Do you know the way to San Jose?

Does this guy need a geography lesson or does he know something we don’t?

San JoseMaybe we should give California back to Mexico. The whole place is going to fall into the ocean anyway.

It’s not like we have a border or anything.

Oh by the way,  San Jose California is richest city in America.  A lot of very wealthy silicon valley libs live and work in San Jose Ca. .  I’m sure that they favor gun control and wealth redistribution.  Bet you can make good money as a security guard.

Maybe they should convert their money to the peso.

(Photo from a friend who is there)

Is America as we knew it gone?

Well the good old U.S.A. has had a good run. Rush Limbaugh was quoted when Obama was elected in 2008 “I hope he fails”.  Unfortunately  The president has been successful… in transforming the country.

Of course all this was predicted.

“Democracy… while it last is more bloody the either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never last long. It soon wastes, exhaust, and murders itself. There has never  a democracy that didn’t commit suicide.”   John Adams.

“America will never be destroyed from outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms it’s because we destroyed ourselves”.  A. Lincoln

And a few quotes from the foreigner Alexis de Tocqueville

‘The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers it can bribe the public with the public’s money”.

“Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom, socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible vale to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality.  But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty. socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.”

I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior men if they ran for office, but they can be no doubt that such men do not run.”  (some do, they’re just not chosen)

“Americans are so enamored in equality, they would rather be equal in slavery then in freedom.”

Yesterday San Diego Ca. the rights of Trump supporters to peacefully assemble was trampled upon the “brown shirts”  of the Democrat party partly inspired by the rhetoric of one Ms. Clinton and  encourage by the Mayor. “All means of protest short of MURDER is justified”. To the “Left” the end always justifies the means.

We live in interesting and scary times.

Science and Religion. Part 1

Since the beginning of civilization when men learned to till the soil, domesticate animals,  and construct the first large urban centers made of mud bricks they were usually led by a charismatic individual who showed natural leadership skills. later becoming know as “Kings”.  When enough food was available for everyone this gave people time to “think”. And what they thought about was the things they saw everyday. That bright glowing ball of fire that rose in the east and set in the west.  The less bright orb that lit up in the darkness. The twinkling lights that all seemed to move in unison except for a few that wandered.
A certain cast of the tribe took on the task of observing the sky and over many generations learned  that the movements of the sun, moon and stars followed the same patterns year after year.  Calendars could be made, Solstice’s could be predicted and  most importantly times to sow and reap. The people who had the knowledge to make these predictions over time morphed into a priestly class, becoming trusted advisors to the ruling elite or even becoming rulers themselves.
Of course some things couldn’t be predicted like droughts. When it didn’t rain for a long time crops failed and people starved.  Unfortunately the weather channel was 3000 years or so in the future. Things that could not be predicted or explained were the venue of the gods and their whims.   So the problem must be that the gods were displeased. Those gods who were responsible of the sun in the sky. Who sent bolts of lightening and roared with thunder. and who sent or withheld the rain.  What could be done to please the gods?
Pyramids were constructed, alters were built and what was required from the masses was…sacrifice,  blood sacrifice,  animals, and in some civilizations,  human sacrifice.
But certain people were blessed with curiosity and intelligence.
Mathematics,  geometry in particular seems to have been developed in varies cultures. This aided in the building and alignment of those  pyramids and temples. In ancient Greece Euclid, and Archimedes among others brought great advancements.
The Greek astronomer Eratosthenes of Cyrene in 240 B.C. came remarkably close to figuring the circumference of the earth through observation and geometry.
Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato, pillars of philosophy, There names are well known today.
The Greek Hippocrates and Galen who practiced in Rome  brought advancements  in medicine.
An understanding of the workings of the natural world was taking it’s first small steps. How but not so much why.
There would be a long ways to go.






It’s Memorial Day weekend.

Remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve your freedom and the freedom of others.

With the path were on someday soon you may awake to find your freedoms gone. Turned over to a leviathan government that will regulate your entire life from the cradle to the grave.

Then they will have died in vain. And only ourselves to blame.

A few technical difficulties

My apologies to everyone who takes the time to read my blog.  Been having a few problems getting my comment section better situated. Hopefully  things will start working a little better now. Thank you for your patience. will be adding more posts on various subjects soon.

A visit to the Big Apple’s rotten core 1972

A short time prior to my graduation from boot camp I learned that my request to attend ET (electronic technician) school had been approved. That training school along with several others was located on Governors Island. A 172 acre island with a rich history dating back to colonial times located 800 yards off the southern tip of Manhattan where the East and Hudson rivers flow into New York Harbor. It had become the largest Coast Guard base in the country in 1966 and would remain so until 1996 went the Coast Guard moved and  was turned over to the City of New York. A very good description of the island can be seen here.

After a brief stay at home I boarded a bus for NYC. This would be my first experience of the “Big Apple” .  I Arrived at Port Authority bus terminal  and looking at my map I had to walk to Times Square and get on the Red line Subway that would take me to South Ferry. Well as some may remember Times Square then, the “crossroads of the world” was located on the corner of Sodom St. and Gomorrah Ave.  It was like this.

I made it to the subway and headed to South Ferry I arrived on the Island, a bucolic oasis surrounded by the polluted waters of New York harbor My education would start soon, technical and social. I would make several close friends. It was an exciting time.




What in the world happened?

Was it something I said?

For the past few days the visits, hits and comments to my little blog have increased exponentially. Certainly not a bad thing but still I’m surprised.

I began this blog with very low expectations. I read lots of other peoples blogs and websites.  Things that people were able to do and say fascinated and intrigued me.  A platform that didn’t exist twenty years ago, now provides untold thousands the ability to advertise, buy, sell, correspond, and allow ordinary people to tell their stories, rant their opinions, and develop a following of people who think well enough of your efforts to take the time to read and comment. My blog is only one of thousands. But perhaps this may turn into more then just an experiment.

I try to devote as much time as I’m able to keep my blog current. I do have a day job and other responsibilities that must take priority.  In the beginning I was averaging maybe 15-30 visits a day, now it’s a bit overwhelming.  Visitors to the site come from all over the world. (Well DUH!  What does the www stand for.)   Thank you everyone who take the time to comment. Of course with so many comments there is always some SPAM.

Therefore some slight changes will be coming within the next day or so. Like at many other websites and blogs I will be asking people to register in order to comment.  I will also be providing an e-mail address for the site itself.  Hopefully this will help streamline things better so that perhaps it will be easier for me to make replies, bask in your praise, and wince at your “constructive” criticism.

Again thank you all.  Stay tuned.
