Someone new

Someone new… Stefan Molyneux

To those on the Left anyone who disagrees with their ideology is a NAZI ! A.k.a. “A National SOCIALIST !” As opposed to a “Marxist Socialist !” Who are more then likely indoctrinating your kids K-12

Ominous…very ominous.

When things go from bad to worse…

You just have to do the best you can and try to survive.

Now here is a guy named Aaron Clarey who it seems predicted this catastrophe well over a year ago. This video was part of a live stream on Jan 14th 2021. He is also an author of several books. He’s definitetly worth watching for the entire video.

Cappy’s 30 Year Plan: A Response to a Styxhexenhammer666 Video

Mr. Clarey is of the opinion that American experiment is dead for [my remaining lifetime] the forseeable future. I have to agree.

I’m glad I’m old.

More video’s from Mr. Clarey

An episode of “The Rubin Report”

According to Mr. Murray none of this millennial snowflake whining is not going to end anytime soon. Makes one sick to the stomach.

It’s good to have Professor Jordan Peterson back with us. He says things snowflakes don’t want to hear. They hate him. They want to censor him. He makes them piss their panties.

Want to piss of a conservative? Tell him a lie. Want to piss off a progressive? Tell him the truth.

Part 1

A Short Clip from Dr. Jordan Peterson.

I’ve wondered sometimes why the majority of BLM members and SWJ’s seem to be white women.

Dr. Peterson has a theory.

This clip is 8:20 long. Dr. Jordan Peterson has done hundreds of video’s of the years. He is despised by the Left. Which is a good indication that he makes too sense for atrophied Leftist minds to swallow. Especially when his commentaries and lectures are grounded in logic and research. You know, “SCIENCE” !

From “The People’s Cube”


By Red Square of “The People’s Cube”.

BLM is only a gimmick. Just like all the other gimmicks in the recent past – like ozone holes or transgender bathrooms – it will soon be replaced by another gimmick, which the media will call a national emergency and an existential issue of the day.

The gimmick is never the gimmick. The gimmick is always the revolution.

On the first day of the 1917 Russian revolution, a few years before Stalin assumed the role of an absolute dictator, Leon Trotsky – who at the time was a much bigger figure than Stalin – already told those who disagreed with him: “’You are pitiful, isolated individuals! You are bankrupts. Your role is played out. Go where you belong from now on—into the dustbin of history!’”

Most of those people were soon killed because their lives didn’t matter. Trotsky didn’t hesitate to kill because to a communist, some people’s lives don’t matter at all. Then Trotsky himself was killed by Stalin, along with many of his followers, especially those close to him, who remembered that Trotsky was once a bigger figure than Stalin. Remembering that was a death sentence.

Among the millions of the Soviet citizens who were killed by their own leader, many were executed just in case – give or take a few hundred thousand – because no lives mattered anymore.

I’ve always said that the degree to which a society is civilized is measured by the value it places on an individual human life. In this sense, those who like to call themselves “progressives” are, in fact, dragging us back to the dark times when some lives mattered but the majority didn’t.

The picture of Stalin holding a “No Lives Matter” sign was sent to me by a friend and I thought it would make a great meme if I added “When only some lives matter, then no lives matter. All Marxist gimmicks end up with mass graves.” I’ll gladly give credit the original author if he or she shows up