Month: March 2017

Things you normally wouldn’t hear about.

If it were not for the internet.

From the blog Lifezette.

In early March, 19-year-old Guatemalan Douglas Hus-Flores was arrested in Stamford, Connecticut, after sexually assaulting a three-year-old girl. That same week, 29-year-old Jorge Zapata-Rosas was arrested in Texas for raping a seven-year-old girl.

19-year-old illegal alien Kevin Cisneros was arrested by U.S. Marshals in Trenton, New Jersey, for the sexual assault of a 14-year-old and 44-year-old illegal alien Mateo Campos-Garcia was arrested in Rowan County, North Carolina, for indecent liberties with a child and a first-degree sexual offense.

Also, in March, Border Patrol agents apprehended at least three convicted illegal alien sex offenders trying to re-enter the United States. Zeferino Galindo-Lopes, 32, Francisco Bravo-Ruelas, 38, and Rene Murillo-Almansa, 46, were arrested in Arizona. All three had convictions for serious sexual offenses involving children.

Read it all and check out the entire blog.

Liberals and Progressives are fond of the phrases “for the Children” and if it “saves just one life” . Usually these pronouncements come with a hefty price tag of other peoples money or when it comes to abortion it’s  well…”never mind”.  And sexual assault when it’s not being perpetrated by white males but by illegal immigrants seems to get a pass in the media.

All illegal immigrants are breaking the law. When women and girls are assaulted by men who should not have been here in the first place, well remember this ladies, your physical safety is not a priority when it comes to the progressive big picture.  If you, progressive liberal woman or your daughter by chance becomes a victim, well suck it up for the cause.



I have nothing but contempt!


For Senator Patrick Leahy.  Why? Because Senator Leahy has nothing but contempt for the constitution and the founders who wrote it.

I’ve long known the senator was an advocate of a “living constitution”, one that can be shaped and molded for modern conditions. A first amendment where speakers whose views one group doesn’t agree with can be labeled as “hate speech” and shouted down, often with violence. I don’t recall our senior Senator making any remarks about that recent confrontation at Middlebury College. I gather by his silence that that he approved.

Quoting Senator Leahy.

It has been 25 years since an originalist has been nominated to the Supreme Court. Given what we’ve seen from Justice Scalia, and Justice Thomas and Judge Gorsuch on record, I worry that it goes beyond being a philosophy and it becomes an agenda.”

It’s important to understand — determine whether  you understand the court has a profound impact on small businesses and workers, on law enforcement and victims, on families and children across America,” Leahy said.

“It is not contrary to the duties and obligations of a Supreme Court justice to consider the effects of their rulings,” he added.  (He said nothing about Congress considering the effects of its laws.)

Leahy said the confirmation hearing will help the Senate decide if Gorsuch is “committed to the fundamental rights of all Americans”:

“Will you allow the government to include our Americans’ personal privacy and freedom? Will you elevate the rights of corporations over those of real people? And will you rubberstamp a president whose administration has asserted that executive power is not subject to judicial review?” he asked.

Mr. Leahy doesn’t seem to recall a little thing called the “bill of rights”, which in some ways is very similar to the “Ten Commandments” in that it’s full of “thou shalt not’s” .  It tells the government want it can’t do, “congress shall make no law…” etc .

A Constitutional “originalist” is just what we need to protect everyone’s rights Poor and the rich, majority or minority.   Lady Justice is supposed to be blind. With a  “living constitution” the blindfold comes off.  Which in this present age of political correctness perhaps its already removed.

Leahy’s college Senator Dianne Feinstein of California also chimed in.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the committee’s ranking member, also expressed concern about “originalist” philosophy:

“Judge Gorsuch has also stated that he believes judges should look to the original, public meaning of the Constitution when they decide what a provision of the Constitution means. This is personal, but I find this originalist, judicial philosophy to be really troubling,” Feinstein said. “In essence, it means that judges and courts should evaluate our constitutional rights and privileges as they were understood in 1789.

“However, to do so would not only ignore the intent of the framers, but the Constitution would be a framework on which to build. But it severely limits the genius of what our Constitution upholds. I firmly believe the American Constitution is a living document, intended to evolve as our country evolves.”

