of incidents across the city. New mayor London Breed said: “There is more feces on the sidewalks than I’ve ever seen growing up here.” In a revolting recent incident, a 20lb bag of fecal waste showed up on a street in the city’s Tenderloin district….

The article comes from of all places The Guardian , a very very left of center newspaper  in Great Britain. the author e homeless,  why doesn’t the city simply build houses and the inequality between rich and poor.

What he fails to mention of course is that San Francisco, like many American cities have been ruled for “decades” by an increasingly left Democratic party. The last Republican Mayor was in 1964.

Like stepping in “shit”, keep voting democrat assholes. I have no sympathy for you.

But at least they give you a map.





Of course now the “pussy hat” that was worn with pride only two years ago. Produced in the thousands they became symbolic of the protest against President Trump, is today banned because it’s now RACIST and TRANSPHOBIC!

Yet a person wearing a “MAGA” hat would never think of getting in the face of anyone who would wear a “PUSSY” hat. 

 “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. ”                        Attributed to Voltaire.

Voltaire never encountered Social Justice Warriors.

Trigger Warning:




Congressmen Welch and Doublethink.

“The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them….To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.”
   — George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

A typical liberal drone.

We’ve got problems in Washington now, and it’s serious,” Welch said. “The problem here is really a symptom of the new development that I haven’t seen since I’ve been in Washington, and that’s a breakdown of norms.

“Whatever your point of view is, whatever the law is, I think most of us know that what really guides our behavior is not whether we’re following the letter of the law or the rules of the road, it’s a common, shared sensibility about parameters and limits and expectations, and that is what’s under assault now: respect for institutions, respect for the rule of law, respect for the role of the press and the restraint in the use of political tactics.

Peter Welch has been Vermont’s Congressmen since 2007. During two Obama administrations the I.R.S. the F.B.I. the C.I.A. and the D.O.J.. were thoroughly corrupted . The I.R.S was weaponized to harass conservative groups trying to comply with tax regulations. Lois Lerner should be in jail but she but she escaped scot free.

The F.B.I.  and C.I.A. became close to the American version of of the N.K.V.Dthe sword and shield of the Communist  Democrat party .  They attempted to bring down a duly elected President  on bogus evidence provided by the Clinton campaign.  And Hillary Clinton, remember her illegal server and her involvement in the Uranium One.  Then F.B.I. director James Comey gave her a pass then raided the home of the whistleblower in the latter. Now from the D.O J. we have“straight shooter” Robert Mueller taking Lavrentiy Beria to heart,  “show me the man and I’ll find you the crime”.

After two years Robert Mueller has yet to find any evidence of any “Russian collusion” it should be apparent to anyone with half a brain that this witch hunt is nothing but a diversion to hid the crimes of the F.B.I., Hillary Clinton, all the way up to Obama himself.

And if anyone has been “colluding” with Russians and before the Soviets for decades it has been Democrats.

Apparently the assault on our “institutions” and the total disrespect for “the rule of law” during this time period was not any reason for concern for Congressman Welch. Why? You might ask. Because it was the institutions themselves doing the assaulting on President Donald Trump himself.

Today “Federal Laws” are being routinely ignored by State and local officials and actively impeding the enforcement of those laws by refusing to cooperate with federal I.C.E. agents. 

So what was that again about the “rule of law” Peter?

Moving on…

Now we discover who the people Congressman Welch seems to care about the most.

Federal workers…

Welch said he found the effect on federal workers “very, very disturbing” because people were unable to pay for child care costs, rent or student loans.

“That’s real, and the idea that anybody in Washington, including the president, would be so cavalier about the human impact for people who are trying to make their way upsets me a lot,” Welch said.

Tell me Congressman Welch did you ever give a rats ass when in the middle of Obama’s eight years in office the unemployment rate was 14.7%. This of course included the  “U6” Number which the media tried very hard not to mention during his administration. More people are earning paychecks today (from the private sector) then are not getting them from the government during this shutdown. 

People working for government be it Federal or state have far more perks and benefits then anyone working in the private sector has.  And when this shutdown is over all federal employees will be reimbursed for back wages.  If Democrats really cared for the “hardships” these people are facing give Trump the money for the wall and get your darlings back to work. So save me your crocodile tears.

Nancy Pelosi could end the shutdown today if She wanted to.

He said the larger issue — and subject for debate — was immigration, not just the border wall by itself.

Hey Congressman Welch, can I just walk into your property or private office without your permission? I bet you would behave Just like your boss.

