Month: November 2022

Zeducation on Sunday

Haven’t had the time to post anything for a while, but Zed is always good for a laugh.

And a laugh is what we need.



It was all built on sand.

I was always skeptical of cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin.


It’s amazing… well, maybe not that so many were taken in by an out-of-shape, woke bastard who gave millions of dollars of other people’s money to the Democratic party.



Don’t worry Bernie…

{Note: I will be commenting on the recent elections at a later date.}


The liberal democrats living in America’s largest gated community will keep worshiping and re-electing you until the day you Croke.


Being anti-war is just so eighties.


We must remember that there’s a demented Democrat in the White House.


Maybe Bernie needs another dacha.



‘Muh Democracy’

Most communist dictatorships have the word ‘democracy’ and ‘republic in their names.


like: North Korea, the ‘Democratic’ People’s ‘Republic’ of Korea


They have the vote too.



Another one bites the dust

Instant Karma strikes again.


Arrogance upon those who may be wary of injecting shot after shot of chemical concoctions produced by big pharma and pushed by the government can come back to haunt kill you.