Aside from the fact that the Constitution can and does evolve, through the process of Constitutional amendments of which there are 27. But this isn’t good enough for these two would be commissars who seem to embrace the idea that though all people are equal,   some people are more equal then others.

Democrats are more equal then Republicans.

Muslims, liberal billionaires, radical feminist, trans genders, Jews in name only, gay people, are much more equal then straight (white or minority) Christian males and females.

If only the Constitution could be amended by a simple decree and to have the force to enforce. Like the old Soviet Union that they long admired.

I have nothing but contempt!







He Just identified as a woman that day

From the blog Intellectual Takeout.

After opening the blog post she felt necessary to write by saying that she was reluctant to write it, as a tolerant person who would likely be labeled and derided as intolerant, ‘The Get Real Mom’ stated clearly: “This is a story about a biological man in the women’s restroom.”

Innate sensibility prevailed when a startled young mother was disturbed enough by her own experience at a Disneyland women’s restroom when a man walked in, and stayed, while women and children nervously looked for someone to say or do something. But…not…them.

First, she felt the need to establish liberal bona fides….

Someday my Tolerant Liberal friends this may happen to your daughter. Or if your an adult tolerant liberal women…it may happen to you.

Be prepared. Remember if you consider yourself a proper “progressive liberal” the STFU!!!

Read it in its entirety.

Something like Sharia law comes to Drake University

It comes with a very strange twist.

Imagine if you will that a student is passed out drunk. The person you’re with who is also drunk decides to sexual assault you while you’re incapable of resisting. We have all heard about cases like this that took place at Stanford in 2015.  Guy whose brains are in the head of his dick gets caught doing naughty things to one drunk chick. He’s now a convicted sex offender and has kissed goodbye forever a chance to make the Olympic swim team.

It was a stunning fall from grace for Turner. Once a record-setting swimming prodigy, he is now a convicted sex offender at age 20.

It was also a landmark case in the nationwide struggle to combat sexual assault on campus, at least according to prosecutors.

During the trial, they argued that despite his squeaky clean image and exalted status as a Stanford athlete, Turner deserved no special treatment.

“He may not look like a rapist, but he is the … face of campus sexual assault,” Deputy District Attorney Alaleh Kianerci told the jury, according to the Mercury News.

After the guilty verdict, prosecutors again argued that the case set an important national precedent.

All well and good the bastard deserved it.

At Drake university however…comes this little story.

What’s good for the goose does not apply to the gander.  In this case it’s the guy whose passed out and it’s the woman who decides to give him a blowjob, without his consent. What happens next would at best be described as surreal. As it was the (male) victim who ended up getting expelled.

Add insult to injury his father sits on the board of trustees for Drake University. He was fired for defending his son. Lawsuits have been filed.

College for American males today is walking into a minefield. They’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

Since most colleges are anywhere from 60-70% female and young American  men are viewed as predators to begin with they should boycott colleges altogether and leave the spaces open for young immigrant Muslim men.  In a case of sexual assault of a woman by a Muslim man, well,   I would love to see the PC police figure that one out.



Fear and loathing in Honolulu ( preface)

Apologies to the late Hunter Thompson.

It’s 1973.

A while back I was telling the story of my year in Kodiak Alaska as a member of the USCG. Which I’ll always remember as one of the most fun years of my youth.  After which I was sent back to Governors Island for further training and to find out where I would be sent for my next tour of duty.

I was hoping for an assignment a little closer to home so I requested on my dream sheet LORAN stations in Maine or Massachusetts. No such luck. I was being sent back to the same time zone the previous year. This time Kauai Hawaii.

When I left for Hawaii It was still winter, I was in my wool blue uniform. My White uniform was packed away in my seabag.  A quick stopover In San Francisco didn’t allow time for a change of uniform, so I landed in Honolulu in my wool blues.  Exiting the plane I was hit by the tropical air, that and the jet lag nearly caused me to pass out on the tarmac.

