Blue Collar Logic

More Blue Collar Logic

No one in their right mind is voting “for” Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

They’re voting against “Trump” because you know, “Orange Man Bad”.

Some more Blue collar Logic

Maybe some deranged SWJ will stumble on this, their heads will explode, and then tell all their fellow travellers about my blog. Then write hateful comments about what a racist SOB I am. At least then I would know someone I don’t know has taken the time to look at it.

An Amereican Civil War part duex? Which side will your daughter be on?

This is visibly manifest now, too. If you look at the makeup of a Black Lives Matter demonstration, many of the people there are not black at all. In fact, a recent piece noted that only one in six BLM supporters or members was actually African-American. A whole lot of them are white, college-educated, and Rush Limbaugh opined that probably half of them are college-educated white women.

RUSH: Grab audio sound bite number one. I’m gonna find as much evidence as I can. I’ve been trying to tell everybody: It’s white, Millennial, college-educated women that are actually promoting, running this whole Black Lives Matter movement. Not to say that Black Lives Matter doesn’t have its own leadership; it does. But they wouldn’t be halfway down the road they’re down if it weren’t for wealthy, white, Millennial, college-educated women — and here’s an example.

This is a video — well, the audio of it — of an unidentified reporter talking to a white Millennial woman who is simply yelling at black police officers in Washington’s Black Lives Matter Plaza. This woman is insanely angry. We’ve had to bleep the F-bomb out of what she was screaming. She’s obviously in her twenties or thirties, and she’s just livid, and she’s yelling at a line of black police officers…

Henry Rodgers@henryrodgersdc White woman yelling at black officers. This woman is BATSHIT!!!

…It’s a testament to what you can do with a skull full of mush — an uneducated, unflaked, and unformed human brain.

Sometimes you wonder what else college educated millennial white women see in testosterone filled black males? Did I just answer my own question? Well, since white male college students are now few and far between and they can’t understand why. Yea, right! No white male conservative millenial in his right mind would enroll or attend college today. Unless they’re masochist who enjoy humiliation. And the men who do attend college are nothing but Soy Boys.

Sexual attraction to go along with 10 years of political indoctrination. That’s as good a reason I can think of.

The Party of Hate !

And the Party of DEATH!

It’s unsettling to know that a great number of people in this country would not have a problem with millions of their fellow citizens dying of COVID-19 (not themselves of course) and the economy destroyed in exchange for a guarantee of Trump losing the election.

Old Nathaniel Grigsby knew what he was talking about.

And 130 years later nothing has changed.


The Economy is Paramount

Hey, all you old farts Boomers, remember way back in Jan. of 1961 watching with our parents the inauguration of JFK. and he spoke these words:

Oh, how times have changed.

America is a war, there will be losses, but if this situation goes on too long it’s possible that the country may be irrevocably changed and certainly not for the better. The economy has to be restarted. SOONER, NOT LATER !

Another Democrat President once said: The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself.

The Democrat Party then was not like the abomination it is now. But it can’t be denied that Roosevelt and Kennedy unwittinly planted the seeds and LBJ irrigated the weeds to a point were lust for power takes precedence over the well being of the nation.

Now let’s hear what Dave has to say.

Escape from New York City?

New York city is not only a massive petrie dish for COVID-19 but long before this outbreak occured its citizens had spread the virus of progressive liberalism all over New England. Vermont in particuliar.

A mass exodus from New York City? I wonder where they would go? To flyover country and live with the rubes and hillbillies who go to church and own guns?

That would be unnerving to say the least.