Month: July 2016

City of Kodiak. Today

It’s grown considerably from when I was there. Hope to go back one more time before I die.

Maybe I should start a go fund me page…NAH!

Destination Kodiak Alaska

After graduating ET school at Governors Island I had made my choices on the “dream sheet” of where I would like to be assigned. Looking back it seems quaint that a branch of the military would actually give you a choice. They basically owned me, they could have sent me anywhere they thought I was needed. But there happened to be an open slot at Loran station Spruce Cape . I had always wanted to see Alaska as my Father served there back in WW2.

Kodiak was my first choice, and I got it.

I had never flown before in my life.  Now I was going to fly 5 time Zones.  Leaving home and going to far away places all on the governments dime.

Nothing really prepares you for that first flight. That first take off.  You have a slight knot in your belly.  Flying is the safest way to travel  they say.  Statistically correct,  the odds are overwhelmingly in your favor, but it’s a lottery where winning is very, very bad. I flew out of Lebanon N.H. to Boston, from Boston to Chicago to Seattle-Tacoma airport arriving in the late evening. Bunked at the USO located at the airport for a 6:00am flight to Kodiak.

The plane was a Boeing 707. The seating capacity was approx. 150. There couldn’t have been more then thirty people on the plane. The plane had a full crew compliment which meant that the stewardesses (they were still called that at the time, mini-skirt uniforms too.) had more time to give us more individual attention. One of them came by and asked if I would like some champagne. I said no at first until she told me that it was “free”, compliments of the airline. Well OK! Nothing like a cup a champagne at 6:30am to calm the nerves for a four hour flight over the pacific ocean.  I set my empty cup on the tray expecting her to come and take it but no, “would you like more Sir?” Apparently this was the Champagne flight, and for the entire trip my cup was never empty. The golden age of air travel. Needless to say I was quite “corned” by the time we landed. Oh well, so much for first impressions. The first class ET was a little annoyed with me but I explained that it was because of my nervousness of flying that I overindulged. That was my story and I stuck with it.

This of course is not MY arrival.  Making video’s was a lot more involved in 1972.

Living in the past

The Station 2Commenter Mannix had the correct answer.  USCG Loran station Spruce Cape, Kodiak Alaska.

You’ve probably notice all the Alaska shows that have been on cable recently, Alaskan State troopers, Buying Alaska, Railroad Alaska, etc…  It seems that after Sarah Palin made a big splash on the national scene people took more notice of our 49th state.  It really is America’s last frontier.  And I got to live there at government expense for an entire year.

We’re fortunate that Sec of State Seward was able to close the deal with the Tsar of Russia to sell it to us.  And Russia shank from 12 time zones to only 11.  It also spared us from having those Commie bastards then or Putin now on practically our very doorstep.

Nixon had yet to be impeached, Vietnam was winding down. The Mini-skirt was still in vogue. Great bands like ELP and Led Zepp. were in their prime. For the year I was there it was the Coast Guards Version of McHale’s Navy.

More to come.



Taking a break from current events

Does anyone recognize this picture?Scan0001

I realize that my blog has an extremely small audience, for now. The odds are going to be long.

If someone who was there or knew someone who was there they can contact me at

One of the most wonderful years of my life. The fall and winter of 72. The spring and summer of 73.

Got to take a short break from politics or go batty.





Bernie endorses Hillary (Yawn)

You knew this was going to happen. It couldn’t have been any other way. Bernie caucuses with the democrats. If he hadn’t he would became a REAL independent in the Senate. Especially if Hillary should lose because Bernie’s supporters decided to sit this on out.  The democrats still haven’t forgiven Ralph Nader for Florida.

In Vermont according to the latest poll it’s 62% to 31% Hillary over Trump.  This woman should be in prison. She may be the next POTUS.  But she’ll be our first WOMAN president. And we’ll have free healthcare, free college tuition, and a $15 min. wage.  Who could possibly be against that. Those EVIL Republicans that’s who. I wish we could set up an exchange student program.  Send 1000 Vermont high school students to study for a year in Venezuela. and bring 1000 Venezuelan students to Vermont to stay with nice liberal families.  That would be interesting to see what results.

I do think that another factor is in play.  Yes, they’re conditioned to love Hillary and that big “D” by her name but they Hate Republicans, Conservatives, Christians, Capitalism, freedom,  and the Constitution MORE!

At least 2 Generations have been brainwashed into believing that their country sucks and Republicans are evil.  Howard Zinn’s history books are required in our schools. College Campuses are nothing but indoctrination centers for the left.  This may be the most important election in America since 1860.

A friend of mine has said that we’re lucky to be old, that we won’t be around to see the final catastrophe that will finally put an end to the grand experiment that was America.

Perhaps one person who should be wary if Hillary should become POTUS is that old pervert Bill.  Like the drones in an Ant or Bee colony, he will have served his purpose. The Queen will have no further use for him.  If he thinks that they’ll be co-presidents he may be in for a rude awakening.



Remember that you didn’t intend to do that.

But officer, it wasn’t my intention to get drunk and run down those people.

It wasn’t my intention to walk out of the store without paying for those items.

It wasn’t my intention not to file my income taxes. I just forgot!

It wasn’t my intention to be the crap out of my girlfriend, she deserved it.

Well, unless your name is Hillary Clinton don’t expect to weasel out.

If the American people elect this witch, bend over and get what you deserve, and you will like it.

There has always been corruption in government, but never I believe like this. They’re two sets of rules, One for them and one for you! And time is running out. Were coming close to the point of no return.