A brilliant essay

From  “THe Political Hat”

It Doesn’t Affect You, But It Does
Posted on September 16, 2016 by The Political Hat
John Donne once said that “no man is an island”.  Society has evolved, does evolve, and will evolve, with the actions of each to one degree or another affecting it and being affected by it.  Society isn’t some abstract idea or social construct of the conspiratorial vein.  The libertarian ideal that everyone can do what they want and anything not affecting others in the strictest 1st degree will not have a depreciative or dilatory effect others, and thus society, is based upon a blind faith that the way, the truth, the light, of Randian enlightenment can not, and will not, be snuffed out a la Anthem because the choices of others does not, in the strictest 1st degree, command another.