Month: November 2018

Climate change through the years

The latest government report 

speculative scenarios , things that may or may not happen.

But the unhinged left didn’t read that part.

And of course it’s all Trumps fault

Unless we do away with capitalism (free markets) and institute Socialism with top down globalist rule (and while were at it open borders, gun confiscation, and re-writing that old stuffy Constitution)

Were all going to f*cking die!!!

It’s been going on a long time.

But only in the last forty years has global warming  climate change but wedded to the advancement of Marxist ideology.

For at least  120 years, climate “scientists” have been claiming that the climate was going to kill us…but they have kept switching whether it was a coming ice age, or global warming.

(A timeline of claims follows, updated to 2014)

  • 1895 – Geologists Think the World May Be Frozen Up Again – New York Times, February 1895
  • 1902 – “Disappearing Glaciers…deteriorating slowly, with a persistency that means their final annihilation…scientific fact…surely disappearing.” – Los Angeles Times
  • 1912 – Prof. Schmidt Warns Us of an Encroaching Ice Age – New York Times, October 1912
  • 1922-The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer, and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot… Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.” — from an Associated Press report published in The Washington Post on Nov. 2, 1922.
  • 1923 – “Scientist says Arctic ice will wipe out Canada” – Professor Gregory of Yale University, American representative to the Pan-Pacific Science Congress, – Chicago Tribune
  • 1923 – “The discoveries of changes in the sun’s heat and the southward advance of glaciers in recent years have given rise to conjectures of the possible advent of a new ice age” – Washington Post
  • 1924 – MacMillan Reports Signs of New Ice Age – New York Times, Sept 18, 1924
  •  Rise– New York Times, March 27th, 1933
  • 1933 – “…wide-spread and persistent tendency toward warmer weather…Is our climate changing?” – Federal Weather Bureau “Monthly Weather Review.”
  • 1938 – Global warming, caused by man heating the planet with carbon dioxide, “is likely to prove beneficial to mankind in several ways, besides the provision of heat and power.”– Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
  • 1938 – “Experts puzzle over 20 year mercury rise…Chicago is in the front rank of thousands of cities thuout the world which have been affected by a mysterious trend toward warmer climate in the last two decades” – Chicago Tribune
  • 1954 – Climate – the Heat May Be Off – Fortune Magazine
  • 1959 – “Arctic Findings in Particular Support Theory of Rising Global Temperatures” – New York Times
  • 1969 – “…the Arctic pack ice is thinning and that the ocean at the North Pole may become an open sea within a decade or two” – New York Times, February 20th, 1969
  • 1969 – “If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000″ — Paul Ehrlich (while he now predicts doom from global warming, this quote only gets honorable mention, as he was talking about his crazy fear of overpopulation)
  • 1970 – “…get a good grip on your long johns, cold weather haters – the worst may be yet to come…there’s no relief in sight” – Washington Post
  • 1974 – Global cooling for the past forty years – Time Magazine
  • 1974 – “Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of another ice age” – Washington Post
  • 1974 – “As for the present cooling trend a number of leading climatologists have concluded that it is very bad news indeed” – Fortune magazine, who won a Science Writing Award from the American Institute of Physics for its analysis of the danger
  • 1974 – “…the facts of the present climate change are such that the most optimistic experts would assign near certainty to major crop failure…mass deaths by starvation, and probably anarchy and violence” – New York Times
  • 1975 – Scientists Ponder Why World’s Climate is Changing; A Major Cooling Widely Considered to Be Inevitable – New York Times, May 21st, 1975
  • 1975 – “The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind” Nigel Calder, editor, New Scientist magazine, in an article in International Wildlife Magazine
  • 1976 – “Even U.S. farms may be hit by cooling trend” – U.S. News and World Report
  • 1981 – Global Warming – “of an almost unprecedented magnitude” – New York Times
  • 1988 – I would like to draw three main conclusions. Number one, the earth is warmer in 1988 than at any time in the history of instrumental measurements. Number two, the global warming is now large enough that we can ascribe with a high degree of confidence a cause and effect relationship to the greenhouse effect. And number three, our computer climate simulations indicate that thegreenhouse effect is already large enough to begin to effect the probability of extreme events such as summer heat waves. – Jim HansenJune 1988 testimony before Congress, see His later quote and His superior’s objection for context
  • 1990 – “We’ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing – in terms of economic policy and environmental policy” – Senator Timothy Wirth
  • 1998 – No matter if the science [of global warming] is all phony . . . climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” —Christine Stewart, Canadian Minister of the Environment, Calgary Herald, 1998
  • 2006 – “What we have fundamentally forgotten is simple primary school science. Climate always changes. It is always…warming or cooling, it’s never stable. And if it were stable, it would actually be interesting scientifically because it would be the first time for four and a half billion years.” —Philip Stott, emeritus professor of bio-geography at the University of London
  • 2008 – “Hansen was never muzzled even though he violated NASA’s official agency position on climate forecasting (i.e., we did not know enough to forecast climate change or mankind’s effect on it). Hansen thus embarrassed NASA by coming out with his claims of global warming in 1988 in his testimony before Congress” – Dr. John S. Theon, retired Chief of the Climate Processes Research Program at NASA, see above for Hansen quotes


  • 2011 – Where Did Global Warming Go? “In Washington, ‘climate change’ has become a lightning rod, it’s a four-letter word,” said Andrew J. Hoffman, director of the University of Michigan’s Erb Institute for Sustainable Development.   – New York Times, Oct 15, 2011.
  • 2013 – Global-warming ‘proof’ is evaporating.  The 2013 hurricane season just ended as one of the five quietest years since 1960. But don’t expect anyone who pointed to last year’s hurricanes as “proof” of the need to act against global warming to apologize; the warmists don’t work that way. New York Post, Dec 5, 2013

Indoctrination is truly a dangerous thing to society and our freedom. The fact is, fossil fuels have greatly improved the length and quality of life for everyone the last 150 years. When scientists, bureaucrats and politicians predict the number of deaths from fossil fuels years out, why don’t they point out the number of lives saved each year because we have fossil fuels?

