Your Sh*ting me.

WTF do they expect.

No one will be watching us, why don’t we do it in the road” J.L.

You see skid marks on paved back roads all the time. Some people enjoy spinning their tires and burning rubber. Or they may had to slam on the brakes in that particular spot.

But if it was done on purpose, more power to them.

Leaving skid marks can now be a hate crime.

(AP) Vermont State Police troopers are working to determine if bias played a role in damaging Black Lives Matter-themed artwork painted on roads in Jericho and Underhill.

On Monday, a state police trooper discovered evidence that vehicles had burned out their tires over the artwork. Two of the locations, on Browns Trace and Pleasant Valley roads, had “Black Lives Matter” painted in the roadway.

At the third location, on Irish Settlement Road, the art reads “Black Trans Lives Matter.” Police are investigating whether the incidents are related. The incidents have been reported to the attorney general’s office under the Bias Incident Reporting System.

I would have thought that painting anything on “public” roads other than official “Stop”, “direction arrows” dividing lane lines, or crosswalks would be illegal. Sort of like hanging banners from overpasses. But these days there are two sets of rules, one for the Cultural Marxists in which laws that everyone else is compelled to obey are suspended.

Be that as it may the whole thing is absurd. Four decades of indoctrination coming home to roost.

Styxhexenhammer666 take.

Fighting White Supremacy !!


“Teen” Vogue: Morbid Obesity Is a Great Way for Black People to Combat White Supremacy

—Ace of Spades

OUT: Freaking out about eating disorders

IN: Promoting eating disorders

Via Deb Heine, who has the full background on “Teen” Vogue’s descent into toxic SJW propaganda and general fucking lunacy.

She also has quotes from this FatWoke landwhale.


San Francisco has something North Korea desperately needs


Who says North Korea doesn’t take crap from its citizens.

100kg (220lbs) A DAY!

The North Korean government has decreed that every able-bodied citizen must turn in 100 kg (220 lbs) of human manure a day to be used for fertilizer, to bolster the agricultural sector.

Leader Kim Jong Un announced in his New Year’s address that the agricultural front would be the primary instrument for economic reconstruction…

North Korea has used human excrement as fertilizer for its agriculture for some time. Ever since South Korea cut off shipments of chemical fertilizer in retaliation for the sinking of a South Korean Navy ship in 2010.

Using human turds as fertilizer does have certain consequences  to peoples health as the world found out when this guy managed to escape.  

But  the City of San Francisco has something that North Korea needs, and has in abundance…

Now if the City of San Francisco could provide the proper bags, something that would meet all requirements for export to North Korea. Something much better then this. and place them on streetlamp poles and bus stops throughout the city.  If fat bastard in North Korea is willing to take shit from San Francisco…Why not.

“Now inquiring  minds want to know.” 

Why is San Francisco … covered in human feces?

It’s an empirical fact: San Francisco is a crappier place to live these days. Sightings of human feces on the sidewalks are now a regular occurrence; over the past 10 years, complaints about human waste have increased 400%. People now call the city 65 times a day to report poop, and there have been 14,597 calls in 2018 alone. Last year, software engineer Jenn Wong even created a poop map of San Francisco, showing the concentration of incidents across the city. New mayor London Breed said: “There is more feces on the sidewalks than I’ve ever seen growing up here.” In a revolting recent incident, a 20lb bag of fecal waste showed up on a street in the city’s Tenderloin district….

The article comes from of all places The Guardian , a very very left of center newspaper  in Great Britain. the author e homeless,  why doesn’t the city simply build houses and the inequality between rich and poor.

What he fails to mention of course is that San Francisco, like many American cities have been ruled for “decades” by an increasingly left Democratic party. The last Republican Mayor was in 1964.

Like stepping in “shit”, keep voting democrat assholes. I have no sympathy for you.

But at least they give you a map.