When will it be…

Burlington’s turn

Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, now Kenosha.

The pictures below are from Kenosha Wisconsin another city run by democrats

Kenosha is a city of about 100,000 that sits right next to Lake Michigan and now, like Portland, Seattle, Milwaukee, Chicago, Minnesota, St. Louis, New York, Oakland, etc., etc., etc., it is ground zero for mindless arson, rioting, and looting.

And all of this broke out before any of the facts are known and with mainstreamed left-wing activists like Shaun King publicly cheering it on.

Jacob Blake shooting: Kenosha residents voice frustration ...

Let’s see, Burlington Vermont, a deep blue city run by Democrats and Progressives for the past few decades.

Burlington is Vermont’s largest city with a population slightly over 42,000 of which African Americans make up approx. 5%. This makes it a piss-ant city by comparison to many others, less then half the size of Kenosha Wis.. Nonetheless…

The city of Burlington has gone totally (insane) woke over the shooting in Kenosha despite the fact that it was Jacob Blake who was doing the attacking Do these idiots have any idea what having no cops would be like. are social workers going to be tracking down muggers, burglarers, armed robbers, people who commit sexual assault?

But apparently sexual assault, especially on college campuses is no longer an issue.

The Campus of The University of Vermont has been declared so safe a space that no longer requires a security apparatus.

Apparently, the supposed campus ‘rape culture’ emergency we have been hearing about for years is no longer a problem. It must be over if there’s no need for police.

Vermont High Schools have been completly corrupted with BLM propaganda and Burlington High School is no exception. And you’d better bow down and submit or lose your job as a Windsor High School Principle found out. Free speech for me but not for thee.

Antifa and BLM operatives are being funded most likely by Nazi collaborator George Soros and are being shuttled all over the country

Burlington Vermont would be the perfect place to instigate the next Kenosha. A Democrat and Progressive city administration. A totally demoralized police force who know that regardless the circumstances they will be thrown under the bus. Half the population drunk on BLM kool-aid and suffering Trump derangment syndrome. A RINO never Trumper governor.

I can see a situation where a police officer could be compelled to use deadly force involving a minority (after he/she hesitates…they will at the cost of lives. Remember “all lives” don’t matter). This could be staged (white silence is racist, raise your fist bastards or else) or a criminal emboldened. and viola, Church street in flames. Or Maple Tree Place, anywhere where “eeevilll” capitalism operates.

It would be just what Burlington and Vermont deserve.

Hopefully political expediency might prevail before something like this happenes, but antifa and BLM are beyond any control of the old guard…Democrats are panicking

Styx can Sing !

There’s something happening here
What it is, is fairly clear
Some antifa with guns over there
Are pawns of the Dems and squares

I think it’s time we stop, children, what’s that sound
Everybody look; it’s goin down

There’s battle lines being drawn
Probably get censored for this song
Young people speaking their minds
Getting banned by Google and Twitter they find

It’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look it’s going down

What a field day for the weak
Ten thousand cucks in the street
Throwin’ bricks and molotovs too
If their handlers win we’re probably screwed

Well it’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look; it’s goin down

Paranoia strikes deep
Karens into your business will peep
The small minds are always afraid
Time to be aware and scoot them away

We better stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look; it’s goin down
Stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look; it’s goin down
Stop, now, what’s that sound
Everybody look; it’s goin down
Stop, children, what’s that sound
Everybody look; it’s goin down

The “City”of Montpelier…

…The State capital of Vermont has hired what is believed to be the first black police chief in Vermonts history.

No, not this guy
New police chief starts in Montpelier; believed to be ...
This guy. New Chief Brain Peete

But before the guy even gets his feet wet there are calls to defund his police force.

Wikimedia Commons/Mike Shaheen

But Montpeliers ‘elected officials have other goals in mind.

— City councilors who have since green-lighted painting “Black Lives Matter” on the street in front of the State House and agreed to add a flag expressing the same sentiment to the pole in front of City Hall were told Wednesday night if they are truly interested in social justice they should start erasing Montpelier’s “thin blue line.”

