Month: September 2016

The proposed Vermont Carbon Tax

From    Are you ready to pay $0.88 more for a gallon of gas.

The Iron fist in a velvet glove.

“You want to intervene with the lightest step possible,” Heaps said. “You don’t want to have the government tell you how to produce less carbon, and how much to consume.”A carbon tax leaves it up to consumers to decide whether to live near their workplace, or whether to purchase an electric car. Economists prefer a carbon tax to a ban on carbon emissions, for instance, or a requirement that all commuters take public transit, Heaps said.

The tax would produce results, too, he said.

Cigarette taxes provide a good example of this effect at work, Heaps said.

“Raising the cigarette tax does reduce cigarette consumption,” he said. “With a carbon tax, you set the tax so as to reduce carbon to a [desired level], and if the tax isn’t high enough to get there, well, raise it again. If it’s set too high, then lower the tax.

“We’ve seen it time and again in markets, you raise the price, people will eventually consume less,” Heaps said.

The article goes to state that for Vermont to do this alone would be very bad economic policy. A carbon tax would tax everything, heating oil, propane, natural gas, not just gasoline. So there would be an effort to get all of New England on board.

If Vermont did this alone it would of course be a tremendous windfall for New Hampshire  gas stations all along their side of the Connecticut river.

The well-off will absorb it without to much pain. those below the poverty line will be subsidized.   So who’s left? That’s right. the bourgeoisie, the middle class.

This tax will of course be used to subsidize the building of the small to huge solar panel plots that are springing up all over Vermont.

And with “smart meters” installed on all homes the power co. and the government will know exactly how much power your consuming and when you use the most. It will make rationing that much easier.

The plan is to make fossil fuels unaffordable.

But why are we going through all this when it’s already to late to do anything about it.

Because the “transformation” (to socialism) must continue regardless.  An the peasants (us) had better comply…or else.




Arnold & Jose RIP

Things seem to happen in two’s don’t they.

Two figures in the world of sports left us very recently.

Arnold Palmer passed away at 87. He came from humble origins. Learned the game of golf from his father, the groundskeeper and club professional of a golf club in Latrobe Penn.

He’s credited with changing golf’s image from a sport of the rich and elite to that of the common man. He won many tournaments. He was a giant of his sport in his era, and did much to popularize golf around the world. He had legions of fans.

He was still doing television commercials into his eighties.

His life was without scandal, and he lived to a ripe old age. RIP.


Jose Fernandez and his mother escaped the hellhole known as Cuba on their fourth try.  He spent time in jail for the failed attempts.

During the last attempt his mother fell out of the boat, he rescued her. He was fifteen at the time. They made it to Mexico.  Then to the U.S.A.  He became a citizen, the correct way.

He loved baseball, he was a pitching prodigy. He was the star of the Miami Marlins. He was a millionaire (and he earned it). He was admired by everyone, especially his fellow Cubans in Miami. He loved life and had a baby on the way. Life was good, then it was gone, for a stupid stunt of riding (or driving) in a boat at a high rate of speed in the middle of the night.  Well, we’ve probably all done stupid things in our youth. Of course we’re still alive to remember them.  He was 24.

Gone too soon, and one can only wonder what might have been.  RIP.






They hate us, they really, really hate us

To paraphrase Sally Field.

I’m not referring to fat boy Kim Jong Un of N. Korea, or the Ayatollahs of Iran.

These people who are filled with this hatred don’t hate America per-say (all right some of them do) because they do live in this country. Their hatred is for a significant portion of their fellow citizens.

I’m referring of course to the Hollywood progressive tolerant left, (an oxymoron if there ever was one)

Anyone who supports Trump and is against Hillary and the progressive agenda is the object of their hatred.

The Progressive-left democrats who for all practical purposes control academia, the media, and the entertainment industry a.k.a.  Hollywood have commenced a campaign to “educate” the bitter-clinging masses that if you vote for Trump you’re simply “DEPLORABLE” pond scum.

All the Marvel superhero’s are for Hillary, the Avengers, Iron man, Captain America et al.  Of course I mean the actors who play them and came out against Trump.

The multi- millionaire working class hero Bruce Springsteen who also help put Obama over the top calls Trump a “moron” and by association all his supporters.

