Will Vermont legalize Marijuana ?

The Governor is in favor, The Senate had spoken. What will the House do? I have a lot of mixed feelings about this. I must confess that the “twenty-something” me would say “ALL RIGHT, IT’S ABOUT TIME ! The “present” me says “Eh, I’m not so sure about this”.
It’s Ironic that I have a friend and an acquaintance who have indulged in “weed” for decades. Now that they have reached “geezer” status they decided that it was simply time to quit. Now it may become legal. All those years when they could have been arrested for it.
I’ll have a lot more to say about this in a future post.

Meanwhile deaths from heroin and fentanyl jumped from 15 in 2012 to 53 in 2015. This from the Vermont Health Dept. The opiate epidemic is really bad. How can this be?  We live in a progressive paradise, our unemployment rate has dropped to 3.4% (Plenty of sales clerk and fast food jobs), we’re at the forefront in saving the planet. We pay high taxes. So what’s the problem? Ha!