Autumn begins for us, and for America?

Hope everyone had a good labor day holiday.  Been busy with lots of chores to get ready because…

The leaves are starting to turn colors. The air is crisper. It’s getting dark earlier. This coming election will determine wither a darkness of a different kind descends upon the American nation.

According to a CNN poll today, Trump is ahead by 2. And the media spins like a top.

This is our Choice; Trump, a bombastic individual from New York who was not a politician.  A millionaire who earned his fortune in construction and real estate development, creating jobs and tax revenue, who apparently on a whim decided to run for President. He struck a chord with Republican voters fed up with a political party with no balls. In spite of some tactics that I thought were…tacky, he won the nomination far and square.

Of course the Republican establishment has thrown a hissy fit.  Some even proclaiming that they were going to vote for…her.  This is among the reasons that the Republican Party is also known as the “stupid party’!

On the other side we have Hillary Clinton who in a just world would be behind bars instead of running for POTUS.  She’s a criminal,  she’s incompetent and she has a “D” by her name. That “D” and having female genitalia apparently gives her a pass from law enforcement (thanks to Obama’s Justice department) and of course from her sycophant press. The socialist ideology is a big part of it also.

I fully expect Vermont will vote for Hillary, and will vote back in old “leaking Leahy”.  I hope I’m wrong.

Perhaps Vermonters will wake up after a couple of thousand illegal aliens immigrants from the middle east and central America are settled in Chittenden county bringing their customs along with them. And the Federal government decides that Vermont needs gun control. But it will be too late.

And let’s not even talk about the economy…20 trillion in the red!

Elections have consequences. Think before you vote.