I also believe that you or someone in your office would immediately call  SECURITY !!  Yea, security for the party apparatchiks, but not for our country’s borders.

And what about the lives  of thousands of people whose lives have been shattered, victims of crimes by illegal aliens. You don’t give a RATS ASS!

We have to start focusing on rural America and the middle-class challenges that are making it tough for people who are living with stagnant wages and rising expenses,” Welch said. “Those are structural issues in the economy that have to be addressed by Republicans, Democrats and independents. So, I want to get the shutdown behind us.

You must be referring to our State of Vermont where we have pay people a $10,000 incentive to move here.

Congressman Welch, in addition to being a master of “doublespeak” you are also member in good standing  in groupthink . the New York Times Tom Friedman thinks exactly like you.

Republicans get racked over the coals when we don’t live up to our principles. Democrats never have that problem. They don’t have any to live up too.




The Media is no doubt the enemy of the people.

There can be no more doubt in any sane persons mind.

They don’t even attempt to hid it anymore. 

Their (Don Lemon’s) hatred of Trump knows no bounds

Embedded video

And the most shocking aspect of this is that Chris Cuomo (on the right with that deer in the headlights look) of all people is the voice of sanity.

Delaying and censoring a speech by the President of the United States.

That an anchor for a ‘major’ news network would even suggest this shows the absolute CESSPOOL that “journalism is today.

Don may want to take Chris in for a little private talk in the nearest ‘men’s room.

Our country’s future is as precarious as any time since the Civil War.  And Civil War 2.0 may be closer then we care to think.

America as founded or Animal Farm. Which will it be?

  • It used to be the boast of free men that, so long as they kept within the bounds of the known law, there was no need to ask anybody’s permission or to obey anybody’s orders. It is doubtful whether any of us can make this claim today.”

Friedrich August von Hayek, (1899-1992)

  • All government is authoritarian; and the more democratic a government is the more authoritative it is; for with the people behind it, it can push authority further than any Tsar or foreign despot dare do.”George Bernard Shaw
  • “Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men (and women) in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.”
    Daniel Webster
  • “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”
    Ronald Reagan
  • “One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world are to be cured by legislation.”
    Thomas B. Reed
  • Where you find the laws most numerous, there you will find also the greatest injustice.”
    Arcesilaus, Greek philosopher and student of Plato
  • The plain fact is that education is itself a form of propaganda – a deliberate scheme to outfit the pupil, not with the capacity to weigh ideas, but with a simple appetite for gulping ideas ready-made. The aim is to make ‘good’ citizens, which is to say, docile and uninquisitive citizens.”
    H.L. Mencken
  • “As the old saying goes, ‘money is power’ and the more money the government takes, the more power it has over individuals.”
    Author Angela McGlowan
  • “There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism – by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.”
    Ayn Rand, in the L.A. Times on September 2, 1962

“Toxic Masculinity”, Oh Bernie say it ain’t so!

Bernie Sanders, Anti-Semite? | Power Line

Maybe your campaign staff were triggered by that old essay you wrote back in the day.

But really, You were not suppose to know.  

A group of former Bernie Sanders staffers are demanding a meeting with the Vermont senator and his “top political advisers” to discuss rampant “sexual violence” they say took place on the Sanders 2016 presidential campaign…

The ‘request’ was meant to be private but news of the letter leaked late last week.

Leaked…By who?


In recent weeks there has been an ongoing conversation on social media, in texts, and in person, about the untenable and dangerous dynamic that developed during our campaign,” the group wrote, adding that while similar issues arise on many campaigns, discrimination and harassment on Sanders’ campaign was particularly problematic given Sanders’ progressive platform and the “intense commitment” offered to his presidential effort from “women, people of color, and LGBT staffers.”

Here in “progressive” Vermont it came as quite a surprise

At home, Vermont political leaders were caught off-guard by the news of the complaint.

“This is the first I’m hearing of it,” said Senate Pro Tempore Tim Ashe on Monday. “I haven’t seen the letter. I didn’t know this was in the news until you just told me.

“My general feeling is that every person, male and female in the workplace, but especially men, and especially men in position of influence, should always conduct themselves with total integrity when it comes to workplace equity. But I say that not in specific reference to this situation because I don’t know anything about it, but just as a general matter,” Ashe added.

Ashe noted that a bill, H.707, passed by the Vermont Legislature in the last session strengthened protections against sexual harassment in the workplace.

