
BLM/Antifa are Marxist!

And their flags fly at practically ever high school in Vermont.

They [the students] should be embarrassed. But they’ve been indoctrinated since kindergarten by their teachers political commissars.

But it’s just as much our fault. It was so gradual, so insidious that we didn’t notice, or didn’t want to notice the “ROT” that was taking place.

Liberal hivemind‘s take on the present crisis of government education indoctrination.

Now it’s Rochester N.Y.

Coming closer. Like “the Big One” in California: not a question of “if” but “when”. Will Vermont have its BLM riot before the election, or After?

Speaking of the The Big One”

Probably won’t happen in my lifetime but it would be a sight to behold to watch Sodom and Gomorrah a.k.a San Francisco and Los Angeles suffer the same biblical fate. But godless leftist will know that ‘God’ had nothing to do with it. It was gaia. And what will be most galling for them is they won’t be able to blame it on “Climate Change”

When will it be…

Burlington’s turn

Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, now Kenosha.

The pictures below are from Kenosha Wisconsin another city run by democrats

Kenosha is a city of about 100,000 that sits right next to Lake Michigan and now, like Portland, Seattle, Milwaukee, Chicago, Minnesota, St. Louis, New York, Oakland, etc., etc., etc., it is ground zero for mindless arson, rioting, and looting.

And all of this broke out before any of the facts are known and with mainstreamed left-wing activists like Shaun King publicly cheering it on.

Jacob Blake shooting: Kenosha residents voice frustration ...

Let’s see, Burlington Vermont, a deep blue city run by Democrats and Progressives for the past few decades.

Burlington is Vermont’s largest city with a population slightly over 42,000 of which African Americans make up approx. 5%. This makes it a piss-ant city by comparison to many others, less then half the size of Kenosha Wis.. Nonetheless…

The city of Burlington has gone totally (insane) woke over the shooting in Kenosha despite the fact that it was Jacob Blake who was doing the attacking Do these idiots have any idea what having no cops would be like. are social workers going to be tracking down muggers, burglarers, armed robbers, people who commit sexual assault?

But apparently sexual assault, especially on college campuses is no longer an issue.

The Campus of The University of Vermont has been declared so safe a space that no longer requires a security apparatus.

Apparently, the supposed campus ‘rape culture’ emergency we have been hearing about for years is no longer a problem. It must be over if there’s no need for police.

Vermont High Schools have been completly corrupted with BLM propaganda and Burlington High School is no exception. And you’d better bow down and submit or lose your job as a Windsor High School Principle found out. Free speech for me but not for thee.

Antifa and BLM operatives are being funded most likely by Nazi collaborator George Soros and are being shuttled all over the country

Burlington Vermont would be the perfect place to instigate the next Kenosha. A Democrat and Progressive city administration. A totally demoralized police force who know that regardless the circumstances they will be thrown under the bus. Half the population drunk on BLM kool-aid and suffering Trump derangment syndrome. A RINO never Trumper governor.

I can see a situation where a police officer could be compelled to use deadly force involving a minority (after he/she hesitates…they will at the cost of lives. Remember “all lives” don’t matter). This could be staged (white silence is racist, raise your fist bastards or else) or a criminal emboldened. and viola, Church street in flames. Or Maple Tree Place, anywhere where “eeevilll” capitalism operates.

It would be just what Burlington and Vermont deserve.

Hopefully political expediency might prevail before something like this happenes, but antifa and BLM are beyond any control of the old guard…Democrats are panicking

What we didn’t see before…

Democrat ruled cities erupted in riots and looting.

Commentary by Styxhexhammer666.

Too bad the we didn’t see this right after the incident. Perhaps dozens of lives and billions in property damage might have been spared.

But perhaps not B.L.M. has a political agenda. And they have a Marxist/anarchist ally in Antifa. Both groups have hated America for nearly a decade and have ironiclly utilized Constitutional freedoms to organize a revolution to overthrow that very Constitution.

And the American Democrat Party is aiding and abetting this effort.

