Month: February 2018

Now this I didn’t know.

The apple sure doesn’t fall far from the tree.

All right New Hampshire, here is your opportunity.


The son of former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has announced that he’s running for a congressional seat in New Hampshire.

Levi Sanders, 48, declared his candidacy for New Hampshire’s 1st Congressional District in a statement posted on his Facebook page.

“For over 17 years, I have represented the working class who have been beaten up by the system,” Sanders wrote.

There was obviously no teenage rebellion here. Like father like Son.

Perhaps the start of a family political dynasty.

Bernie owns three homes and never earned a “private” paycheck in his life.

A working class hero is something to be.

Millionaires both.

So it’s finally happening here.

Fortunatly someone acted on information.

“The day will be coming much more sooner than previously thought,” the journal said. “I’ve realized the huge importance of being able to kill the kids that I actually know vs. waiting a year or so until they’re all gone. I’m aiming to kill as many as I can but it’d also be more fun and satisfying to kill a lot of the dumb (expletive) that I actually went to school with. I know what they’re like and how idiotic they are.”

A journal entry from Jan. 2 said Sawyer had stopped taking his medication so he could increase his self-control so he can have “control over who lives and who dies.”

An entry from Dec. 29 describes what Sawyer called the “biggest con I’ve ever done.”

“Making things seem like they’re all right when in reality, they’re not. And people believe me. They think I’m doing well and better when really, my hatred and anger has maintained pretty constant,” the journal reads.

“I’m just good at lying and making things seem okay. I’m very proud of myself for nobody I know could pull this off as well as I am. It’s amazing. They have no idea what’s even going on.”

Sawyer wrote throughout about suicidal thoughts, writing on Jan. 6 that he “won’t need anything but that last bullet in my brain.”

Obviously this young man has some serious mental issues.

The story has made USA TODAY

“Never let a crises go to waste”

This Morning (Feb. 23rd) I saw that the campaign to “demonize” the “NRA” has scored a few victories.

The “First National Bank of Omaha” has capitulated to media pressure and has decided to end it’s Partnership with the “NRA”.

I have a Credit Card with them to which it will soon be Terminated.

I Have read today’s Times Argus. it seems the Left blames the National Rifle Association like Hitler blamed the Jews.

Will comment more in a later posting.

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How often wondered how many Supreme Court Justices may be roasting in Hell.

Read this one from a 15 year old.


Lord’s Prayer

By a 15-year-old school kid who got an A+ for this entry (TOTALLY AWESOME)!

The Lord’s Prayer is not allowed in most U.S. Public schools any more.

A kid in Minnesota wrote the following NEW School Prayer:-


Now I sit me down in school

Where praying is against the rule

For this great nation under God

Finds mention of Him very odd

If scripture now the class recites,

It violates the Bill of Rights.

And anytime my head I bow

Becomes a Federal matter now

Our hair can be purple, orange or green,

That’s no offense; it’s a freedom scene.

The law is specific, the law is precise.

Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice

For praying in a public hall

Might offend someone with no faith at all.

In silence alone we must meditate,

God’s name is prohibited by the State.

We’re allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,

And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.

They’ve outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.

To quote the Good Book makes me liable.

We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,

And the ‘unwed daddy,’ our Senior King.

It’s ‘inappropriate’ to teach right from wrong.

We’re taught that such ‘judgments’ do not belong.

We can get our condoms and birth controls,

Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.

But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,

No word of God must reach this crowd.

It’s scary here I must confess,

When chaos reigns the school’s a mess.

So, Lord, this silent plea I make:

Should I be shot; My soul please take!


Of course for some who are enduring the tragic event that took place in Florida  the villain is not the shooter but the Gun. 

From the Morning report via Ace of Spades.

—J.J. Sefton

Good morning kids. Mercifully the weekend is here, and like yesterday I had hoped to not have to deal with the political grandstanding whoring that the evil Left – and everything they have said and done in the last 36 hours, let alone 150 years, justifies that label – but alas, I cannot. Because it’s a war; a war for the hearts, minds and souls of every man, woman and child (the one’s who manage to clear the birth canal and escape Planned Parenthood) in this nation.

As with everything else, they lie. If you can stomach it, listen to the words that narcissistic cretins like Chris Cuomo are told to recite (Lord knows, his simpleton intellect precludes him from actually writing what he mouths) and if you just substitute names, dates and adjectives, it’s just a boilerplate screed for the crisis du jour; poverty, crime, racism, sexism, imperialism. Lots of “ism” (ironic that there isn’t an “ism” in homophobia). But I’m going to go out on a limb here and state that if you really want to get at the root cause of what happened in Florida, it’s the destruction of the nuclear family and Judeo-Christian morality and values that binds our society. And we all know who advocates that and why. It’s funny that as angry as the Left gets, the one thing that sets them off more than anything else are those who advocate prayer in a time of crisis. It’s quite striking, really. To that I say, pray. Good and hard. Pray for the restoration of morality and sanity to America and for the annihilation of Progressivism….

Read it all.

The real enemy is Progressivism, a cancer in America that has in that has infected the country for many decades. And is now metastasizing.



 London 1875

Not Santa Claus.

Progressives sometimes just don’t think things through

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So, does this clueless twit believe that

…women to be banned from entering school and college campuses?
…women to be banned from any establishment selling alcohol?
…women to be banned from polling places on election days?
…some women to be banned outright simply because they look too scary?
…all women to be locked up at all times that they are not in use?


…does she also think that it’s OK for a man to have more than one?
…that all women should come with silencers?
…that a man should be able to pass her around to all of his buddies down at the range?

There is usually something that they always leave out

I’m very curious, When Mr. Danziger drew this political cartoon was his description of “that guy Morales” referring to an actual solder named “Morales”  or a composite of someone else.


I think that it’s possible that he was referring to this:

Spencer Woodman


ICE has arrested a U.S. army veteran who served two tours of duty in Afghanistan and has two U.S. citizen children. His name is Miguel Perez Jr. and he has lived in the U.S. since he was 8 years old  Via Chicago Tribune

But one should remember there is always “The rest of the story”

After his military service, Perez sought treatment at the Veterans Affairs hospital in Maywood, where doctors diagnosed him with post-traumatic stress disorder. He was supposed to return for more tests to determine whether he also had a traumatic brain injury.

In the meantime, he reconnected with a childhood friend who provided free drugs and alcohol. On Nov. 26, 2008, while with that friend, Perez handed a laptop case containing cocaine to an undercover officer. Perez pleaded guilty to the drug charge and served half of a 15-year prison sentence.

While Perez was convicted of delivering less than 100 grams of cocaine, prosecutors have said he was arrested for delivering much more and received a reduced sentence after a plea deal. Prosecutors also pointed out that Perez was given a general discharge from the military after a drug infraction.

Perez said he discovered the citizenship oversight when he was summoned to immigration court shortly before his September 2016 release from Hill Correctional Center in Galesburg. Instead of heading home to Chicago from prison, Perez was placed in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Of course many took too twitter to denounce Trump,  his administration and  Republicans in general.

Only I don’t recall Trump being President in September 2016.


Why let other facts and circumstances get in the way.

Of an opportunity to bash Trump.