“British Muslim Murdered After Posting Easter Greetings”

I read this in  American Thinker today.

I would like to imagine that the vast majority of Muslims in the U.S. and the world  are peaceful people who just want to practice their religion (of peace) in peace. That we can respect each other’s faith, engage in commerce, and even on occasions be allies in war.

I would like to imagine that the vast majority of Muslim women really don’t want to wear a burka. Are perfectly able to drive a car, and don’t mind having a job and earning their own money.  That the vast, vast  majority of Muslim fathers do NOT murder their daughters for dating the wrong person.

Obviously a very hard core minority does not concur with this assessment. and this hard core minority are the ones who are following the Qur’an  to the letter.

Political correctness has almost entirely driven Christianity from the public square.  Yet it’s very accommodating to Islam. For Progressives “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”.

When an Amish person transgresses he or she is shunned by their fellow Amish. When a Muslim person transgresses he or she is KILLED by their fellow Muslims.

As we read of what happened in Great Britain.  Brussels shows how they feel about the rest of us

Islam means “submission” to the will of Allah.  “Your” submission to Islam.

I would love to “COEXIST”, but co-existence is a two way street. I don’t see that happening.

Tomorrow is Easter. Be joyous.