Month: January 2020

What’s at stake this November.

In both Vermont and the nation.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” C.S. Lewis

Early 1930’s Germany, ecomony in the toilet, millions out of work, their money next to worthless. Their Country had lost the war to end all wars. And loser pays! The representive (Weimar) Republic was incapable of solving the situation. The German people turned to a Fascist/Socialist political party headed by a demigod who promised everyone a job and Germany back on it’s feet. And everyone knows what happened after.

In America 2020 the economy has never been better, unemployment never lower. We finally have a President that puts America, the Constitution, And it’s citizens freedom first. A President who see no need for America to apoligize for anything. A President Conservatives and Republicans have been waiting a long long time for.

Cultural Marxism has been taught in our High Schools and Universities for the past fifty years. I saw the beginings of the indocrination personally back in the late sixties.

But the old standby of class warfare is made difficult when most of the people pushing a “screw the rich” agenda happen to be filthy stinking rich themselves. But there are several other options in the political correctness playbook. And the one that stands out above all others is “CLIMATE CHANGE

The Green Mountain State is already the Greenist state in America, but that can never be enough. Not when there’s only 12 years to save the planet, or was it 18 months.

Climate hysteria is rampent especially in Vermont.

Meanwhile, the Sunrise Movement, a national youth coalition with more than 10,000 members, has been ramping up its efforts to swing elections in favor of environmentally progressive candidates. Sunrise launched in 2017 to advocate for politicians who support renewable energy; in the 2018 midterms, half of the 20 candidates whom Sunrise endorsed won office. Among them were Democratic Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Debra Haaland of New Mexico, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.

In its current iteration, the Green New Deal proposes a transition away from fossil fuels on a macro level. Among the systemic reform goals it outlines are zero-emissions public transportation, universal health care, guaranteed wages and ending the oppression of “frontline and vulnerable communities” — including “indigenous peoples, communities of color, migrant communities, deindustrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, the poor, low-income workers, women, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth

And just how is this all going to be accomplished???

Bernie’s all in with the Green new deal. He has Stormtroopers ready. And thousands and thousands of scared shitless young people who believe the world will become unliveable unless we go back to year one.

bernie mgga 01.jpg

Some of the 20 million eco-friendly jobs Bernie promises. Especially for Climate changes deniers.

Establishment Democrats, Obama included, have no love for Bernie. Because Democrats are the party of the rich. and unlike Bernie, they don’t really believe their own B.S. .

Establishment Democrats who advocate free healthcare, education and open borders is just their M.O. of beguiling frightened, uneducated people to give them dictatorial powers in order to save the planet and make things “fair”. Which will never happen.

But remember Progressives; you always end up eat your own.

For the next 90 minutes, Batten waded through Extinction Rebellion’s synopsis of the latest climate science. The only viable course of action, the presentation concluded, is mass mobilization to demand radical and immediate change, on par with the civil-rights movement and Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent resistance to British imperial rule.

A few weeks later, a woman who had attended the talk in Montpelier went to an Extinction Rebellion meeting in Burlington. She told me that she probably wouldn’t go back to the Montpelier chapter, because she noticed that Batten had been drinking out of a single-use plastic water bottle during his presentation. She then confessed — glancing around the room furtively, as though someone might be eavesdropping — that she drives a gas-powered SUV.

Some past predictions of the coming ecological apocalypse.

  • 2019: The U.N. says we have only a few years left because of warming.
  • 2008, on ABC, Good Morning America.  By 2015, New York City would be under water, milk would be $13 per gallon, and gasoline would be $9 per gallon.  Very little of Miami would be left.  (They were so close.)
  • 2005: After Katrina, we were told hurricanes would be more frequent and severe than ever.  Instead, we had a ten-year lull in serious hurricanes hitting the U.S.
  • 1989: The U.N. said we only have a few years left because of warming.
  • 1970: First Earth Day.  Billions would die soon because of global cooling and an ice age.
  • 1922: AP and Washington Post: Coastal cities would soon be underwater because the ice caps have melted due to global warming.

Some polling data

dnc poll 20200127.jpg


Other then President Trump being the first President to speak live at the Washington D.C. march for life I didn’t recall hearing much about it in the local Vermont media. Then again I don’t bother much with the local media.

The Burlington Free Press did cover the rally in Montpelier like it was an abolition rally in Dixie in the 1850’s

I imagine that the Progressives that run Vermont wish someday to have something like Article 58-10, 58-11, and 58-12 in a penal code to deal with “right to lifers”, “climate change deniers”, and anyone who voted for Trump.

Anyway, here is the march that took place in Washington. Looks like a few people showed up.

Bernie is not well liked…

by the Hildabeast no less.

“In the doc, you’re brutally honest on Sanders: ‘He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it,'” Rose said, quoting Clinton. “That assessment still hold?” “Yes, it does,” Clinton responded.

“I will say, however, that it’s not only him, it’s the culture around him. It’s his leadership team. It’s his prominent supporters. It’s his online Bernie Bros and their relentless attacks on lots of his competitors, particularly the women,” she continued.

The New York Times dosen’t want you.

Even people that have worked for you think you’re an asshole.

According to some who have worked closely with Sanders over the years, “grumpy grandpa” doesn’t even begin to describe it. They characterize the senator as rude, short-tempered and, occasionally, downright hostile. Though Sanders has spent much of his life fighting for working Vermonters, they say he mistreats the people working for him.