Note the year 1998;  What Ms. Christine Stewart really means is Socialism and top down rule by your “Betters”.  That’s what it’s all about now.






























Obama with no teleprompter

It’s Hard to believe that some people thought still think that this guy was the smartest man ever to be President.

Those of us who paid attention to his speaking abilities when he was not reading a prepared text were already skeptical, with his stalling the completion of his thoughts with  “uh…uh” and mispronunciations (“corpse-man”) and outright errors (“57 states” speaking “Austrian” in Austria) painful evidence that this was no Winston Churchill, and not even a passably well-educated man.


It’s amazing that with all the media hatred directed towards President Donald Trump, the Fake News media looked upon (they still do) Obama’s Butt Cheeks as a human Blarney Stone.

And Barack Obama is making money hand over fist, but I doubt very much that the sycophant media will ever directly ask him if he thinks he’s made enough.

I (perhaps) won’t be around to know how history will judge his Presidency.  A lot will depend on what kind of America will exist by the end of the century  in the next twenty years. 

Obama must laugh his ass off at how easy it all was, and how stupid and naive the people who voted him in office (twice) were.





Democrats have not changed

They are still the party of treason in the 21st century.

In 1860, he was living in Norborne [Missouri]. He wrote to Lincoln and received an appointment as Republican Precinct Committee Man. He placed Lincoln’s name on the 1860 ballot. All of Nathaniel’s neighbors were Southern sympathizers. He had been talking about electing Lincoln for president in town. One morning at about 2 or 3 a.m. a neighbor rode up and told Natty not to light any lights. The neighbor wanted to warn him  that his neighbors were planning to murder him and if he wanted to live he should be on his way.

Of course way back then the Democrat party was the party of slaveholder’s  and white supremacist. and later on the party of the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow, lynching, and segregation.  
Today they are the party of Progressivism , Marxism, Socialism, Elitism, Political correctness,and Totalitarianism. 
They are the Party of Envy,  open borders and refusing to enforce the law.
Of abortion on demand, of gun control, the stifling of free speech and of seeking power by any means necessary. 
Of Antifa and mob violence . 
The Democrats  and their media allies are the greatest threat to freedom this country has ever known.
Coolidge spins in his grave. 
  As does Nathaniel Grigsby.

How on earth?

Did this get in MY e-mail ??

So I will share why I’m  voting  this November.

The job market is booming, the unemployment rate is the lowest in decades. African-American unemployment has fallen to record lows.  Income inequality?  When lawyers work for $15 an hour call me.

For taxes ? You think your going to soak the rich? Democrats are some of the richest people in the country. Yea,  I just can’t wait to pay more taxes F*CK YOU.

Climate change?  Of course the only save the planet is to put progressives  totalitarians in power.

For immigration?  They mean open borders. As long as they to breach their secure mansions and gated communities.  Build the damn wall.

For health care? Other then bankrupting the country the only people who’ll have good healthcare will be our new masters. And there will be rationing?

For racial justice? Which political party has controlled all the major cities for the last fifty years?

For education?  You mean indoctrination.

For gun violence prevention?  Lets just confiscate all the guns from the law abiding. That’s what you mean.

For voting rights? An I.D. needed for everything…except voting. Vote early and often.

For national security?  Hillary uses an unsecured server to transmit government business Secretary of State and Dianne Fin-china-stein employees a Chinese spy for 20 years. also see “immigration” above.

For foreign policy?   Bow to the U.N..

Criminal justice reform?  Yea, let’s be like the old Soviet Union,  an accusation, arrest, show trial, predetermined verdict. Sentencing. (for white males only).

For civil rights?  Like a right to not have to be offended.  And the right to shut down other peoples free speech.

College affordability and student debt?  Just make it free, The diplomas will be worthless anyway.

For women’s reproductive rights?  Poke open the baby’s head and vacuum out it’s brains.

For LGBTQ rights? As we all know, “civil unions”,  “gay marriage” was only the beginning. Now it’s the right to use whatever restroom you”identify” with.

For workers rights?  Tell me, what rights are they lacking? The right to not get fired?

For disability rights? Again explain to me what “rights” they don’t have now.

For retirement security?  Both parties have bee robbing Social Security for many years. Pensions especially in “blue states” are unfunded.

For support of Veterans and military families?  Really? and President Trump doesn’t.

To hold Donald Trump accountable?  notice that they refuse to call him President.

I certainly do hold President Trump accountable, accountable for all the wonderful things He has done for our country. And thus far the leadership he as shown in the face of  the raw hatred that no President since Abraham Lincoln has had to endure.

I am a deplorable and proud of it. I will vote a straight Republican ticket Nov. 6th.