Dark Times Indeed

I’m sure everyone is aware of the travisty that is taking place in our country.

The Left has played the long game. They now appear to be close to winning a significant victory. But finally the masks are off, the cowards and quislings revealed.

Was listening to Rush today and he tried to explane thre is a chance for a “Hail Mary” in January but I’m not sure if I dare get my hopes up.

But there is one thing for sure, 74,000,000 plus voters are pissed off and I don’t think they’re in any mood to just bend over and take it.

Ace Highflyer weighs in:

Did you see the crowd Joe Biden drew in Atlanta?  No shit, there might have been 100 people there!  Trump always could draw 20,000, 30,000 or more!  That is all the evidence I need.  I hope Joe has a food taster.  I bet the MSM did not show how pathetic it was.
Ace Highflyer

Of course it’s coming out now that the whole Biden family is in hock to the Chinese,

Who would ever have believed this could be happening. But the Left is evil as is the deep state. Of that there can be no more doubt.

Could it be down to the State legislatures?

The Supreme Court was a major disappointment. They didn’t want to touch it. It was 7-2 and I think there was some intimidation involved. But they might be saying that it’s the responsability of the State Legislatures and SCOTUS is not going to give them any cover.

Will the Republican controlled legislatures of these swing states, who should certainly be well aware that the elections in their states were corruped by massive outright fraud, have the courage to alter the course of history, do the right thing for the millions of their own base who voted for Trump, and save America from an abyss from which it may never recover.

With apologies to Abraham Lincoln.

A pivital point in American history will happen very soon.

“Fellow-citizens, we cannot escape history. We of this Congress and this administration We State Legislatures will be remembered in spite of ourselves. No personal significance, or insignificance, can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation. We say we are for freedom the Union. The world will not forget that we say this. We know how to save Americas freedom the Union. The world knows we do know how to save it. We — even we here — hold the power, and bear the responsibility. In preserving American freedom giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free for all Americans — honorable alike in what we give, and what we preserve. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth.

Imagine this;

The English Army: Marxist Progressives, Democrats, Media, Big Tech, academia, BLM, Antifa.

The Scots: The State Legislatures of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconson, and Arizona.

William Wallace: Donald Trump.


Will they fight or will they run?

Unfortunately I can’t help but be a pessimest. I expect the worst and hope for the best. Witnessing a miracle in spite of expecting the worse is better than believing that this should be a no-brainer and then having your expectations crushed.

It will likely all come to a head this week.

Ace High Flyer Comments…

I forget where I heard this, but it is easy to visualize.
I heard some odds maker that reviewed all of the “irregularities” of the election said.  If they were all added up, it could be compared to:
Take 20 jelly beans and put them in a bowl, 19 are white, and 1 is black.  Stir them up, and have a blindfolded person pick one out.  What are the chances the one black bean would be picked?
The election could be compared to this exercise being repeated 12 times in a row, and all 12 times the black bean is picked!!!
No evidence of fraud, just good luck

Ace High Flyer

But Ace, don’t you know that only “Black Jelly Beans Matter”.

Ace High Flyer adds…

Most elections PA has around 200,000 mail in ballots.  The average rejection rate for errors is usually in the 11 to 13% range.  This year there were over 3,000,000.  Since the bulk of these were from people who had never voted this way before, logic would have it that the rejection rate would go up.  Nope, the rejection rate was around 1%.  Those Democrat voters are highly trained and accurate.
Ace Highflyer

It was a COUP !!!!!

Remember When Non-Conformity Was Cool…

The first 12 years of my life was during the time of the Nineteen fifties conformity After the end of WW2 millions of men came back home to their wives, find wives and start families, big families. Along with a good economy this resulted in a baby boom. I was an oddball, an only child. Nearly everyone in my elementary school had at least one sibling. Many had three or four. We said the Pledge of Allegence (including “under God”) My parants took me to church and I was enrolled in Sunday school. Boys went to the barbershops with their fathers every two weeks for a $2.00 haircut. We rode blkes everywhere, hiked in the woods, played ‘army’ in our back yards, enjoyed our freedom and had fun. So I guess we “Conformed”.

After the assasination of President Kennedy in Nov. 1963 things stared to change. Of course rock and roll, and rebellion existed in the fifties but with the coming of the Beatles and their ‘long’ hair in 1964, coinciding with millions of baby boomers reaching adolescence at the same time, American culture was turned upside down. The drafting of young men to fight a seemingly endless war in Southeast Asia didn’t help. “Question authority” and “question everything” was the new way of thinking. The older generation was simply outnumbered. Conformaty was out, non-conformaty was in.

That was then, this is now.

The Marxist left has played the long game. In many places in the country the COVID epidemic has given many Governors and Mayors the excuse they’ve longed for to ignore Federal and State Constitutions and act like tin pot dictators ‘for our own good’. And four decades of indoctrination in our schools and universities has bred nothing but mind numbing CONFORMITY in the mainstrean media and especially in ‘social media’. And woe to you or anyone who has the temerity of QUESTIONING anything they say you are labled ‘RACSIST, ANTI-SCIENCE, TRANSPHOBIC, A WHITE SUPREMACIST, and ultimently CANCELED.

The Marxist Left has no problem at all with giving free reign to their stormtroopers BLM and Antifa to burn their own cities, destroy small business wither through violence or forced closure, choking free speech and banning books. Say didn’t the National Socialist do the same thing.

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” George Orwell, 1984

I never though that in my lifetime that I would see my country this close to the edge of the abyss. You will be made to care…or else.

The following is the Latest from Paul Josph Watson.

Sometime In The Next Two Weeks…

America’s fate will be decided.