Under the cover of combating the spread of COVID-19, in many places such as Seattle, Portland, the entire State of California, New York City and New Jersey, practicly in any locality rules by leftist Democrats the Constitution of the U.S.A. is being shredded on a daily basis.

The powder keg was already there waiting to explode. The tragic incident with George Floyed was just the match that lit the fuse.

Do you know what’s happening in Portland Oregon?

Has anyone see this on American newscasts or newsprint? Its been on Fox News but I doubt anywher else. Did you know that the riots have been going on for fifty days aided and abetted by the mayor of Portland himself.

Of course what the media is focusing 24/7 is the Corona pandemic which they’re trying to compare to the plague of Justinian and pin the blame and every recorded death on President Trump.

Much of the Corporate media both in America and in Britain have sided with the Marxist terrorist in a joint effort to bring down Western Civilization and replace it with a Socialist/Marxist dictatorship.

The majority of Portlanders voted for this. You shit in your own bed. As Trump did with Minneapolis, not one dime of Federal money to repair your shithole city.

From “The Peoples Cube”

He was there, he should know,

We’ve all heard about the Antifa collective who have seized six city blocks in downtown Seattle and are now trying to set up a collective farm there to grow their own food.

As a former Soviet citizen, I feel obligated to offer their leaders advice based on practical experience.

Since none of you know how to grow seeds into beets, make Mike Bloomberg your minister of agriculture; he’ll be your best expert. Coerce him into joining your collective farm. That way, what’s yours will be his, and vice versa. That’s a lot of seed money.

For a collective farm to work you must first cleanse your ranks of wreakers, spies, saboteurs, and other enemies of the people, once you collectivize their property. Convert one of the six city blocks into a Gulag (aka concentration camp or forced labor camp), where these thoughtfelons can redeem themselves by toiling for the Common Good™ planting beets.

Then there’s an issue of some collective farmers being more successful than others. Round them all up, label them kulaks, and dekulakize them. Convert one more city block into a forced labor Gulag. Now, with so much free labor, you’re bound to have great economic success and prove to the hateful world that your way is better than their capitalist wage slavery and oppression…


CHAZ Garden.jpg

Now they’re going after Lincoln!

And the ‘Democrat’ mayor of Boston (no surprise there) is fine with it.

Inquiring minds want to know: Will Stephen Spielberg be throwning Abraham Lincoln under the bus?

Will author Doris Kearns Goodwin renounce her book “Team of Rivals” on which Speilbergs movie is based ?

But according to Doris: “Lincoln would be a Democrat today”.

Like these Democrats Doris…?

riots 20200615 01.jpg

The Memorial to 54th Massacheusetts Regiment was also defaced. I wonder what Denzil Washington and Morgan Freeman think about this?

Washington and Jefferson statues are being toppled across the country.

K-12 public education in America has been rotten for the last fifty years. I saw the begining of Marxist indoctrination with my own eyes back in the late sixties. It’s all part of the radical lefts ‘long march’ starting by taking over college academia, teachers colleges especially. And from there training not teachers but political commissars who have poisoned the last three generations to hate their own country.

The results of their efforts are plain to see right now in real time.

Leftist Supremacy

We Don’t Have a Problem with White Supremacy. We Have a Problem with Leftist Supremacy.

So, the left, in teaching people to avoid white supremacy, assumes that minorities cannot express themselves in writing, can’t get things done on time, and won’t try to make the work as good as possible. In other words, the left are in fact the white supremacists who believe any virtue that contributes to civilization must be white. The fact that they then want to suppress it — in everyone but themselves — is probably part of their plan to concentrate power“.

It’s the everyday fact that in todays world a person need identification for just about everything except it seems for…voting. And ‘white liberals’ seem to be of the opinion that African Americans are just too stupid not capable of obtaing I.D. on their own so asking them to show an I.D. is “RACIST“.

Funny how the cities with the most rioting and looting taking place are deep blue democrat, and have been that way for decades.