White Women’s Burden.

For quite a while it’s been argued with some vehemence that Black Americans living today are entitled to reparations from the Federal government in the form of (taxpayer) cash because they’re the fifth or sixth generation removed from the slave ancestors.

Reparations like 40 acres and a mule, if implemented after the Civil War to the actual former slaves would certainly have been appropriate, but now 159 years removed from its abolishment via the 13th amendment, present-day taxpayers who had nothing to do with slavery should not be on any hook for the sins of perpetrators long dead, as are the people who were in the grasp of that”peculiar institution”. 

This is speculation on my part, but I think the big stink in the room is what happened after the end of reconstruction.

It was going to be only a matter of time before the Democrat Party won back political power (added by its terrorist arm) first in the former Confederate states and then the federal government. The radical Republicans had died off or had been voted out, by the election of 1876 political violence was such a possibility that a compromise was reached to prevent it. Federal troops were withdrawn along with most federal enforcement. The solid South would be solid Democrat for the next nine decades, the age of “Jim Crow” had begun.

Racism was no doubt a fact of life for Black Americans, It was codified into law by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1896. In 1912 the voters elected a racist progressive who reversed all the black progress since Reconstruction.

Needless to say, for Black Americans, life meant walking on eggshells and it was only going to get worse.  

In the first part of the twentieth-century race riots were white mobs attacking black people, and burning down whole black neighborhoods, and business districts. It is no doubt an utterly shameful period in American history that everyone living today recognizes as such. While race relations were a power keg it was alleged interactions between white women and black men that was the spark that set them off.

I’m assuming that most people have seen the movie“To Kill a Mockingbird”

A black man is accused of sexual assault on a young white woman and despite significant evidence that the man is innocent, he is found guilty by an all-white male jury.

And then there was the horrific case of Emmett Till.

All white juries convict black defendants, All white juries acquit white defendants. ( Was it then any wonder many black people cheered when O.J. Simpson was acquitted.) Yes indeed, racism was real and ugly for most of the twentieth century.

The Civil Rights Movement of the late fifties and sixties finally started making progress which culminated with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Shortly after came LBJ’s Great Society.

So what am I trying to say?

I’m saying that in 2024 race relations are 180 deg. different from what they were 50-100 years ago.

And over the past few decades, the pendulum has swung from “white supremacy” to “white guilt”.


We elected the first person of color…twice in the mistaken belief that America could finally put race in the rearview mirror and achieve the dream of Martin Luther King. But no…A fundamental transformation of the country was going to take place, and it certainly did. 

When Donald Trump won the Presidency in 2016 denying Hillary Clinton her expected historic victory it sent liberals, white women liberals in particular into fits of apoplexy. Trump would be under attack from all sides throughout his presidency. White Liberal democrats found it easy and convenient to get woke and accuse Trump of being a racist. In the year 2020, Democrat-run cities exploded in mostly peaceful riots, sparked by the death of George Floyd. The organization Black Lives Matter was embraced by liberal white people and white women in particular.

In the election of 2020, the bad Orangeman was defeated. Happy days were here again. And virtue signaling rich white people could still enjoy their white privilege.

People have long sought forgiveness for past transgressions.  In days past, they may have turned to penance, confession, or even self-flagellation. Today, white women shell out $2,500 to be told how racist they are.

And after all the penance for their perceived racism and the sins of their grandmothers and great-grandmothers, what has it got them, no respect and a punch in the face?

But whoever the men are doing this has to be to be the desperate last gasp of those evil”MAGA” men. Because everyone knows downtown NYC is “MAGA Country”, just like downtown Chicago.


Christianity is hard.

To him to strike you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him to take away your goods do not ask them back. Luke: 29-30

If one reads this passage in today’s society without knowing the context of what Jesus was trying to say (click the link) this is incredibly naive. And Jesus wasn’t naive.  

Anyone who has ever attended Sunday school also knows the parable of the Good Samaritan.

I can relate to what this guy was trying to do, but the parable doesn’t mention the injured man rising and beating the crap out of the Samaritan and robbing him. This is the reality today. This is what they voted for.


America was destroyed…

…in just one lifetime…mine!

I was born as the Korean War was ending, but the Cold War would be a fact of life for the next fifty years. In hindsight the fifties was the apex of America, It was still that shining city on the hill. The sixties began the long slow decline, starting with Engle v. Vitale, The election of Phill Hoff as the first Democrat governor in Vermont since the Civil War, and then the assassination of President Kennedy.

To be sure there were high points along the way. We landed on the moon, and we won the Cold War when the USSR collapsed under its contradictions. Much to the chagrin of leftists around the world. 

But America is headed towards a very similar collapse, caused by the betrayal of officials both elected and appointed, with diabolical agendas all their own.

