Month: March 2021

Commentary from Ace Highflyer

The Physics of How Drones Fly | WIRED

Did you hear that U-Tube may stop publicly showing how many likes vs. dis-likes videos have? The reason is ALL Biden and Harris videos OVERWHELMINGLY have dislike numbers hugely higher than likes. They even showed a case where the dislikes were 10,000 at 3pm, but at 7pm there were only 3,100 dislikes. Just like the election counting.

Via The Peoples Cube. Pick your poison America.

Commentary from John Adams, deepred, Oregon Muse,and Aaron Clary

Aaron Clary is CEO of Asshole Consulting.

Our present political system has obviously failed. Our founders tried to anticipate human nature but as founding father John Adams once remarked:

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.”

You were so correct on that Mr Adams.

Mr Adams was also quite pessimistic that once liberty is lost:

“Cities may be rebuilt, and a People reduced to Poverty, may acquire fresh Property: But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrendered their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it.”

Another quote:

“There is nothing I dread so much as the division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our constitution.

I would have disagree slightly with Mr. Adams on one point. America was able to function reasonably well with “two great parties” and until this last election the transfer of governing political power from one party to the other was always performed peacefully with the understanding that the peoples unalienable rights were sacrosanct.

That has been thrown out the window.

Because the Democrats the party of slaveholders which became the party of the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow, and later labor unions, has over the decades morphed in to a Marxist/Corporate Fascist party that like a parasite took over control of all academia, the media, the government bureaucracy, the FBI, and the Courts. Also they’re close to taking control of our Armed forces.

The opposition party, a.k.a. the Republicans; began as the anti-slavery, emancipation, civil rights party. But over the course of decades it lost the will to fight for American principles especially during President Trump’s frst two years in office and the disgraceful performace when the election was being stolen right before their eyes. They were simply paralized with fear,

Oregon Muse” has the complete take down of the worthless, useless GOP here.

Now let’s hear from “Cappy” on what his ideal political system would be if we’re ever able to pull out of this deepshit pit America now finds itsef in.


The Great Feminist Reset

By Sandman.

A Red pill, MGTOW channel.

Sandman shares his predictions for the next 10 years on the state of the ecomony and society.

Listen closely.

Guest Commentary…

from: Ace highflyer

How High Can A Drone Fly? | Featuring 10 High Altitude ...

I fail to understand the black’s blind support for democrats.  So ten people were shot in a Colorado gracery store, and the media goes wild.  How come blacks don’t say “Wait a minute this has been happening in Chicago every week-end for YEARS, and no one seems to mind?”
Also, how could Kamaltoe Harris set up an on line discussion regarding respecting women, and not foresee the firestorm that errupts when she chooses Bil Clinton to be her co-host?  Must be Jeffery Epsien was unavailable.

And in addition.

Why don’t these southern border invaders listen to the main stream media?   “America sucks!  everyone in America is a racist, American’s hate minorities.”
The MSM is failing in convincing central America how much America sucks.
Or maybe, the invaders have heard of “Free Stuff”.
Its Trump’s fault, that is obvious.

A Mass shooting in ‘blue Colorado’…

Turns out that the shooter wasn’t the red-neck, Christian, white supremacist, Trump supporter they were looking for.

Not that it should matter but all ten victims were white, six were women. And I would bet there’s a good chance they all voted for demintia Joe.

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But for progressives, that just means we have to do more !

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The scary part is that our present government rulers appear to be in the process of morphing the FBI into an American version of the Stasi.

And scarier still they’re likely millions of progressive leftist like Mr. Steven Scott Acimovic who would be more then happy to assist in turning America into a police state.

“Posse Comitatus” and “Insurrection”

Signed into law in 1878 at the end of “Reconstruction”, the Posse Comtatus Act forbade the Federal Government from employing U.S. military, air and navel forces ( the Coast Guard excepted) in the domistic enforcement of federal law. Which Southern ‘Democrat’ Congressmen and Senators meant the enforcement of Federal laws protecting the civil rights African Americans.

The country’s founders wanted the military to be under ‘civilian’ control so they made the POTUS the commander-in -chief . They were well versed in classical antiquity, in that huge armies would often place allegence to their commanding generals rather then a distant Senate or nominal king. Checks and balances were written into the Constitution to prevent an elected President from overstepping his powers and morph the country into a tin pot dictatorship like say…Venezuela.

Because the Posse Comitarus and Insurrection acts place limits on what the Federal Government i.e. the President can legally do, it is the responsibility of the state governors and city mayors to insure that public safety, the protection of privite property, and law and order is maintained.

The Posse Comitatus Act, the Insurrection Act, and National Guard policy place limits on the actions of National Guard forces when federalized and deployed by order of the president. In general, forces of the regular U.S. military and National Guard are limited to providing support and assistance to local and state law enforcement and public safety agencies. Such assistance typically includes protecting human life, protecting public and private property, and restoring and maintaining civil order. For example, the National Guard Reaction Force assists local police with activities such as providing site security, manning roadblocks and checkpoints, and protecting public and private property, including preventing looting.

More recently, on May 31, 2020, after a night of rioting in the wake of the death of George Floyd, the citizen-soldiers of the Minnesota National Guard carried out 19 missions assisting the Minneapolis and Saint Paul police and fire departments in transporting victims of violence to area hospitals, fighting fires, and restoring order in the area.

In deep blue states with leftist Democrat governors along with even deeper blue cities with radical leftist mayors, they ordered their National Guard and police forces to “stand down” and do nothing while their cities burned, and people killed.

The National Guardsmen of these “BLUE” states were forbidden by their superiors to ‘restore order, protect property, and save lives. And there was nothing that President Trump could legally do to stop it.

But Donald Trump is now President in exile. Puppet Joe is President. Is “Posse Comitatus” now out the window?

The estimable Sundance at Conservative Treehouse thinks so and recently posted a blunt warning that the Democrats’ overt politicization of the U.S. military (its staged Capitol encampment, ideological purge of Trump voters, and shameful public battles with conservative news pundits and Republican lawmakers) should be seen as part of a larger strategy by the centralized government in D.C. to prepare for the use of military force against individual states and regions of the country that may choose to push back against unconstitutional federal power grabs in the future.  Now that the pretext of using troops to put down MAGA “insurrectionists” has been established, it will be ignominiously used to justify military support for confiscating guns, enforcing extended pandemic lockdowns, and identifying Americans too attached to the Bill of Rights.  (The fact that Sundance chose the Ides of March to outline the likelihood of such an intimate betrayal by the military against the states is, I suspect, no coincidence for a meticulous writer who enjoys reaching readers on an emotional, as well as an intellectual, level.) 

I think things are going to get pretty scary over the next few years.

I’m glad I’m old.