They hate us, they really, really hate us

To paraphrase Sally Field.

I’m not referring to fat boy Kim Jong Un of N. Korea, or the Ayatollahs of Iran.

These people who are filled with this hatred don’t hate America per-say (all right some of them do) because they do live in this country. Their hatred is for a significant portion of their fellow citizens.

I’m referring of course to the Hollywood progressive tolerant left, (an oxymoron if there ever was one)

Anyone who supports Trump and is against Hillary and the progressive agenda is the object of their hatred.

The Progressive-left democrats who for all practical purposes control academia, the media, and the entertainment industry a.k.a.  Hollywood have commenced a campaign to “educate” the bitter-clinging masses that if you vote for Trump you’re simply “DEPLORABLE” pond scum.

All the Marvel superhero’s are for Hillary, the Avengers, Iron man, Captain America et al.  Of course I mean the actors who play them and came out against Trump.

The multi- millionaire working class hero Bruce Springsteen who also help put Obama over the top calls Trump a “moron” and by association all his supporters.

And did I forget Bill Maher, who cracks jokes about Trump’s assassination.

The list goes on and on.

Save for a few brave individuals like James Woods and Jon Voight.  Hollywood stars have a very low opinion for the very people who buy the tickets for their concerts and movies.

Of course speaking out and stating the wrong opinions can wreck a career.

They live in a bubble. They have wealth, mansions, and personal security.

They hate you, they really, really hate you.

Reply to them on Nov. 8th.






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