“I believe that every person in every workplace should operate with total integrity when it comes to workplace equity …” Ashe said.

House Speaker Mitzi Johnson, D-Grand Isle-Chittenden, said she was also unaware of the Sanders’ campaign worker complaints.

“I don’t know anything about the letter or the allegations,” Johnson said. “I don’t know anything about it.

“I’m working incredibly hard to make sure that we really change the culture of Vermont’s State House, just in terms of preventing harassment and holding harassers accountable, but also in terms of a true balance of equality,”

But Bernie was totally unaware of this because at the time, you see He was a little bit busy.
Well lets see exactly what is “toxic masculinity” ?  Now I don’t doubt for a moment that it exist. Just look at all the “liberal” men that were swept up in the #metoo movement.

But lets turn back the clock.

 Back in the nineties This is what Author, journalist, adjunct professor of journalism at Columbia University Nina Burleigh had to say

 Burleigh offered to perform a sex act on President Clinton. Approached by a Washington Post media reporter to discuss the Mirabella article, Burleigh stated, “I would be happy to give him a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their Presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.”

Back in the day Democrats like Teddy Kennedy (who received a “tap on the wrist” from the State of Massachusetts for leaving young woman to slowly drown in his car) and Bill (serial rapist) Clinton had only to defend unrestricted abortion rights to be given total absolution from secular humanist feminist.

Which is why dozens and dozens of Democrat,  liberal, feminist, male celebrities like Matt Lauer and Harvey Weinstein, simply assumed that sexual favors from “adoring” women was simply there due.

Toxic masculinity indeed.

But now of course Just being a masculine man is considered toxic. 
But to the chagrin of the progressive social justice warriors it seems too many women prefer their men that way.
Now, feminists want to dismantle toxic masculinity, but ideology doesn’t always coincide with sexual preference. A feminist may say that she wants men to be less masculine, but still choose tall, dominant, aggressive men as sexual partners. The justification being that sex and politics are unrelated so she is entitled to date whoever she wants to date, even if it conflicts with her political beliefs.
The problem is that as long as women are still rewarding tall, masculine, aggressive men through sex and relationships, men will always want to be masculine. Toxic masculinity is simply the inevitable result of men competing with each other to satisfy women’s sexual preferences.
So as long as women prefer traditionally masculine men as sexual partners, this notion of toxic masculinity will never go away. Men will always seek to be dominant, aggressive, emotionless being if it means maximizing their sexual success.

Anyway Bernie has apologized. 

Perhaps If Bernie decides to run in 2020 he should purge all Toxic “white” males and see that their replaced with SJW certified non-toxic Black, Hispanic (both legal and illegal) and Muslim men. Well Bernie is Jewish in name only so maybe not Muslim men.

That should make all the women working in Bernie’s 2020 campaign happy, or at least this time they will keep there pretty mouths shut.  since these men are PC.




It looks like the Sun might be taking a break

“Ra” is planning to kick back for awhile. 

Of course here in the “Democrat Peoples Republic of Vermont” where a whole lot of people have drunk the climate change Kool-aid we’re not going to let little things like observational and historical data interfere with the crusade to save the planet and the utopia of “next Tuesday”.

Now if we could only get politics out of science Ms. Hanrahan

My three main takeaways from the AGU Fall Meeting were as follows: 1) Climate change is progressing faster than previously anticipated, 2) we are barreling toward a catastrophic future for all life on this planet, which can still be mitigated, but only if we act soon, and 3) there is growing frustration among scientists that our science is not being properly used for policy and decision making, largely because our message is getting lost in a sea of misinformation.

I’ve attended several AGU meetings over the years, and there has always been a sense of frustration about vocal skeptics who have been at least partially successful in their attempts to confuse the public about climate change. At last week’s meeting, however, this frustration was at the forefront…

Yes, yes… we are all doomed!!  The only thing that can save us is to bow down and let our Marxist  “progressive” elites  to save us from environmental catastrophe. 

“Inside every liberal is a totalitarian screaming to get out”

Inside the Progressive Mind
By N. A. Halkides
The Progressive believes in precisely two things:  his own magnificence and the constructive power of brute force.  In combination, they lead him naturally from the role of pestiferous busybody to brutal dictator.  Where the productive man dreams of the things he might create if only left alone by his fellows, the Progressive dreams of the world he could create if only the lives and property of his fellows were at his disposal.  The roots of his pathology lie in that oldest and most destructive of all human vices, the desire for the power to rule over other men….