There was still one more flight to go, a short hop to the island of Kauai.  After landing at the airport it was by then fairly late in the evening.  I called the station and was informed that there was no one available to pick me up but to take a taxi and I would be reimbursed for the fare.  I arrived late at night. Everyone of the rank of petty-officer and above had left the station for the night. They all lived in off-base housing. I was greeted at the barracks door by one of my new station mates. And here it all began.

“Do you have any weed on you”,  were his first words to me.

I said “no”. He said “do you want to go to my place, I’m having a party” ( he was married, married personal get off base housing)  So I said “what the hell, why not”. It was fairly typical what I can remember, loud music, beer, and weed of the homegrown variety.

But I really did try not to go overboard.

Got back to the barracks sometime after midnight.

The big surprise was what happened the next morning. Early the next morning.

I was summand to a interrogation meeting with my C.O. (1st impressions) X.O. ( from Texas he was) and a representative of CGI (Coast Guard Intelligence).  I was duly informed that I was not being charged with anything and that I could halt the interview at any time. Apparently they knew all about that party I went to the night before. They wanted to know if drugs were present and also names.  Of course one tries to walk a tightrope, you don’t want to piss off the brass on your first day but your not going to be a stool pigeon informer and be shunned by your station mates for the rest of your tour.

Fortunately the fact that I had only arrived the night before worked In my favor. Pleading beer and jet-lag I had no clue at placing names to faces,  I didn’t see anything wished to terminate the interview.

The C.O. who fancied himself in the image of MacArthur with the sunglasses and corncob pipe said to me on my way out Well,(deepred) you certainly haven’t made a good first impression.”

Thus began day 1 of my Hawaiian tour.






From the paper of record Jan 20th 2017


And this story Jan 19th NYT on line edition.

I’ve heard rumors that the NYT has scrubbed the word “wiretapped” from a prvious online  edition. It now says “Intercepted Russian Communications”

So what does this say about Trumps accusations.


Has Obama’s third term already begun?

Mr. Daniel Greenfield thinks so.

From Frontpage mag

After Trump secured the nomination, Obama’s people filed a wiretapping request. As he was on the verge of winning, they did it again. After he won, they are doing everything they can to bring him down. It was always going to come down to this.

One is the elected President of the United States. The other is the Anti-President who commands a vast network that encompasses the organizers of OFA, the official infrastructure of the DNC and Obama Anonymous, a shadow government of loyalists embedded in key positions across the government.

In the Soviet Union of 1922 the post of General Secretary  of the Communist party was considered a mundane bureaucratic entity. All the flashy revolutionaries, Trotsky, Bukharin, Zinoviev, and Kamenev thought the post was beneath them so they gave it to one Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili .  The General Secretary post was responsible for bureaucratic appointments. Iosif (a.k.a. STALIN) placed people in the government who were loyal to HIM!  Within 20 years all those above mentioned names would be dead. And Stalin would be the undisputed master.

Obama of course was not assigned a mundane government posting. The American people elected him…twice. Many knew exactly what he stood for.  Many others,  low information voters in particular voted for the black man in hopes to finally put America’s racial sins in the rear view mirror. But that is never going to happen if these people have anything to do with it.  White guilt is what got Obama elected, that and a sycophant media who refused to tell the American people what Obama true agenda was, The transformation of America into a European style top down Socialist state and the Shredding of the Constitution.

The seeds of this were planted in American soil over one hundred years ago.  Until Obama, “The one we were waiting for” was elected to reap the harvest.

If Hillary had been elected Obama would have been her co-president in all but name.

But the people elected Trump and now Obama is back doing what he does best, organizing a coup to bring down a legally elected government.

Obama controls the opposition. He will have a great deal of power to choose future members of Congress and the 2020 candidate. But he could have done much of that from Chicago or New York. The reason he didn’t decide to move on from D.C. is that the nation’s capital contains the infrastructure of the national government. He doesn’t just want to run the Democrats. He wants to run America.

The other half of the picture is the Obama Deep State. This network of political appointees, bureaucrats and personnel scattered across numerous government agencies is known only as Obama Anonymous.

Obama Inc. had targeted Trump from the very beginning when it was clear he would be the nominee.

Please click the link above and read the entire article.

We live in dangerous times.