Month: July 2023

Storm of the century part duex

While I was on vacation in Alaska, Vermont was hit with a rainstorm of nearly biblical proportions that many say was worse than “Irene”.

I suffered only minimal damage to my home, mostly water in the basement. Fortunately, most things were in plastic totes. My partner fared worse with up to six inches of water in her basement and the loss of some irreplaceable items. But in the grand scheme of things we know others fared much worse.

I do not believe the floods are any kind of divine retribution as per some Facebook comments I was made aware of. It was just an unusual weather pattern that created monsoon conditions. Climatologists attribute this to (of course) “Climate Change”.  


“To stop our temperatures rising on the planet, the answer is pretty simple, it’s reducing our emissions of greenhouse gases that come from our burning of fossil fuels to zero as quickly as possible,”  Climate scientist  Tom Deliberto said.


Does it seem Mr. Deliberto wants an authoritarian government to make this happen?  


As we are all aware, Vermont is very blue, liberal, and secular. Anything smacking of religion in general and Christianity in particular is looked upon with distain if not borderline hostility.  Heck, if you believe in God you have a mental illness. Wokness is their religion.

The supermajority Democrats have codified abortion on demand into our constitution. And if you’re a Christian school that objects to biological males competing against their girl’s teams will be thrown under the bus.

So it might be understandable that some Christian folk would want to believe that the recent deluge and floods were a sign that God was not pleased with Vermont. This is misguided and not according to scripture.

Liberals claim to be the “party of science” (except biology, trans ideology trumps that). And while they may laugh at soapbox prophets predicting the second coming of Christ, they truly believe that climate armageddon is imminent unless we dismantle modern civilization, and give total control of your life over to them, the ruling class, the new world order.

 I’ve often regarded San Francisco and Los Angeles as America’s version of Sodom and Gomorrah. Someday they will be destroyed, and God will have nothing to do with it, it will all be San Andreas’s fault. Plate tectonics baby, SCIENCE!


Alaska was a lot of fun, but it’s good to be home.





































Styx Sticks it.

For Leftists, Wokeness is their religion. and there’s no place for God.

1. “Science is real”…except when it’s racist like math. Or a social construct like gender.
2. “Black Lives Matter”, except when Blacks are killed by other Blacks.
3. “Love is Love”…??? 
4. “No human is illegal”…But what about their actions? Are they ever illegal?
5. “Climate change is real”…and we’re already pastSuburban the point of no return, so we’re screwed
6. “Women’s rights are human rights”…and that includes women with penises.

7. “Kindness is everything”…but really, to everyone?


And this is what you vote for, someday soon you’re going to have to take the consequences. And you better take it with a smile.