A trip to Washington D.C. part 1

Its been almost five decades since that class trip to Washington D.C.. It was an eye opener for many of us who had never really ventured out of northern New England. My Aunt and Uncle had taken me to Fenway park the year before. That was my first exposer to a really big city, but this was a totally different experience entirely.

During the bus trip down the eastern seaboard it seemed like one big city from New York to Baltimore. When we got into the city limits of Washington we saw for the first time the Washington we never read about in our school books.

Washington D.C. Is a “Black” city. African America people everywhere. Coming from lily white Vermont where seeing a black person was an anomaly the reverse was true for Washington D.C. Then we noticed the litter…everywhere. The businesses all had iron bars across the front of their windows and doors. It seemed that every forth establishment was a liquor store.

We arrived at our hotel. Our tour of the Federal government portion of Washington would start tomorrow. Things would start smoothly and later it would get a little wild.

To be continued.

Good Morning Everyone

Just a very brief post to let everyone know that where I live it’s damn cold for this time of year.

I remember a special day. The 4th of April 92′. On that day the air was warm. the grass was green, the sky was blue, the leaves were out, the birds were singing. It was a life changing event for me and the day was perfect.

24 years later you would think it would be like living in South Carolina by now. Not!

Hope it’s warmer wherever you are.

Small Changes

I started this blog as pretty much a lark. Something intellectually simulating as I get none at my day job. My hope is that the few people who come across it will find it interesting, entertaining, sometimes provocative.
I’m still very much the amateur at this and I’m very fortunate to have an in-house expert to help me with it.
I’ve had the recommended links move to the side for more visibility. I hope that after viewing my efforts you will click to see the blogs I go to. And try to aspire to. More will be added as time goes on.
I have a lot more to say. The number of people who read my words is not the point. The fact that in this country I’m still allowed to say it. For now.

Climate Change and Solar farms

Driving through the state one cannot help but notice all the solar panel farms that have been constructed. I suppose that in comparison to wind turbines this is a better alternative.  They don’t make that low frequency hum and that whup, whup, whup, that I hear can drive some people batty. The wind doesn’t always blow but the sun is always shining. At least in the daytime. And if it isn’t cloudy. They are usually constructed in pre-existing fields so they don’t require 50 to 100 acres of forest to be clear cut and long access roads to be built. As an added bonus it means less space for those methane farting cows.

Of course I read recently that the carbon credits are being sold to Massachusetts and Connecticut. So they can lower their carbon footprint. To keep “our” electric bills down, they say.

Is global warming climate change real? Of course it is.  Why 12,000 years ago the spot where I’m typing right now was under a sheet of ice nearly a mile thick.  We’ve had the Roman warming period, the Medieval warming period. The little ice age, all before the industrial revolution.  We had global cooling in the 70’s, acid rain in the eighties. Remember “Our trees are dying ” mantra. Today they estimate they’re more trees on the planet then they’re stars in the Milky way and Andromeda galaxies combined. All those trees need CO2 to live.

My own opinion is that “climate change” and “saving the planet” is nothing but an excuse for “Progressives” and Democrats to rail against free market capitalism and place more government control on more aspects of our lives and our pocketbooks. What is encouraged now will eventually be mandatory.  It’s not going to accomplish a damn thing but they will feel good about themselves, and have a little tighter grip on our leashes.

Starting High School (The Long March)

To reflect back on our youth through the dusky lens of time can produce as many different emotions as they’re people. Some will be embarrassed or ashamed. With 20/20 hindsight many will lament the wrong choices made or the paths not taken. But the past is all water under the bridge. You can piss and moan about it or you can reflect on it. Chart the journey you and society took. To arrive at an understanding as to why were on the road to ruin today.

I have been personally fortunate to retain a fairly good memory of the events of my youth. Considering that I have partaken a  sampling of just about everything on more then one occasion.

It was a time of teacher turnover.  About 2/3 of them were “old school” they had been there since the late forties, and were nearing retirement. The Beatles and Twiggy had turned fashion upside down. The “old school” tried to apply some brakes. They had tried to enforce a “dress code”, specifically on boy’s hair (too long) and girls skirts (too short) sending individuals home with a note to their parents.  In the end of course they were simply overwhelmed.

Speaking for myself,  it was soooo hard… to concentrate on the lessons when You, a young man are surrounded by all those …young female thighs wrapped in… pantyhose.

For guys (and women) who would like to reminisce about those days I recommend this link.  It’s full of nostalgia from the times of pay phones, electric typewriters, and standard transmission.

As the “old school” left, the “new school” arrived. Young teachers in their mid to late twenties. Fresh from the teachers colleges. Civics and Social Studies were the courses where the seeds of a new political and ideological agenda could be planted. And they were planted in our “young skulls full of mush”.

My Memory isn’t that precise as to recall every detail of my freshman year but I do remember in Social Studies doing a report on Eugene Debs, the American Socialist party leader (Bernie’s hero) and getting an “A” on it.  I was being taught the notion that government could plan an economy that would be fair to everyone.  I don’t recall seeing many textbooks about life in Communist countries.  The few I did see didn’t go into much detail but stated they did have full employment and health care was free. What’s so bad about that?

In Civics the new young lady teacher took the time to spend a whole day with us listening and discussing the Beatles “Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band” and wither “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” was about an LSD experience.

She even brought in two real “Hippies” from the local college,  to discuss with us how being a hippie could shape one’s outlook on life.  Or was it one’s outlook on life that made you a hippie.

This of course was only the beginning. Soon would come our class trip to Washington D.C.

To be continued.



“British Muslim Murdered After Posting Easter Greetings”

I read this in  American Thinker today.

I would like to imagine that the vast majority of Muslims in the U.S. and the world  are peaceful people who just want to practice their religion (of peace) in peace. That we can respect each other’s faith, engage in commerce, and even on occasions be allies in war.

I would like to imagine that the vast majority of Muslim women really don’t want to wear a burka. Are perfectly able to drive a car, and don’t mind having a job and earning their own money.  That the vast, vast  majority of Muslim fathers do NOT murder their daughters for dating the wrong person.

Obviously a very hard core minority does not concur with this assessment. and this hard core minority are the ones who are following the Qur’an  to the letter.

Political correctness has almost entirely driven Christianity from the public square.  Yet it’s very accommodating to Islam. For Progressives “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”.

When an Amish person transgresses he or she is shunned by their fellow Amish. When a Muslim person transgresses he or she is KILLED by their fellow Muslims.

As we read of what happened in Great Britain.  Brussels shows how they feel about the rest of us

Islam means “submission” to the will of Allah.  “Your” submission to Islam.

I would love to “COEXIST”, but co-existence is a two way street. I don’t see that happening.

Tomorrow is Easter. Be joyous.


Thank GOD it’s GOOD Friday

TGIF! The work week is nearly done.  For one very special man his life’s work, his mission, wrapped up on this particular Friday.  Taking the punishment for our sins upon himself.  Giving us the gift of eternal life. And all we have to do is accept.

It seems sometimes that what we thank the lord most of all for is Friday. Speaking for myself I’m thankful for much, much, more.

In my own warped imagination perhaps the Lords weekend went like this. He dropped by his former disgruntled employee and gave him one long raspberry.  Then went to see the fellows who predicted all this and said all right your wait is over, but you guys go on ahead.  I have to get up early Sunday morning.