Just Random Thoughts

Was speaking with a co-worker yesterday about the upcoming election.  He basically was disgusted with both candidates. Didn’t trust either of them.  I tried to explain to him that If Hillary becomes President the Constitution will be “dead”, not “living” DEAD!

He did mention to me that he “concealed carries” every where except at our place of employment which is a “gun free zone”.  He sited a recent fatal stabbing at the Champlain Valley Fair, “that’s why I carry” he said.

Well if Hillary becomes President she is going to be nominating Supreme Court Justices. The first will be to replace the late Anthony Scalia. She will nominate a flaming leftist in the mold of Ginsburg, (or maybe that constitutional scholar himself, Obama). Even if the Republicans retain control of the Senate which is not a sure thing, would the Republican party have the balls to prevent a confirmation.  Judging from how they have performed for the last eight years,  and with the pressure the MSM propaganda on them (the first woman president you see) I expect they will crumble.  And kiss goodbye the 2nd Amendment.

Hillary will not be held accountable for ANYTHING BAD!  Wither it be the economy (which Bill is slated to control) to national security and everything in between. The lapdog media will spin this disaster as something good for the country.

Hillary will open the borders and let in a flood of Hispanics  and Middle Eastern refugees who with very few exceptions will constitute a much larger permanent under class to go along with African Americans who will vote democrat in perpetuity. To keep those checks coming and to go to the head of the line regardless of merit.

The billionaire progressive are so filthy stinking rich that higher taxes on them will only be a minor itch. And if it bothers them too much they know exactly where to go to get it scratched.

No, it will be the middle class and small business that will carry the brunt of the cost both in wealth and in freedom.  Hillary taking the precedent  set by Obama will ignore Congress and rule by decree. With a stacked Supreme Court backing her ( and that weasel John Roberts likely going along) guns will be confiscated from law abiding citizens, energy cost will skyrocket (we’ve  heard that before) to save the planet from global warming,  the military will continue to be gutted and neutered and America’s enemies  will look on in amazement that we could be so stupid!

The First Amendment will be twisted in knots also.  Freedom of speech HA! You still have freedom of speech as long as you don’t OFFEND anyone! White males and Christians excepted.

Deep blue Vermont that presently has NO gun restrictions on law abiding citizens, will discover that the omnipotent federal government has corrected that oversight.

Trump on the other hand is despised by the media, despised by the left (democrats, progressives, socialist, communists, and half the stupid Republican party. If he wins the media and left will pull out all the stops to insure he falls flat on his face. He will be hated more the Bush ever was. The Democrats will be united in opposing all his efforts at reform, especially on immigration. And I’m sure there will be a few Republicans “crossing the isle” to show their “bipartisanship”.

No with Trump it will be the exact opposite from the last eight years.

America’s future, will it remain a land of freedom and opportunity or descend  into “soft tyranny”?  Which no doubt will harden as time passes.

Trump was not my first choice, but considering the alternative he is the only choice.