This list is by no means complete. The left has been very patient. They took control of the mainstream media and academia decades ago. Their victory is so close they can taste it and seemingly only one man stands in their way.

And it all happened in a single lifetime.

10 most destructive Americans of my eight decades

By Frank Hawkins

Young Bill Ayers

America has undergone enormous change during the nearly eight decades of my life. Today, America is a bitterly divided, poorly educated, and morally fragile society with so-called mainstream politicians pushing cynical identity politics, socialism, and open borders. The president of the United States is threatened with impeachment because the other side doesn’t like him. The once reasonably unbiased American media has evolved into a hysterical left-wing mob. How could the stable and reasonably cohesive America of the 1950s have reached this point in just one lifetime? Who are the main culprits? Here’s my list of the 10 most destructive Americans of the last 80 years.

10) Mark Felt – Deputy director of the FBI, aka “Deep Throat” during the Watergate scandal. This was the first public instance of a senior FBI officially directly interfering in America’s political affairs. Forerunner of James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Andrew McCabe.

9) Bill Ayers– Represents the deep and ongoing leftist ideological damage to our education system. An unrepentant American terrorist who evaded punishment, he devoted his career to radicalizing American education and pushing leftist causes. Ghost wrote Obama’s book, “Dreams of My Father.”

8) Teddy Kennedy – Most folks remember Teddy as the guy who left Mary Joe Kopechne to die in his car at Chappaquiddick. The real damage came after he avoided punishment for her death and became a major Democrat force in the US Senate, pushing through transformative liberal policies in health care and education. The real damage was the 1965 Hart-Cellar immigration bill he pushed hard for that changed the quota system to increase the flow of third-world people without skills into the US and essentially ended large-scale immigration from Europe.

7) Walter Cronkite – Cronkite was a much-beloved network anchor who began the politicization of America’s news media with his infamous broadcast from Vietnam that described the Tet Offensive as a major victory for the Communists and significantly turned the gullible American public against the Vietnam War. The Tet Offensive was a military disaster for the NVA and Viet Cong, later admitted by North Vietnamese military leaders. Decades later Cronkite admitted he got the story wrong. But it was too late. The damage was done.

6) Bill and Hillary Clinton—It’s difficult to separate Team Clinton. Bill’s presidency was largely benign as he was a relative fiscal conservative who rode the remaining benefits of the Reagan era. But his sexual exploits badly stained the Oval Office and negatively affected America’s perception of the presidency. In exchange for financial support, he facilitated the transfer of sensitive military technology to the Chinese. Hillary, a Saul Alinsky acolyte, is one of the most vicious politicians of my lifetime, covering up Bill’s sexual assaults by harassing and insulting the exploited women and peddling influence around the globe in exchange for funds for the corrupt Clinton Foundation. She signed off on the sale of 20% of the US uranium reserve to the Russians after Bill received a $500,000 speaking fee in Moscow and the foundation (which supported Clinton’s regal lifestyle) received hundreds of millions of dollars from those who benefited from the deal. Between them, they killed any honor that might have existed in the dark halls of DC

5) Valerie Jarrett – The Rasputin of the Obama administration. A Red Diaper baby, her father, maternal grandfather, and father-in-law (Vernon Jarrett who was a close friend and ally of Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis) were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government. She has been in Obama’s ear for his entire political career pushing a strong anti-American, Islamist, anti-Israeli, socialist/communist, cling-to-power agenda.

4) Jimmy Carter – Carter ignited modern-day radical Islam by abandoning the Shah and paving the way for Ayatollah Khomeini to take power in Tehran. Iran subsequently became the main state sponsor and promoter of international Islamic terrorism. When Islamists took over our embassy in Tehran, Carter was too weak to effectively respond thus strengthening the rule of the radical Islamic mullahs.

3) Lyndon Johnson – Johnson turned the Vietnam conflict into a major war for America. It could have ended early if he had listened to the generals instead of automaker Robert McNamara. The ultimate result was: 1) 58,000 American military deaths and collaterally tens of thousands of American lives damaged; and 2) a war that badly divided America and created left-wing groups that evaded the draft and eventually gained control of our education system. Even worse, his so-called War on Poverty led to the destruction of American black families with a significant escalation of welfare and policies designed to keep poor families dependent on the government (and voting Democrat) for their well-being. He deliberately created a racial holocaust that is still burning today. A strong case could be made for putting him at the top of this list.

2) Barack Hussein Obama – Obama set up America for a final defeat and stealth conversion from a free market society to socialism/communism. As we get deeper into the Trump presidency, we learn more each day about how Obama politicized and compromised key government agencies, most prominently the FBI, the CIA, and the IRS, thus thoroughly shaking the public’s confidence in the federal government to be fair and unbiased in its activities. He significantly set back race and other relations between Americans by stoking black grievances and pushing radical identity politics. Obama’s open support for the Iranian mullahs and his apologetic “lead from behind” foreign policy seriously weakened America abroad. His blatant attempt to interfere in Israel’s election by trying to unseat Netanyahu is one of the most shameful things ever done by an American president.