And did I forget Bill Maher, who cracks jokes about Trump’s assassination.

The list goes on and on.

Save for a few brave individuals like James Woods and Jon Voight.  Hollywood stars have a very low opinion for the very people who buy the tickets for their concerts and movies.

Of course speaking out and stating the wrong opinions can wreck a career.

They live in a bubble. They have wealth, mansions, and personal security.

They hate you, they really, really hate you.

Reply to them on Nov. 8th.






Meanwhile in Sweden

Elect Hillary and it’s all coming here.

From the U.K Express.   Sweden is losing control.

But Progressives never have to say their sorry, They never admit to a mistake.

Because they’re our “betters” and know what’s best for us.


WTF Arizona

From “Slate”


“The Arizona Supreme Court issued a stunning and horrifying decision on Tuesday, interpreting a state law to criminalize any contact between an adult and a child’s genitals. According to the court, the law’s sweep encompasses wholly innocent conduct, such as changing a diaper or bathing a baby. As the stinging dissent notes, “parents and other caregivers” in the state are now considered to be “child molesters or sex abusers under Arizona law.” Those convicted under the statute may be imprisoned for five years.”

But we’re willing to learn

From Breibart. The re-education transformation continues.

Once our armed forces had one job, “to kill people and break things”. Now the Navy is going to start new training to force convince sailors not to harass those sailors who want to make become “Waves”.

Meanwhile for our adversaries, (China, North Korea, Russia, ISIS, Iran)  inclusiveness and fighting “climate change” is not their to-do list

You WILL learn.

You WILL be made to care. wither you want to or not.

Vote Trump as if your country future depended on it. Because it does.

Is Talk radio dead in Central Vt.?

Program format changes are afoot at WSNO 1450am.  Conservative talk radio appears to be no more. In a way I’m not surprised. I would often listen to Glen Beck and especially Rush Limbaugh to get a does of sanity in a world increasingly going insane.  The station recently switched from Sean Hannity to Howie Carr to perhaps a local New England conservative talk show host would pull better ratings.  Apparently that experiment also failed.

But one couldn’t help but notice that during the breaks for local commercials there would be nothing but “dead air” or listen to the network countdown to cue the program back on.

Was it because no Central Vermont businesses wanted to advertise on conservative talk shows? Did they worry that their liberal democrat customers would boycott them? Did they really try hard to sell advertising?

Well I don’t hold anything against them. Radio is a business like everything else. And it comes down to ratings. Probably most of the people who would have listened have day jobs where the boss frowns on them listening to the radio.  No doubt to many would refuse to listen because of preconceived notions about conservatives and will not lower themselves to listen to anything that might pierce their liberal bubble.

You can’t run a business and continue to be in the red. Those show cost money. Low ratings mean you can’t charge as much for advertising and even break even, let alone make a profit. So you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.

It’s good that I my blog isn’t a business. looking at my viewer numbers which have been declining for some weeks,  I wonder if the only people who read my blog are my friends and relatives. Oh well,  I enjoy it .

Fortunately  I’m able to pick Rush up on 620am out of Burlington.

So there.



A brilliant essay

From  “THe Political Hat”

It Doesn’t Affect You, But It Does
Posted on September 16, 2016 by The Political Hat
John Donne once said that “no man is an island”.  Society has evolved, does evolve, and will evolve, with the actions of each to one degree or another affecting it and being affected by it.  Society isn’t some abstract idea or social construct of the conspiratorial vein.  The libertarian ideal that everyone can do what they want and anything not affecting others in the strictest 1st degree will not have a depreciative or dilatory effect others, and thus society, is based upon a blind faith that the way, the truth, the light, of Randian enlightenment can not, and will not, be snuffed out a la Anthem because the choices of others does not, in the strictest 1st degree, command another.

Single payer, Yea that’s the ticket

British newspapers seem to be a lot more truthful then their American counterparts.  Even the most unabashed left wing paper The Guardian  won’t sugarcoat and spin the news like cotton candy.

Years of underfunding have left the service facing such “impossible” demands that without urgent extra investment in November’s autumn statement it will have to cut staff, bring in charges or introduce “draconian rationing” of treatment – all options that will provoke public disquiet, it says.”

