The Brave New World

This is how I feel most mornings.

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Growing up I’d always heard that Portland Oregon was a really nice place to live. Especially if you didn’t care for harsh winters.

Andy Ngô@MrAndyNgo· Rioters have destroyed the parks in downtown Portland. The grass has turned to dirt mounds and the statues in the area have been removed following dozens of attempts to destroy them. There is trash everywhere.


Is this what they mean by “systamatic” racism?

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(see also “fascist”, “misogynist” and “white supremacist”

Freedom and Unity??

Freedom of speech is slowly being eroded away and looking at this there isn’t much unity either.

Another essay by John Klar from “American Thinker”.

Despite residing in the most rural of states, many leftist Vermonters suddenly presume to be great experts on the inner-city suffering of black Americans, and have launched a fervent ideological mission — despite COVID and an imploding economy — to implement radical societal change to advance the lives of “people of color.”  In doing so, Vermont’s government has become chief arbiter, and it refuses to permit any voices of dissent — defacing a BLM sign, or calling BLM racist, is regarded as hate speech

The capital city commissioned the painting of a Black Lives Matter mural in front of the State House but denied a request to paint “Liberty and Justice for All” for Independence Day.  Vermont governor Phil Scott advised the Agency of Transportation to leave BLM graffiti undisturbed but to remove any opposing messaging.  One school board recently announced that gay pride and BLM flags will be displayed when schools reopen, refusing to even consider a petition in opposition signed by more than 500 residents.  One school principal was fired for opining that white people should not be labeled racist simply for refusing to endorse BLMRead More

John Klar is a canidate for Governor. The local media says that he’s a long shot. We shall see.

Primary day is August 11th. Make your feelings known. VOTE!!

Most of us have tasted it…

at one time or another from a styrofoam cup.

But considering the setting and occasion we all just grin and bear it.

I’m talking about…Church foyer coffee.

But now those tase bud memories can be re-lived.

“This new product is perfect for when you’re craving the distinct taste of watered-down coffee that has been sitting in a giant aluminum urn for four hours,” a Keurig spokesperson said. “Now you can have the taste of real Christian fellowship—and really bad coffee—in the comfort of your own home.”

Governor Phil Scott is a….

total dipshit!

He won his last election against a confused man in a dress. But it was simply a case of bad vs. worse.

Phil Scott is a like Chief Justice John Roberts, someone we thought had conservative values and would stand up and fight for them. We understand that the Left has a super majority in the legislature. When it came to new laws dealing with abortion and gun rights instead of vetoing and forcing the legislature to override his vetos he simply acquiesced. He bent over, grabbed his ankles and took it with a smile.

But now Phil gets to become be a little dictator and force the sheeple of Vermont to wear masks and to placate all the “Karens” . Now this is what Leftist Progressives crave, getting people accustomed to losing their freedom a little bit at a time. And Phil Scott is their perfect dupe.

Hopefully the Republicans of Vermont can sent a message on Primary day August 11th. I’m voting for John Klar.

Styxhexenhammer666’s take:

Do you know what’s happening in Portland Oregon?

Has anyone see this on American newscasts or newsprint? Its been on Fox News but I doubt anywher else. Did you know that the riots have been going on for fifty days aided and abetted by the mayor of Portland himself.

Of course what the media is focusing 24/7 is the Corona pandemic which they’re trying to compare to the plague of Justinian and pin the blame and every recorded death on President Trump.

Much of the Corporate media both in America and in Britain have sided with the Marxist terrorist in a joint effort to bring down Western Civilization and replace it with a Socialist/Marxist dictatorship.

The majority of Portlanders voted for this. You shit in your own bed. As Trump did with Minneapolis, not one dime of Federal money to repair your shithole city.

Vermont is circling the drain

Another essay by John Klar at “American Thinker”.

During the COVID-19 threat, Vermont’s Legislature gave itself a raise while ramming through numerous preplanned progressive initiatives in a remotely convened legislative process.  The state announced an expected $459-million budget shortfall due to the pandemic and has yet to revise its estimated $4.5-billion pension shortfall to reflect the impacts of COVID.  Yet the Legislature appropriated millions of dollars to subsidize E.V. cars and seeks to enact a Global Warming Solutions Act that grants legal standing (and a statutory claim for attorney’s fees) to out-of-state special interest groups to sue the state to compel compliance with arbitrary carbon emission “targets.”
Read more: here.

At least Fred Tuttle was honest about being just in it for the money.


Vermont’s “open” gubernatorial primary is August 11th. Mr. Klar is running for Governor on the “Republican ticket” He’s attempting to unseat rino Phil Scott. Aside from Scott he’s competing with three other no-name candidates for the Republican nomination.

The Democrat gubernatirial primary is also Aug 11th. Present Lt, Governor David Zuckerman a Progressive running as a Democrat is running against three other no-name Democrats.

An “open” primary means you don’t have to be registered to a particular political party to vote in their primary. A Democrat can vote in the Republican party and vice-versa. But you can’t vote in both, it’s either or. If say Democrats feel that their prefered candidate is a lock they may choose to vote in the Republican primary in order to ‘block’ the nomination of what they would preceive to be the Republican’s strongest candidate. Sneaky but perfectly legal.

I’ve seen several signs for John Klar around my town (along with a few Trump flags). I know about him through his articles in “American Thinker”.

I can’t speculate about his chances of political sucess. I do know that he would be much better then the ‘rino’ we have for Governor now and certainly better then having a full blown Communist Progressive as Chief Executive.

Also the Legislature has to be flipped at least to the point where the leftist no longer have cart blanche.

Vote on Aug. 11th and Nov. 3rd as if your life depends on it.

Will the Vermont voting public recognize the danger their in? Or will they only recognize it when it’s too late?

Time will tell.