1) John Kerry – Some readers will likely say Kerry does not deserve to be number one on this list. I have him here because I regard him as the most despicable American who ever lived. After his three faked Purple Hearts during his cowardly service in Vietnam, he was able to leave the US Navy early. As a reserve naval officer and in clear violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, he traveled to Paris and met privately with the NVA and the Viet Cong. He returned to the United States parroting the Soviet party line about the war and testified before Congress comparing American soldiers to the hordes of Genghis Khan. It was a clear case of treason, giving aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war. We got a second bite of the bitter Kerry apple when as Obama’s secretary of state, he fell into bed with the Iranian (“Death to America”) mullahs giving them the ultimate green light to develop nuclear weapons along with billions of dollars that further supported their terrorist activities. Only the heroic Swift Vets saved us from a Manchurian Candidate Kerry presidency. Ultimately we got Obama.

Dishonorable Mentions! (Just missed the list)

• John Brennan –Obama’s CIA director who once voted for Communist Gus Hall for president. A key member of the Deep State who severely politicized the CIA. Called President Trump treasonous for meeting with the president of Russia. Jane Fonda – a movie actress who made the infamous trip to Vietnam during the war in support of the Communists. She represents hard-left Hollywood that has done so much damage to our culture.

• Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr./The New York Times – Once the gold standard of American journalism, the paper always had a liberal tilt and occasionally made bad mistakes. As the years have gone along, the paper has slid further and further left and today is virtually the primary propaganda arm of the increasingly radical Democrat Party. Still retains influence in Washington and New York.

• George Soros – Jewish former Nazi collaborator in his native Hungary who as a self-made billionaire has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into left-wing groups and causes. The damage he has caused is difficult to measure, but it’s certainly large. He has funded much of the effort to kill the Trump presidency.

• Frank Marshall Davis – Anti-white, black Bolshevik, card-carrying Soviet agent. Probable birth father and admitted primary mentor of young Barak Hussein Obama.

Frank Hawkins is a former US Army intelligence officer, Associated Press foreign correspondent, international businessman, senior newspaper company executive, founder and owner of several marketing companies, and published novelist. He is currently retired in North Carolina.

Trans Democrats…Calvin Coolidge spins in his grave

There is no Republican party in Vermont. They are busy transitioning to Democrats.

Moderate Republicans in Vermont are pondering their next move after falling short in their effort to stop Donald Trump from becoming their party’s presidential nominee.
Nikki Haley’s supporters in Vermont pulled off what her backers in no other state could do last week — a victory in the Republican presidential primary.
They didn’t have long to savor the win. Fewer than 24 hours after the polls closed in Vermont, Haley announced that she was suspending her campaign. And that’s left anti-Trump Republicans pondering their next move…
This is so pathetic, and embarrassing.  It’s not enough that the Progressive/Democrat party has overwhelming majorities in the legislature (courtesy of voters to be sure) but the Republican party of Vermont is nothing but lapdogs afraid to be chastised by the media
They also got the big endorsement they were looking for, from Phil Scott, the most popular governor in the U.S. Scott appeared alongside Haley at a campaign event in South Burlington two days before the primary.
And it worked. Haley defeated Trump by four percentage points here — and then promptly dropped out of the race.
For Vermont Republicans such as Mary Evslin, it’s unclear how they’ll redirect the time and energy they’d been pouring into the one candidate they believed could stop Trump.
“There certainly are a lot of people who have nowhere to vote now,” said Evslin, also a co-chair of Haley’s Vermont leadership team.
Evslin said Haley represented a long-overdue new chapter in American politics. She said she could comfortably cast a vote for Biden in November.
“I think he’s a kind, good, decent human being,” she said. “I do not feel that way about Trump.

Of course, he is Ms. Evslin, I’ll bet you wish he was sniffing your hair right now.

When it comes to Trump it’s all personal. The good things President Trump accomplished during his term despite the media hoaxes, the swamp trying to destroy him, and half of the Republican party stabbing him in the back is remarkable. And all conveniently forgotten.

It makes one want to puke! 

Of course, the article makes no mention of Vermont’s “open primary” where democrat parties are free to pick up a ‘Republican’ ballot to vote against Trump out of spite. Biden won the Democratic primary with nearly 90% of the vote, no drama there.

And if there was any doubt, we know where “the most popular governor in the U.S.” stands.
Gov. Scott has said he’ll do anything he can to prevent Trump from becoming the next president. Asked last week what he thinks Vermont Republicans should do to avoid that outcome, Scott offered some suggestions.
“Well, don’t vote for Donald Trump, number one,” he said. “Number two, educate your family members. Try to do your research and homework. Hold him accountable for the things he does and says that aren’t accurate.”
Scott said he’ll continue his own “resistance” against Trump whenever the opportunity presents.
In Vermont, there is the Democrat/Progressive party, the Uniparty (the pachyderm morphing into a jackass),
and the enemies of the state, people who support Donald Trump.

