A trip to Washington D.C. Part 2

My freshmen trip to our nations capital was fun and educational. After the standard tour of the Capital and other landmarks we were allowed to do something that groups of 14 y/o’s could probably not do today.  We were given a city bus map and turned loose for the rest of the afternoon. Without chaperons.

Myself and two friends waited for a bus to take us to the Smithsonian Museum. The first thing we noticed when we boarded was that all the passengers were black people. And they seemed quite surprised when 3 white boys got on. The bus was full except for…the seats in the back of the bus… which we of course took, smiling and saying hello to the people as we walked to the rear.

We spent most of our time at the museum (a week would not be enough). Later we went to the Washington Monument, and climbed the steps all the way to the top (whew).

That night we were all back at the hotel, going home the next day. Now of course some of the boys (rowdy rough boys,14 and 15 y/o’s who have to shave everyday) decided to make the night memorable. They were able to procure some adult beverages (from the bellhops..I think) and …cigars. Things got rambunctious and I recall a mattress caught on fire but it was extinguished due to the quick thinking and full bladders of people in the room.

We all got back alive and the school got a bill from the Hotel for about $700 in damages. Or maybe closer to $3000 in todays money. Needless to say these two young teachers who promoted this trip were not back the next year.

And time marches on.

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