Bernie Sanders

Bernie was right!

And so was Barack

Not that long ago back in 2010; during the Obama’s administration, the Supreme Court in a then landmark decision called “Citizens United”

Barack ‘O’ denounced the decision.

“It is a major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington to drown out the voices of everyday Americans,” Obama said.

Bernie was apocalyptic over it

The DISCLOSE Act narrowly passed in the House of Representatives but has repeatedly failed to clear the Senate—even when it was controlled by Democrats. Undaunted, Sanders has tirelessly spoken—and acted—against Citizens United. At a March 2011 town hall event in his home state of Vermont, he blasted the Supreme Court for “unleashing a tsunami of corporate spending in politics” and “making a disastrous situation much, much worse.” He continued:

For the first time in American history, corporations who are sitting on trillions of dollars… and making record profits can now… spend as much money as they want… for or against candidates. What does this mean in real life? Candidates, knowing that millions and millions of dollars can come flowing into their campaigns… when they come up to cast their vote in the Senate, what do you think is on [their] minds? If you are dealing with whether or not it is a good idea for the four largest financial institutions in the country to own more than half of the assets of our GDP, do you think you’re going to cast a vote to break [them] up, when you know that Wall Street can spend millions and millions of dollars… to defeat you? If you are sympathetic… to moving this country to Medicare for All… how willing to you think members of the Senate will be to vote to move in that direction when you know the power of the private insurance companies? 

“[Americans] for hundreds of years have been fighting to say, ‘one person, one vote,’” he added. “Let’s have a democracy where money is not the key factor… as many people as possible should participate… Citizens United … essentially says that corporations and billionaires can… decide who will become president, senator or a governor. That is not what this country is about and that has got to be defeated.” A corporation is not a person,” Sanders concluded.

It’s ironic that“Citizens United “ was a 5-4 decision passed by the “conservative wing” and “John Roberts” of all people cast the deciding vote.

But what Bernie and Barack expected didn’t happen.

Since the start of the 20th century the conventional thinking was always that the Democrats were the party of the “little guy”; the “farmers”; “the working man” (Unions). Republicans were the party of capitalism, big business… i.e. corporations, and Billionaires.

’” he (Bernie) added. “Let’s have a democracy where money is not the key factor… as many people as possible should participate… Citizens United … essentially says that corporations and billionaires can… decide who will become president, senator or a governor.

My, my, how times have changed.

Corporations and the billionaires who owned/run them were once viewed as bourgeoisie capitalists, and the Marxist ideology predicted that the inevitable march of history would consign them to the ash heap of history.

Apparently a lot of billionaires like Tom Styer, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos took this to heart and decided to get ahead of the curve and not only join the revolution but co-opt it as well. They’re now all on your side Bernie.

You’ve got the billionaire :Nazi collaberator George Soros. Social media giants Mark Zuckerburg and Jack Dorsey who decide who gets to speak and who’s told to shut up on their media platforms. The executive team at Youtube who enforce strict algorithms that will demonitize and/or ban video’s that don’t meet their criteria or political leanings.. Because these are privite “CORPORATIONS” they can legally censure you. “Freedom of speech” doesn’t apply to them.

Big Business (corporations), the Chambers of Comerace and the NCAA is on board too. In South Dakota they’ve coerced the Governor to veto a bill that was meant to protect girls sports programs from men masquerading as women. In the State of Georgia, gone “woke” corporations such as ,Delta, American, and Southwest airlines (Altlanta’s a major hub) Coca-Cola and Major League Baseball, have have decided to use economic blackmail to halt common sense voting reform.

There was a time when very wealthy people were scared shitless of a politcal ideology that since the begining of the 20th century has demonized their very existance. So one would think that their poitical leanings would be conservative/republican. But as we’ve all seen, too many Republican politicians will simply run away at any critical moment. Secondly three generations of leftist indoctrination have made their mark as corporate board rooms are filled with SJW’s in busuness suits. And third, the Democrat/Progressive/Marxist have not one but two militant arms (Antifa and BLM) that are not afraid to pay you and your family a visit with their version of pitchforks and torches.

The “mostly peaceful:” rioting and burning of blue cities over the course of last summer also destroyed thousands of small businesses and allow huge corporations such as Jeff Bezo’s Amazon to get all the more bigger and the rich to get richer.

This was partly made possible by the “Citizen United” decision. And Wall Street and the Democrat’s perfered brand of socialism is Corporate Facism. It’s “all within the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State” . Was this what Bernie and Barack were afraid would happen? Do you still denouce the ‘SCOTUS’ decision?

Will Antifa and the Marxist Blacks Lives Matter get with the program now that the bad Orangeman is out and dementia Joe is in? Time will tell. But as long as American Corporations continue paying ‘tribute and protection money’ an uneasy peace may be maintained.

I’m glad I’m old.

Bernie endorses Biden !

Bernie Bro’s (and sisters) hardest hit.

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Bernie is a loser. Everyone in the State of Vermont who voted for this cretin, everyone who has a Bernie bumpersticker on their car (“Feel the Bern”), should get another one that says (“Berned again”) should be embarrassed.

Old Commies never die…

They just fade slink away.

Bernie has folded his tent.

The Bernie Bro’s got Berned… again. Suckers !

Way back in February the nomination appeared to be Bernie’s to lose. He accomplished it.

Bernie lost to Joe Biden, who has dementia and has been accused of sexual assault.

The mainstream Democrat party never liked you Bernie.

