Russian Collusion

Will there ever be Justice?

Fine Art Print Lady Justice with quote by Eleanor by ArtOfThePage

President Trump was finally vindicated after a two year sham investigation probing as to wither the Russians colluded with Trump to steal the election from Hillary.

From the Morning Report 4/12/19    J.J. Sefton
It was the 8 long, dreadful years of Obama pretending to be “moderate” and running what was in fact a criminal operation out of the White House to fundamentally mutilate this country into slightly less than second world dump that got us Trump. And Obama was not only aided and abetted by fully weaponized media propaganda arm but by a GOP political class that had no problem with what he and his fellow travelers had in store for us, so long as they could make a buck off of our extinction as a nation and culture. And yet, I see a very bright silver lining in all of this. Had G-d forbid Hillary won the election none of this ever would have seen the light of day and she and her cohorts would have ground the rubble of our nation created by Obama’s destruction into a fine powder
The only reason that I and many of you voted for the loud, tacky orange-complected gavone from Queens was to prevent Hillary from finishing off whatever was left of America as founded. On that glorious Tuesday evening in November of 2016, that mission was accomplished. Yet, despite all of the aforementioned, look what he and his allies were still able to accomplish in terms of tangible things like the economy and foreign policy an intangible things like sparking a re-emancipation of American blacks, Jews, Latinos and others from the blood-sucking liars of the Democrat-Left and the explosion of the myth of an unbiased, honest news media. Will Trump alone restore America? Of course not. We are a divided nation right now, and perhaps never to be reunited all things considered. But it is better to have all of this out in the open and to be able to fight to stave off the twin evils of Leftism and Islamism from conquering us for good. Not the end. Not the beginning of the end. But the end of the beginning.
Attorney General William Barr is a deep stater himself .  Hopefully  his desire for truth, fairness, and justice and his recognition that what has just happened to our country will spur him not to waver and expose this travesty and all the traitors who were complicit in an organized coup.

Attorney General Barr will become a pariah.  The Democrats and the media will make sure of that.  The Democrats are already posed to obstruct justice by attempting to undermine A.G.  Barr’s investigation before it even begins.

Only Conservatives can obstruct of course.

And it’s okay when they do it.