When I drive through the backroads of Central Vermont I come across more than a few residences flying a Trump flag, a Gadsden flag, and an American flag

Over 33,000 people checked the box for Trump. He lost by 3,086 votes to the Uniparty and crossover Democrats. Trump supporters are a minority, but we’re not a fringe. But how many are afraid to state openly our true beliefs and feelings to keep the peace in the family and workplace? 

The media likes to portray Trump supporters as akin to “White Christian Nationalism”, so my hat is off to everyone who proclaims their beliefs in public without fear or compromise.

It’s going to be a very interesting, and dangerous spring and summer. Trump is running against a corrupt administration with a demented puppet as its titular head and the arrayed security apparatuses of the DOJ, FBI, and CIA.  And let’s not get started with the media. They are out to stop him by any means necessary. 


Rest in Peace President Coolidge the “Brave Little State” that existed in your time doesn’t exist anymore. And it all happened within a single lifetime.


I’m glad I’m old.

This is why I’m Styxing with him

I know that some in my small readership find Styx somewhat “off-putting” but what he says hits the nail on the head, at least in my humble opinion.

Because he’s a resident of Vermont he’s aware that we live in a Democrat/progressive people’s republic that, to be honest, has not yet felt the full consequences of being a “sanctuary state” like certain big blue cities have.

His opinions agree with mine. which is why I like to share them on my humble platform.


Super Tuesday in Vermont 2024

I battled through the mud to get to my town polling place, I voted for Trump and against all school budgets.

As I expected, because Vermont has an “open” primary, Democrat voters took the opportunity to troll Donald Trump by taking a Republican ballot and voting for Nikki Haley. a symbolic gesture since Trump swept everywhere else. 

Since Vermont is so inconsequential in the grand scheme of things hardly anyone noticed.

It seems Styx has a similar take.  


Lifted without shame from…

“Ace of Spades HQ”


The Moral Equivalence Of The Left Is Structural, And Evil


Morality is a living, breathing, changing thing, and can be manipulated to accommodate the needs and desires of humanity. In fact, a moral imperative from one era can be flipped on its head as political needs change.

Sounds nuts, because it is.

Morality is a fixed point in our world, and to treat it as a malleable political or philosophical tool is to reject the very point of it. Whether one accepts the source of that morality as God, or one simply accepts its existence, morality provides a powerful structure with which to navigate the world, and the assumption of a flexible moral structure leads to boundless evil.

The Enlightenment may have accelerated our scientific inquiry and provided a structure for religious and intellectual freedom, but it also gave us a platform for moral relativism that perversely allows some to reject those freedoms in favor of a rigid orthodoxy of personal pleasure and the rejection of anything even remotely noble or edifying about the human condition.

By rejecting the concept of God or religion as the source of a moral code, and replaced it with the historically shaky idea that man is perfectible by his own devices, we are confronted with things like abortion as practically a sacrament of the new-age religion of personal entitlement and pleasure. The idea of a good greater than oneself is relegated to some quaint and naive view of man that has no place in a modern world. Thus the idea of love of country, of respect for tradition, for honor, for care for one’s fellow man is an anachronism.

Just make sure that government is taking care of our access to personal pleasure, and it doesn’t matter what else they do! 400 channels and endless entertainment on demand! So what if people who think differently are languishing in jail? So what if our country (what’s that if not a cute and passé idea) is being overrun by looters and murderers intent upon taking what we have built? We can still get great Thai noodles delivered at 3:00am while we smoke high-quality legal marijuana! And that pesky fetus will be gone in a few days so we can get back to what feels good.

Just make sure that those horrible religious people who believe in antiquated ideas like human life is precious stay out of our neighborhoods! Arrest them! We need to get to the next protest against Israel…you know, that tiny country borne out of the ashes of the Holocaust that simply wants to live in peace! They are occupiers or colonists or genocidal…or whatever…our Middle Eastern Studies instructor told us that!

And let those illegals (what a mean word!) across the border. Give them food and clothing and money and plane tickets to everywhere. Well, except here. We don’t really like them, so keep them in those horrid flyover states that don’t even know how to make pour-over coffee! That silly talk about American Exceptionalism is so boring!

Sure, I am making fun of the silliness of the intellectually flaccid soft left. But they are the useful idiots of the committed left that has been working assiduously for 100 years to undermine the foundations of America, and they are doing a great job.

Maybe it’s time to return to those supposedly dated concepts of Duty, Honor, Country. They worked for a very long time, and while our technological society is amazingly advanced, have we not regressed in other, more important things?