Everyone with a Bernie bumbersticker on their car should be deeply embarrassed.

Bernie should resign his Senate seat…now, and retire to his lakeside dacha. Or one of his other two homes.

History will not be kind.

Bernie’s last chance.

Bernie did not do well in Super Tuesday part duex.

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Bolshevik Bernie’s campaign is circling the drain. In spite of this Bernie is not giving up !

Bernie’s only real hope is to goad “his good friend Joe” into a total mental breakdown and perhaps physically assaulting him onstage in front of a national audience.

And the DNC is fully aware that this is a distinct possibility.

Which is why the Democrat establishment desperatly wants to end this farce right now.

Joe Biden is the proverbial “loose cannon” if there ever was one. Joe can’t hide among six other delegates. Will Joe melt down? Does Bernie have the balls to push it Joe’s buttons. This is one debate I just might watch.

It should be quite a spectacle.

For in the end “there can be only one”.

The Bernie and Joe show

Sixty years ago the Democrat party canidate for President was 43 year old John F. Kennedy who went on to become the youngest Prsident in U.S. history.

Today in the year 2020 the two Democrat party candidates still standing are Bernie Sanders 78, and Joe Biden 77.

A short time ago Bolshevik Bernie appeared to be in the proverble drivers seat. He was going to amass such a delagate lead that a first ballot nomination at the convention was a distinct possibility.

But a funny thing happenrd on the way to the forum.

Until recently Bernie always claimed to be independent. He’s since taken the DNC loyalty oath rather then attempt to run as a third party which would be politically and perhaps literially suicide for a 78 y/o man who recently had a heart attack.

But there is no love for Bernie in the Democrat establishment. African Americans who make up big portion of the Democrat plantation took their cue from their overseer Sen. James Clyburn and voted in mass for creepy, corrupt Joe Biden.

Bernie got waylaid, and the voting that takes place in six states on the 10th of March will reveal wither Bernie is going to be in an even deeper hole in regard to delegates or make a comeback

Bernie is not a fighter, he has already agreed to take a knee if Biden has the delegates to win on the first ballot at the convention. But Joe Biden really belong in a nursing home, not running for President. Bernie’s last hope may well be the debate scheduled for March 15th in Arizona where Bernie will need his ‘friend’ Joe Biden to self destruct on national television. The DNC is painfully aware of this as they are trying to change the rules of the debate to help Joe out and see if they can drag him across the finish line.

We’ll have a clearer picture by tonight. God forbid either one of them were to take the White House.


Weekend at Bernie’s

Was this embarrassing?

Remember that Bernie is a 78 year old man who has recently suffered a heart attack. And he was just about to introduce his wife “The next first lady”.

At one time dairy farming in Vermont was as iconic as maple syrup. In the recent past Bernie always took the side of dairy farmers in lobbying for higher milk prices.

But cows fart greenhouse gas. Milliennails are turning to alternatives, oat milk, almond milk and soy. Two major dairy producers already have had to file for bankruptcy. As it is cows are disappearing and former pastures are being filled with solar panels.

And Bernie is now committed to the Green New Deal which means that he has no choice but to throw (Vermont) dairy farmers under the bus.

His own supporters have no respect for him. But crazy Uncle Bernie is promising to give out a lot of free stuff and that’s all that counts.

Boobs for Bernie !

Now this gentleman has a worldwide following and amazinly he lives in our own backyard.

His Youtube channel HERE !

Bernie is not well liked…

by the Hildabeast no less.

“In the doc, you’re brutally honest on Sanders: ‘He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it,'” Rose said, quoting Clinton. “That assessment still hold?” “Yes, it does,” Clinton responded.

“I will say, however, that it’s not only him, it’s the culture around him. It’s his leadership team. It’s his prominent supporters. It’s his online Bernie Bros and their relentless attacks on lots of his competitors, particularly the women,” she continued.

The New York Times dosen’t want you.

Even people that have worked for you think you’re an asshole.

According to some who have worked closely with Sanders over the years, “grumpy grandpa” doesn’t even begin to describe it. They characterize the senator as rude, short-tempered and, occasionally, downright hostile. Though Sanders has spent much of his life fighting for working Vermonters, they say he mistreats the people working for him.

“As a supervisor, he was unbelievably abusive,” says one former campaign staffer, who claims to have endured frequent verbal assaults. The double standard was clear: “He did things that, if he found out that another supervisor was doing in a workplace, he would go after them. You can’t treat employees that way.”

But Bolshevik Bernie has attracted very hardcore support. Behold the James Hodgkinson Brigade.

Part 1 ‘Liberals Get the F***ing Wall First’

Part 2 “There Are Things More Important Than the Rule of Law in USA”

As of this writing, to my knowledge Bernie has not fired anyone or disavowed any of their statements.

Free healthcare (especially for illegals) . Free education and saving the planet in 12 years? Bernie will definatly need his own version of the Cheka. The scary part is that they’re thousands of our citizens who would be willing to join such an organization.

This is why we have the 2nd amendment and why the left is trying to abolish it.

In a normal world Vermont would be embarrassed.

But this is not a normal world.

I think this guy is amazing.

And he lives in Vermont.

He says everything I want to say, only better.

Every high school in student in Vermont needs to listen to this guy.

And Bernie may just win the Democratic nomination. Unless Obama decides to (metaphorically of course) break his kneecaps .

Poor Bernie, he can’t seem to catch a break, first screwed by the old white bitch and now by the Lightbringer himself.

Bernie makes me embarrassed to live in this State.