Single payer, the Democrats holy grail.

From the American thinker.

Vermont was the first to try a single-payer plan. The ideal state for single payer. Home to Ben and Jerry’s. Democrats as far as the eye can see, including one of the major single-payer proponents, socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders. How did that turn out in the land of Chunky Monkey?

Not well. Legislation was signed into law. But then reality hit. The price tag was more than the entire state budget, funded by a tax hike above and beyond Bernie’s wildest dreams. The governor wisely pulled the plug, rather than bankrupting his state, sending business east, west and south to more friendly states. Strike one…


If tax revenues are insufficient, just pay doctors less right? Until they leave the state. Can’t you pay hospitals less? Sure, until they close their doors. Then come the wait-lists. Waiting for not enough doctors or hospital beds. Don’t believe me? Just look across the pond at the British National Health Service to see exactly how this plays out under a government-run single-payer system.


Read the entire article.

The Democrats only hope is that the “stupid party” comes to their rescue.

Oh the humanity.

Isn’t science a wonderful thing.

When it doesn’t have a political agenda.

They were not expecting this.

U.S., Norwegian, and German scientists report back on the surprising results of an Arctic Ocean research expedition. 
The ocean waters near the surface of the Arctic Ocean absorbed 2,000 times more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than the amount of methane that escaped into the atmosphere from the same waters, according to a study by the USGS Gas Hydrates Project and collaborators in Germany and Norway. The study was conducted near Norway’s Svalbard Islands, above several seafloor methane seeps.

Methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, but the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere where the study was conducted more than offset the potential warming effect of the methane emissions that were observed.

Are you listening boys and girls?

About 1,500 Vermont students march down East State Street in Montpelier on Wednesday as part of the Vermont Youth Lobby’s Rally to Save the Planet. Below, students cheer the performance of Harwood Union High School rapper Logan Wedge. JEB WALLACE-BRODEUR / STAFF PHOTOS

Your freedom hangs in the balance.


You know it’s finally Spring.

When these 3 thing occur.

Apple blossoms.


Fields of yellow dandelions.


And June Bugs.

But it’s only for a very short time. Enjoy it while it lasts, especially when its not raining.


The Concept of Right and Wrong.


The philosophy of moral relativism has been with us since the days of the ancient Greeks. This philosophy propagates the lie that there are no Moral absolutes and objective truths.

Found this You Tube channel by accident. It is small and relatively new. (no pun intended)

It’s worth checking out.


First the came for the climate change deniers, and also here.

Ignore at your own peril.



What would America look like under Totalitarian rule?

Look no further then our college campuses.

From Frontpage Mag.

By Daniel Greenfield

There is a place in America where civil rights don’t exist.

The First Amendment doesn’t apply. Neither does the Sixth Amendment. (Never mind the Second.)  Not only Freedom of Speech, but Freedom of Association (NAACP v. Alabama) is under fire.

Snowflakes. Oversensitive. We’ve all heard those accusations leveled at college students. Are millennial college students really an oversensitive generation? Or are they right to be oversensitive.

Two types of people are sensitive; the entitled and the endangered. It’s reasonable to be paranoid about subtle social nuances if you live in a totalitarian state where the wrong word or look will be punished. Where someone is always watching for even the most minor acts of political incorrectness.

College students are afraid. And they should be.The average college campus with its speech codes, thought policing, violent protests and kangaroo courts has no resemblance to anything else in the United States of America.

Colleges are totalitarian states. And they are the blueprints of the left’s plan for the entire country.

Solar panel Farms: YES! Dairy farms NO!


Vermont is at the forefront in saving the planet.

I’ve posted on this subject before.  As readers(?) of this blog will no doubt note.

Vermont needs to do away with dairy farming altogether. Cows fart methane. Methane is even a worse greenhouse gas then carbon dioxide.  Get rid of the cows and fill the pastures with solar panels. It’s a win win situation.

And none other the light bringer Obama himself agrees.

From Heatstreet.

The most striking of Obama’s remarks came when he brought up food consumption. “Our existing food system is a significant contributor to climate change,” Obama said going on to list ways that the challenge of people eating could be slowed or halted. “We need to create a food culture that encourages a demand for healthier more sustainable food,” he lectured, claiming that up to 40% of Americans waste food while millions on the planet starve. Perhaps this is the part of the speech he should have given before sailing around Polynesia on billionaire David Geffen’s yacht with Tom Hanks, Bruce Springsteen and Oprah Winfrey.

The article mainly focuses on meat consumption, but we know better. Dairy cows fart too.

Perhaps it’s time to switch to almond or soy milk.






Mama don’t let your babies grow up to be Journalist.

Because being a journalist means you think you know everything when you really know nothing.

From Investor’s Business Daily


Economics: Why is it that reporters keep scratching their heads about Venezuela’s descent into extreme poverty and chaos? The cause is simple. Socialism. End it and you will end the misery. When the New York Times wrote about Venezuela’s ongoing collapse a year ago, it described how the country was suffering “painful shortages … even of basic foods,” and how “electricity and water are being rationed, and huge areas of the country have spent months with little of either.”

Here is how the Times explained the reason for Venezuela’s dire situation: “The growing economic crisis (was) fueled by low prices for oil, the country’s main export; a drought that has crippled Venezuela’s ability to generate hydroelectric power; and a long decline in manufacturing and agricultural production.”

There’s no mention — not one — of the fact that Hugo Chávez tried to turn Venezuela into a socialist paradise, policies that his successor Nicolás Maduro has continued. The Times’ coverage is par for the course.

Read the article.

Venezuela has been feeling the Bern. Someday Vermont may feel it too.


Hillary Clinton’s first 100 days.

From the American thinker.


The First Amendment has undergone a refreshing rebranding under the Clinton administration.  “Hate groups, hateful individuals and hate speech will no longer be permitted to hide behind the Bill of Rights, like terrorists using civilian children as human shields” (also alleged but not disputed).  Accordingly, all universities that accept federal funding, or that accept students who have taken federal student loans or grants, have been advised to follow the leadership of the University of California, Berkeley in setting standards for who may be allowed to speak on campus.  Dozens of “Tea Party” groups have lost their tax-exempt status.  “Lois Lerner was too lenient,” one staffer remarked off the record.  “We are cracking down for real this time.”

Gun violence should be seeing a substantial reduction under the Clinton administration now that the national gun registry database is actively integrating records from state-level sales and other sources, and with mandatory universal enrollment required of all firearm owners before year’s end.  At least one source close to the administration has said candidly off the record that “the die is cast.  Before the end of the first HRC term, we’ll have [confiscated] all of their guns.”  When asked what about those gun owners who would not be willing to give up their guns regardless of cost to themselves, the same staffer shrugged.  “Then they will pay that cost.

Read it all.

Even if Trump falls short of our expectations, we dodged a bullet.  America as we had known it would be gone.