Month: October 2018

Great Britain is a flying circus

Call expectant mothers ‘pregnant people’ government suggests.

Expectant mothers should be called “pregnant people”, the Government has suggested in a submission to amend a UN treaty.

The proposed amendment is to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which the UK has been a signatory of since 1976.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s submission suggests the term “pregnant people” to avoid excluding “transgender people who have given birth”, The Sunday Times reported.

An FCO spokesman said: “The UK does not object to the use of the term ‘pregnant woman’. We strongly support the right to life of pregnant women, and we have requested that the Human Rights Committee does not exclude pregnant transgender people from that right to life.

This is Great Britain in 2018. 

Now consider that “The life of Brian” was made a way back in 1979 when a man believing that he” can become a she” would be a candidate for psychiatric care.

Now it would seem to me that the only a “woman” that has all the required equipment for pregnancy and yet is claiming that “she” is a really a  “man” has any possibility of being called a “pregnant transgender person”.

Here in Vermont we have person who was once a “man”, fathered children but who now lives “his” life as a ‘woman” and is running for Governor of the State of Vermont.

It is very strange times in which we live.

Oh, and by the way Monty Python is no longer “politically correct”.

Will Trump be the savior of women’s sports ?

A biological man won a women’s cycling event at the UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships on Saturday.

A man who identifies as a woman yet still has “his” JUNK !

And this is why we got Trump.

…The policy would protect Americans’ civil rights from the transgender ideology which insists that everyone has an FBI-enforced federal right to switch their legal sex – – regardless of their biology – – when entering sports competitions, K-12 bathrooms, hospitals, gym showers, the military, or single-sex civic society groups.

This transgender ideology was promoted in 2016 by former President Barack Obama and is being imposed by many federal and state judges, despite visceral public opposition and scientists’ criticism… The proposed rule will be presented to Attorney Gen. Jeff Sessions before the end of the year. He is likely to approve the plan early in 2019.

If adopted, the policy would ensure that laws against sexual discrimination apply to people who were discriminated because they are biologically male or female. Disfavor towards people who want to live as members of the opposite sex would not be counted as sexual discrimination…

Of course our Democrat candidate for Governor had a lot to say

The father of three children. 

I can’t wait to see the first, say… 6’11’ 195 lb.  male basketball player who identifies as a women take the court in the WNBA

And they call themselves the party of science…right.

Must be the season of the witch.

   She’s Baaaaaack !!                                                                                                               

This lying evil bitch woman is going on a speaking tour with Bill.

The talks, titled “An Evening with President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton,” will focus on “stories and inspiring anecdotes that shaped their historic careers in public service, while also discussing issues of the day and looking toward the future,” according to the tour’s organizer, Live Nation

“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for”Hillary Clinton

  Projection and hypocrisy is what the Hildabeast lives by.

And she’s a special kind of hypocrite, the worst kind…a whited sepulcher.

America dodged the bullet.  God, the American People, and the Electoral College gave America another chance.

and now a closing word from Laura…




Projection and Hypocrisy

That’s what have we here.


Saturday Night Live - Season 42 : News Photo


Behold the Nuns of Baal!

The Handmaid’s Tale is to postmodern feminists what Birth of a Nation was to white nationalists. Both are fantasies by which the powerful justify their oppression by imagining themselves to be powerless.

Wealthy career women pretending that they’re slaves, staring at the ground as an aggressive protest, dressing up like nuns, the Amish or other members of religious communities that they despise, is a costuming that reveals the malicious hypocrisy of the lefty protesters, not of their conservative targets.

But The Handmaid’s Tale, a bad book, has always been tainted with pious hypocrisy and bad faith.

Margaret Atwood, its author, drew inspiration from the events of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, but she projected the treatment of women in Muslim countries on to “fundamentalist Christians” in America instead. The Hulu show picks up on the abuses inflicted by the Islamic State on women in Iraq and Syria, and once again projects the abuses of Islamic theocracies on to Trump, Republicans and Americans.

The Handmaid’s Tale appropriates the suffering of women in Muslim countries and uses it to nurture the inflated sense of victimhood of American feminists without ever acknowledging the source. Not only are American feminists appropriating their suffering, but they’re exploiting it for a political cause that is supportive of the Islamic theocracies that are repressing, imprisoning and killing those women.

Gilead, the imaginary dictatorship that oppresses women, really does exist in Iran and Saudi Arabia. It nearly came into being in Egypt and Tunisia because of the “Arab Spring” perpetrated by the Obama administration and backed by some of the same Washington D.C. career socialites who like to pretend that they’re oppressed Christian concubines on the weekends. The Offred cosplayers can be found at lefty conferences and protests alongside Muslim Brotherhood front group activists wearing hijabs.


Conservatives demand Iran's government enforces the dress code in public (16 May 2014)

In Iran  women can be arrested for removing their hijabs

If only the women in red could spend a week with the women in black. In Iran.

If only.