Has B.L.M. finally worn out its welcome?

One can only hope so.


But in deep-blue Vermont, America’s largest liberal gated community, white guilt and virtue signaling will likely be with us for the rest of my lifetime.

BLM found thousands and thousands of useful idiots* here in the Green Mountain State.


But there is always hope that in certain pockets common sense still might exist.




*One who is seen to unwittingly support a malignant cause through their ‘naive’ attempts to be a force for good.

Black Lives Matter is nothing but Grift

 What is “Grift”?


It’s what Black Lives Matter (BLM) practices.


Black Lives Matter has dug its root deep into the Vermont soil.


Vermont is the largest gated liberal community in the nation. The State is 94.2% white, 1.4% African-American

Vermont is an overwhelmingly left-leaning Democrat.


This combination has led to self-loathing white guilt that can only be satiated with virtue signaling on a mass scale.


BLM flags fly over Vt. High schools. BLM has infiltrated churches.  BLM is a corrupt Marxist organization that has found a whole State full of useful idiots.



Via Liberal Hive Mind.






Kindness is everything (?)

gallery photo

And if you don’t believe it we’ll beat the living shit out of you.

Well, this s what I believe in MY HOUSE !

BLM is a Marxist Organization

Masquerading as a racial justice organization.

Do you know…

Finding a ‘white male person isn’t that easy either.
Communism is here in America | Reality Check

The next time a BLM parade goes by…


BLM & White Liberals

A video from Tony Heller.

Destroy the family, you destroy the country.
— Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Malcolm X had his opinions of White Liberals. What would he have said about Black Lives Matter? One can only speculate.

BLM/Antifa are Marxist!

And their flags fly at practically ever high school in Vermont.

They [the students] should be embarrassed. But they’ve been indoctrinated since kindergarten by their teachers political commissars.

But it’s just as much our fault. It was so gradual, so insidious that we didn’t notice, or didn’t want to notice the “ROT” that was taking place.

Liberal hivemind‘s take on the present crisis of government education indoctrination.

Now it’s Lancaster PA.

Amish Lives Matter riots roil Lancaster PA. …Oh wait. I meant Black Lives matter.
Maniac with a knife

For “Black Lives Matter” lying and violence is just another means to an end. A Marxist takeover of America.

The lies started almost as soon as it was reported that police had fatally shot a suspect in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists on Twitter falsely claimed cops had shot a black teenager, and thus began the predictable cycle of outrage leading to a riot in which “protesters” smashed windows and set a dumpster on fire.

In fact, the man shot by police Sunday afternoon was 27-year-old Ricardo Miguel Munoz. Police had been summoned to a residence where Munoz had reportedly become “aggressive” toward his mother. Officials quickly released the bodycam video showing what happened. As soon as the first cop showed up, Munoz rushed out the door brandishing a large knife. He charged at the police officer, who retreated and then fired his weapon — a clear-cut case of self-defense.

Lancaster is scarcely the kind of place you’d expect BLM protests. The town of fewer than 60,000 residents sits in a largely rural county that four years ago voted for Trump by nearly a 20-point margin. Sunday’s eruption of anti-police violence in this small town could prove pivotal in swing-state Pennsylvania. Forbes columnist Seth Cohen said the Lancaster riot could “have significant national repercussions”

Lancaster is not that much bigger the the city of Burlington Vt. Because of it’s rural nature, it is Amish country you know, the county went red for Trump in 2016.

Rural or not we are all well aware that Burlington Vt. is a deep blue town.

Presently in Burlington anti-police protest are on going to force the firing of three police officers for alleged use of excessive force.

Burlington Police officers were recently denied service at a popular local diner though it was the action of an individual employee (who has since been fired. Another resigned) and not a policy of the restaurant’s owners. It will remain to be seen if the restaurant owners/business will face any repercussions from being outed as so un-woke.

I have no idea wither Burlington’s Chuch Street will experence a BLM riot of its own anytime in the forseeable future but it wouldn’t take much.

These stupid people should get exactly what they wish for. Dissolve all law enforcment in Burlington and especially on the UVM campus. There is no longer any need to “take back the night“. There never was rape crises on campus. The next time a person is mugged or a coed is sexually assualted…send in the social workers.

No law enforcment means the law of the jungle. And I’ve no desire to live in a jungle with BLM and Antifa at the top of the food chain.

Will a real BLM experience be coming to Church St. soon?

Charlotte N.C. August 23rd 2020

Wahington D.C. August 25th 2020

Rochester N.Y. September 4th 2020

Pittsburgh P.A. September 6th 2020

All this mayhem taking place in deep blue Democrat cities.

Burlington Vermont is very deep blue. It has a demorilized police force. It’s a hotbed of BLM sentiment. Maybe the time will come for those capitalist Burlington Church Street restaurants to experience the real Marxist Black lives matter, good and hard.

If one looks at a typical Black lives Matter demonstration riot the majority of the participants are white and female.* Virtue signaling as a (masked) mob, “look at me…I’m not a racist”. But if “you” white person stay silent, if “you white person don’t raise fist in salute and solidarity then “you” are a racist. And your lives definetly will not matter to them.

*This phenomenon will be explored in a later post.

Now it’s Rochester N.Y.

Coming closer. Like “the Big One” in California: not a question of “if” but “when”. Will Vermont have its BLM riot before the election, or After?

Speaking of the The Big One”

Probably won’t happen in my lifetime but it would be a sight to behold to watch Sodom and Gomorrah a.k.a San Francisco and Los Angeles suffer the same biblical fate. But godless leftist will know that ‘God’ had nothing to do with it. It was gaia. And what will be most galling for them is they won’t be able to blame it on “Climate Change”