Single payer is goal of the “progressives”. Obama care is collapsing as intended.  Obama wants “single payer”, Hillary wants “single payer, The “progressives” in Vermont does not want the State to wait on the Feds and be an example to the nation. Be the first State to adopt “single payer” health care.

Being that Vermont has one of the “oldest” populations in the nation, and already one of the highest taxed, and when it comes to health care there is never enough money. Perhaps society should simply cut you off at 75 as Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel explained in an American Thinker article .  Not everyone of course, as every progressive knows “some people are more equal the others”.  This is what can happen when you turn your healthcare over to your ‘benevolent” masters.

Or we could adopt “resolution”  and celebrate a life (hopefully) well lived and not be a “burden” to society, as shown in this episode of Star Trek ” Half a life”.



One of the first things Lenin did after the Bolsheviks seized power in 1917 (aside from killing the opposition as fast as they could) was to make healthcare “free” Once the government controls that they control you.

What’s the alternative you ask? Get the government out of healthcare. Allow insurance companies to compete, to write individual policies for people (i.e. catastrophic) that are portable, form pools for high risk individuals, promote health savings accounts and encourage people to take responsibility for their own health.

The choice is between being a free citizen or a farm animal.









Just Random Thoughts

Was speaking with a co-worker yesterday about the upcoming election.  He basically was disgusted with both candidates. Didn’t trust either of them.  I tried to explain to him that If Hillary becomes President the Constitution will be “dead”, not “living” DEAD!

He did mention to me that he “concealed carries” every where except at our place of employment which is a “gun free zone”.  He sited a recent fatal stabbing at the Champlain Valley Fair, “that’s why I carry” he said.

Well if Hillary becomes President she is going to be nominating Supreme Court Justices. The first will be to replace the late Anthony Scalia. She will nominate a flaming leftist in the mold of Ginsburg, (or maybe that constitutional scholar himself, Obama). Even if the Republicans retain control of the Senate which is not a sure thing, would the Republican party have the balls to prevent a confirmation.  Judging from how they have performed for the last eight years,  and with the pressure the MSM propaganda on them (the first woman president you see) I expect they will crumble.  And kiss goodbye the 2nd Amendment.

Hillary will not be held accountable for ANYTHING BAD!  Wither it be the economy (which Bill is slated to control) to national security and everything in between. The lapdog media will spin this disaster as something good for the country.

Hillary will open the borders and let in a flood of Hispanics  and Middle Eastern refugees who with very few exceptions will constitute a much larger permanent under class to go along with African Americans who will vote democrat in perpetuity. To keep those checks coming and to go to the head of the line regardless of merit.

The billionaire progressive are so filthy stinking rich that higher taxes on them will only be a minor itch. And if it bothers them too much they know exactly where to go to get it scratched.

No, it will be the middle class and small business that will carry the brunt of the cost both in wealth and in freedom.  Hillary taking the precedent  set by Obama will ignore Congress and rule by decree. With a stacked Supreme Court backing her ( and that weasel John Roberts likely going along) guns will be confiscated from law abiding citizens, energy cost will skyrocket (we’ve  heard that before) to save the planet from global warming,  the military will continue to be gutted and neutered and America’s enemies  will look on in amazement that we could be so stupid!

The First Amendment will be twisted in knots also.  Freedom of speech HA! You still have freedom of speech as long as you don’t OFFEND anyone! White males and Christians excepted.

Deep blue Vermont that presently has NO gun restrictions on law abiding citizens, will discover that the omnipotent federal government has corrected that oversight.

Trump on the other hand is despised by the media, despised by the left (democrats, progressives, socialist, communists, and half the stupid Republican party. If he wins the media and left will pull out all the stops to insure he falls flat on his face. He will be hated more the Bush ever was. The Democrats will be united in opposing all his efforts at reform, especially on immigration. And I’m sure there will be a few Republicans “crossing the isle” to show their “bipartisanship”.

No with Trump it will be the exact opposite from the last eight years.

America’s future, will it remain a land of freedom and opportunity or descend  into “soft tyranny”?  Which no doubt will harden as time passes.

Trump was not my first choice, but considering the alternative he is the only choice.