It wasn’t a request, it was a “demand” – technically a list of them – as councilors were repeatedly told to take “concrete steps” with an eye toward “abolishing” the local police department. It wasn’t unanimous, but it was the predominant view of those who spoke during the well-attended virtual meeting that opened with councilors entertaining an unwarned request they accommodate plans to paint “Black Lives Matter” in large letters on the strip of State Street that is strategically located in front of the State House

The defund the police movement is also alive and well in Burlington.

What does one make of all this? Well, comparing Vermont’s crime rate to other parts of the country, Vermont is one of the safest States in the country. Not only that but the crime rate is still dropping. Now what might be the reasons for this?

One: Vermont is a gezzer State with one of the oldest populations per capita in the country. Breaking and entering is mainly a pursut for the young thug. Older people are just not into that as much.

Two: Guns ! Despite Vermont’s drifting over the past few decades into Progressive totalitarianism the left hasn’t got around to altering Vermont’s Gun laws, because there were no laws to alter. But they’re working on that, It should be noted that laws banning high capacity magazines has recently been ruled unconstitutional by none other than the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Because Vermont is a very rual state and law enforcement could up to an hour away the right to possess firearms has always meant so much more than just deer hunting. And if the Progressive /Marxist obtain the political power to defund and or abolish municipal police forces being able to defend yourself and family with firearms will be more important then ever. Because to be sure the criminals will also have them. Armed society usually translates to more polite society.

Three: Race. Unfortunately because of sixty years of democrat one party rule in our major cities that has left many African Americans near the bottom of the economic ladder. And it all started in the 1960’s with LBJ’s Great Society

In 1965, when the Great Society began in earnest following the massive electoral landslide reelection of LBJ, the out-of-wedlock birthrate among the black community was 21 percent. By 2017, this figure had risen to a whopping 77 percent. In some cities, this rate is as high as 80 percent, with most of the unwed mothers being teenagers. We have documented extensively in our article on the death of civil society in the United States the negative effects of the single-parent household on child development and outcomes. The black community is now entering its third generation of single parenthood as the norm, something that rose astronomically with the advent of the Great Society.

And again, while we outline a number of negative consequences resulting from single-parent families, it’s worth pulling one out in relation to the destruction of the black family in America: There is no better predictor of male criminality than being raised in a fatherless home. 70 percent of all juvenile offenders in state reform institutions were raised in fatherless homes. This includes 60 percent of all rapists, 72 percent of all murderers, and 70 percent of long-term inmates.

Liberalism destroys everything it touches.

African Americans are 13% of the U.S. population yet account for 37 % of violent crime. Much to the embarrasment of Progressives, Vermont is 95% White, Approx. 6300 black people live in the entire State. Is that why Vermont is seeming such a safe place that we no longer need police? Sounds racist doesn’t it.

Hopefully Chief Peete will survive longer than his counterpart in Seattle.

Fortunately for Chief Peete, Montpelier (and Burlington) seems to lack a significant Antifa chapter and the BLM crowd has so far not risen to the (B)urn, (L)oot and (M)urder standard of thier comtempories in Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, and Portland.

But Monpelier and Burlington are deep blue too. How can those leftist agitators not want to get in on the fun. Not much in the way of business’s to destroy in Montpelier or Barre. But Church Street and Mapletree place might be temping targets to help bring down Capitalism. Time will tell.

I’m sure that Chief Peete is aware that his new city Montpelier has had only one murder in the last hundred years and that the victim was a Black man. But since the murderer was…another Black man, Black on Black, just like a normal day in Chicago, his life didn’t matter… as much.

But finally, I want to wish Chief Peete the best of luck with dealing with all the crazy leftist white people in his new “White Choclate city”. He’ll need it.

Time for some Zeducation

He has quite a channel. Check him out here.

As it should be plain as day by now, Bernie is for Bernie. He’ll always throw his supporters under the bus in a heartbeat.