Single payer, Yea that’s the ticket

British newspapers seem to be a lot more truthful then their American counterparts.  Even the most unabashed left wing paper The Guardian  won’t sugarcoat and spin the news like cotton candy.

Years of underfunding have left the service facing such “impossible” demands that without urgent extra investment in November’s autumn statement it will have to cut staff, bring in charges or introduce “draconian rationing” of treatment – all options that will provoke public disquiet, it says.”

Single payer is goal of the “progressives”. Obama care is collapsing as intended.  Obama wants “single payer”, Hillary wants “single payer, The “progressives” in Vermont does not want the State to wait on the Feds and be an example to the nation. Be the first State to adopt “single payer” health care.

Being that Vermont has one of the “oldest” populations in the nation, and already one of the highest taxed, and when it comes to health care there is never enough money. Perhaps society should simply cut you off at 75 as Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel explained in an American Thinker article .  Not everyone of course, as every progressive knows “some people are more equal the others”.  This is what can happen when you turn your healthcare over to your ‘benevolent” masters.

Or we could adopt “resolution”  and celebrate a life (hopefully) well lived and not be a “burden” to society, as shown in this episode of Star Trek ” Half a life”.




One of the first things Lenin did after the Bolsheviks seized power in 1917 (aside from killing the opposition as fast as they could) was to make healthcare “free” Once the government controls that they control you.

What’s the alternative you ask? Get the government out of healthcare. Allow insurance companies to compete, to write individual policies for people (i.e. catastrophic) that are portable, form pools for high risk individuals, promote health savings accounts and encourage people to take responsibility for their own health.

The choice is between being a free citizen or a farm animal.