Transgender Madness

The ‘Trans Revolution’ is Arming.

It’s with good reason that our local Christian school installed massive new security doors.


Deep blue secular Vermont is a breeding ground for this new “trans” religion.


Matthew 5:11,12
Blessed are ye, when men they/them shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

“To do evil a human being must, first of all, believe that what he’s doing is good… Ideology – that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory that helps to make his [they/them] acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others’ eyes so that he won’t hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors.”

A. Solzhenitsyn


Vermont throws Christian school under the bus.

It’s a well-known fact that liberalism/leftism is virulently anti-Christian.

And deep blue Vermont is well known for being one of the most secular states in America.


Unless a majority of girls who are involved in school sports step up and push back, biological males pretending to be female will give an unfair advantage to the team they play on. The only way to level the playing field will be that every girl’s team has at least one chick with balls and a dick.


Meanwhile in Randolph Vermont

The 4th wave of feminism


The fourth wave emphasizes intersectionality[3] and interlocking systems of power, and how these contribute to the social stratification of traditionally marginalized groups, such as people of color and trans people. Fourth-wave feminists advocate (like earlier feminists) for greater representation of these groups in politics and business, and argue that society would be more equitable if policies and practices incorporated the perspectives of all people.[3]


All females are equal, except that females with penises are more equal than others.


I find it truly amazing that after 10 years of indoctrination in the “state” run schools of deep blue Vermont that these young women would be ‘uncomfortable’ being in a room in states of undress with a person claiming to be a girl but having a penis.


Perhaps some time at a re-education camp is in order.


Aside from everything else it appears that the safety of these women competing against stronger biological males is irrelevant.


If people are upset by this perhaps it’s time to attend a public school board meeting. But be prepared for the likelihood you may be arrested by uniformed personnel.


Most School boards in Vermont are “WOKE”. If you don’t like what’s going on, make an effort to VOTE THEM OUT!


This “Woman” certainly has “BALLS”!!

This “woman in name only” obviously hasn’t taken the final step of having “her” hacky sack disconnected. I would be curious as to what her testosterone levels are. 

Question to all you ladies and girls…Is this someone you want to be alone in the “women’s room” with?
Or maybe it’s was just that time of the month.