Just over 100 years ago the 1919 Chicago White Sox was considered one of the best, most talented teams ever assembled. They won the American League pennant and were expected to easily prevail over the Cincinnati Reds in the World Series. But the team hated their tightwad owner who paid them as little as possible and cheated some players out of performance bonuses. Because of that they sold out to gamblers to “fix” the series so that they would lose. Unfortunately for the players involved it was obvious to everyone who watched that series that some skullduggery was going on.

Suspicions of a conspiracy were aired immediately after the World Series ended, principally by Hugh Fullerton and other sportswriters, but controversy over the allegations had died down by the beginning of the 1920 season. Then, in September, a grand jury was called to investigate various allegations of gamblers invading baseball. On September 28, 1920, after Cicotte, Williams, Jackson, and Felsch admitted to the grand jury that they had thrown the 1919 series in return for a bribe, Charles Comiskey, owner of the White Sox, suspended seven of the players. (Gandil was already on suspension in a salary dispute.) The indicted players stood trial in the summer of 1921 but on August 2 were acquitted on insufficient evidence—largely because key evidence, including the original confessions of the players, had disappeared from the grand jury files. (They probably were stolen.) On August 3 the new baseball commissioner, Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, banned the eight players from the game for life.

Acquitted by the courts. Banned for life by the commissioner.


In 1935 Adolph Hitler decided to tear up the Treaty of Versailles and dared Great Britain and France to stop him. They did nothing. The next year he marched into the Rhineland in flagarent violation of the treaty. France had the largest and best equipped army in Europe at the time, but the politicians in the French government were weak willed.

Everyone waited to see how they would respond to the news. Some of Hitler’s more cautious Army generals thought there might even be an immediate military attack by France. But absolutely nothing happened, except for a few diplomatic protests. Hitler, for the first time in his career, had gambled against Germany’s old enemies and won. He knew France was suffering from serious political in-fighting and that Britain was in the grips of an economic depression. He wagered that the two countries, given their internal problems, didn’t have the stomachs to respond militarily. And he was right.

Oh how the course of world history might have changed. How many millions might not have died. The massive European war to come might not have happened. If only, if only.

It had been a tremendous gamble for Hitler, one that might have cost him everything if his troops had been humiliated by their old enemies. Later, Hitler would privately admit: “The forty-eight hours after the march into the Rhineland were the most nerve-racking in my life. If the French had marched into the Rhineland, we would have had to withdraw with our tail between our legs, for the military resources at our disposal would have been wholly inadequate for even a moderate resistance.”

Now we come to today. The United States of America has come to a crossroad. Which direction it travels will depend on certain groups of people and wither they will have the courage of lions or the cowerdness of sheep.

Like what happened the 1919 world series everyone knows (even the democrats and the media. But they lie) that this last election has seen malfeasance beyond anything this country has experience. This election was stolen. I have no faith that the courts, the justice dept. or the FBI are going to do anything about it. The corruption is that deep.

If Marxist puppet Biden is installed as President America as founded may be irrevocabley lost. aided and abbeted by a good portion of the national Rebublican party who cave over and over to democrat demands.

Most if not all of the states that experience the most voter fraud have Republican controled legislatures.

State legislatures have the final say on electors to the electorial college. America future from here on may just lae in their hands. It is going to require courage to order their electors to cast their vote for Donald Trump. Considering these dangerious time as much courage as the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence. Because violence is always an option to the Left. They can pull America back from the precipice for at least four more years or wring their hands like the French goverment did in 1936 . And the transformatiom of America fom a land of freedom into a Socialist dystopia will continue apace. And make no mistake, they will be coming for everyone who would oppose the great reset and the new world order.

Will they be Lions or sheep? That will be the question. America’s future direction hangs in the Balance.

Sounds Greek to me!

“Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny.” Aristotle

Progressive Logic

If we just defund (abolish) the police there will be no more crimanals.

What would abolishing police mean as a practical policy matter? Nothing very practical. In The Nation, Mychal Denzel Smith argues that police should be replaced by “full social, economic, and political equality.” Harris-Talley, meantime, has traced policing’s origins back to slavery. “How do you reform an institution that from its inception was made to control, maim, condemn, and kill people?” she asks. “Reform it back to what?” If cities can eliminate poverty through affordable housing and “investing in community,” she believes, the police will become unnecessary. Others argue that cities must simply “help people resolve conflicts through peace circles and restorative justice programs.”

All you need is Marx. Marx is all you need.

Indeed, Marxist theory essentially posits that crime will always be a major issue in capitalist systems, and the need for individuals to commit crime will only subside with the establishment of a socialist system in which the “profit motive would be eliminated, [and] concern for the general social welfare would dominate over selfish privilege and competitiveness,” (Akers & Sellers, 2009; 252).  Without this competition driving the need for wealth and success, criminal activity would be reduced to more negligible amounts.  If crime results from the labor conditions of capitalist societies, then remove those conditions and crime should decline drastically.  The common man will no longer need to steal from the affluent bourgeoisie in order to feed his family because with socialism comes equal ownership of the means of production across all of society.  In short, the only solution to the crime problem as defined by Marxist theory involves the complete annihilation of capitalism and the subsequent adoption of socialism.

Back in 2003 “Ace High Flyer” and I spent some time in Minneapolis on a work detail from our employer. We got to tour the area a bit. So different then what we were used too. So flat! Visiting the Mall of America was quite an experience. Another eye opener was driving around Little Mogadishu, where crime was rampant long before Minneapolis burned.

So since the ‘withering away” of the police force in Minneapolis is continuing apace, is crime withering away too?

Doesn’t look like it.

Carjackings in Minneapolis surge 537% from November 2019

I can’t think of any reason any sane person would want to set foot in Minneapolis or any “Blue city” for that matter.

And it looks like its not going to get any better for the forseeable future.