“As a supervisor, he was unbelievably abusive,” says one former campaign staffer, who claims to have endured frequent verbal assaults. The double standard was clear: “He did things that, if he found out that another supervisor was doing in a workplace, he would go after them. You can’t treat employees that way.”

But Bolshevik Bernie has attracted very hardcore support. Behold the James Hodgkinson Brigade.

Part 1 ‘Liberals Get the F***ing Wall First’

Part 2 “There Are Things More Important Than the Rule of Law in USA”

As of this writing, to my knowledge Bernie has not fired anyone or disavowed any of their statements.

Free healthcare (especially for illegals) . Free education and saving the planet in 12 years? Bernie will definatly need his own version of the Cheka. The scary part is that they’re thousands of our citizens who would be willing to join such an organization.

This is why we have the 2nd amendment and why the left is trying to abolish it.

M.L.K. day 2020

A Guest Commentary, by R.E.

On this MLK day, I always remember one of his lesser known quotes that I believe came true, but he never saw.  
“If America’s soul is poisoned, the autopsy will need to include the Vietnam war.
I believe our present situation America finds itself in with regards to the far left was born on college campuses during the Vietnam war.  While I don’t have anything against them protesting, especially since then they had a REAL reason, they never moved on.  Today the bulk of the professors indoctrinating the youth are still stuck in this “America Sucks” mindset.  
The left does not achieve satisfaction from accomplishments, they are much happier with tearing something apart.
Their first high is protesting, the second is being totalitarian tyrants.

An Ironic Picture….

Reality Check for Democrats: Would Martin Luther King Be ...

Under President Trump…

Unemployment rate at a fifty year low.

Unemloyment rates for Blacks and Hispanics at “record lows.“.

Who would have thunk it.

If we are not careful, our colleges will produce a group of close-minded, unscientific, illogical propagandists, consumed with immoral acts. Be careful, ‘brethren!’ Be careful, teachers!” Martin Luther King, Jr.

If you voted for Trump…

Then you are a RACIST!!!

And in voting for Trump you were violating the Constitution

He’s a college “professor”. We should bow down.

Terry Smith, a visiting professor at the University of Baltimore School of Law, offers a different response in his new book, “Whitelash: Unmasking White Grievance at the Ballot Box.” Rather than excuse racist voters or try to figure out how to live with their choices, he argues that racist voting is not just immoral, but illegal. The government, Smith says, has the ability, and the responsibility, to address it


“When voters go to the booth, they’re not expressing a mere personal preference,” Smith told me. According to Smith, voters who pull the levers to harm black people are violating the Constitution. If the Constitution means that overt racist appeals undermine the legality of union elections, it stands to reason that they undermine the legality of other elections, as well.

You don’t say….

So how can you tell when voters are acting out of prejudice? Again, Smith says, employment discrimination law provides a useful analogy. In discrimination cases, courts look for pretexts. If someone gives a reason for a hiring decision that is obviously false or makes little sense in context, the court has good reason to believe that prejudice or bias may have influenced the hiring decision.

So when Americans vote/hire in a person that Democrats, academia, the media and Antifa doesn’t like the courts should step in and invalidate the election. But…

It’s more difficult to censure voters who have violated their constitutional duties. Nullifying elections would be essentially impossible. But Smith argues that there are other options.

Doing away with the Electortial College…?

I think we can dismantle some of the features of the electoral system that encourage racialized decision-making,” he says. “For instance, you only get a partisan gerrymander by moving people in and out of districts on the basis of their race.” Ending this practice at the state and federal levels would be a big step toward reducing the power of racism at the ballot box, as would ending the use of Voter IDs intended to disenfranchise black voters.

Because as every white leftist/liberal knows, Black people are simply too stupid to obtain the personal identification which is required for everything from driving a car to cashing a check to boarding a plane. And lets not even get started on the difficulty it imposes when the minority voter when through no fault of his/her own happen to be deceased. Purging voter roles is just another example of blatant racisim.

Really what the Left wants is elections just like any Communist dictatorship. The ruling party (them) places their chosen candidate on the ballot without opposition, and everyone eligable is required to vote under penalty of law. That way the peasants will always vote for the correct people .

Which in their minds would not longer violate the U.S. Constitution

This is an opinion piece published by a billion dollar corporation (NBC).

This is what’s being taught in our Universitys.

Thirty years ago these cretins would be laughed at. Not anymore, this needs to be taken very seriously. Ignore at our peril.

Deeeeep State Dreams

and nightmares.

Deep State bureaucrats masterbate salivate at the thought of Joe Biden as President . A figurehead, a tool, a fool, the perfect dupe. The Party would designate chose a Vice President or some member of the cabient to act as “Prime Minister” and like in the old Soviet Union the office of “president would become largly “ceremonial”. But they won’t tell Joe that. The Deep State and the media will protect him like Col. Hogan protected Col. Klink.

That he seems to be the frontrunner is a testament to how nervous they are with the Old Bolshevik, The fake Indian, The Gay Mayor and the billionaire boys.

And they should be nervous. If these thugs were to ever be in a position of power and had the force to back it up, well just because you say you’re a Liberal, have voted Democrat all your life, you’re pro choice, favor abolishing the 2nd amedment and hate trump with a passion, it won’t make much of an impression with these people.

The first thing hard core Leftest do is eliminate their fellow travelers.

The latest from James O’Keefe

One thing you can say for Bernie’s people, they don’t f*ck around.

Well before Bernie can take on Trump he has to overcome the Democrat establishment. Which from Obama on down wants nothing to do with him.

Trump supporters need to stock up on popcorn. This is going to be interesting.