I did get my second shot yesterday the 20th. I will follow the rules and in two weeks I will dump the mask…for good. Science has proved that masks were worthless when came to protecting people from COVID. It was a badge of submission that our new Overlords requested ordered us to wear, and demanded that retail businesses enforcer compliance. No shirt, no shoes ,NO MASK, no entry.
I’ve poseted this quote many times before, but it always seems to bear repeating…often.
Another all-American brand, Anheuser-Busch, has jumped on the woke train. The maker of Budweiser, among other brands with a robust craft beer collaboration line, has partnered with radical professors in education and humanities at Arizona State University (ASU) to develop and implement a 15-module training program called “To Be Welcoming.” It is based on critical race and gender theory. According to a whistleblower who spoke with PJ Media, an e-mail from “Chief People Officer” Lindsay King announced the program on March 24, 2021.
It seems it’s no longer enough to just requre your employees to treat each other with respect, do your jobs, and check your ideology at the company entrance.
One image in the training materials features a Gender Unicorn. The Unicorn is a Trans Student Educational Resources (TSER) production and was initially intended for school-age children. According to the organization’s website, the implementation of this curriculum has not been without controversy in K-12 settings. ASU incorporated it into the Anheuser-Busch training. It educates employees on far-left gender ideology and claims your sex is “assigned” at birth rather than a function of your biology:
Speaking of a gender unicorn, it has been a long practce to castrate horses assigned as male at birth in order smash the equine patriarchy and rid the horse of its”toxic masculinity”.
And since its worked so well on male horses why not human male children.
One would think at my age watching Red Pill videos wouldn’t be something that would interest me; but circumstances in the recent past have turned my world upside down. I never imagined that I would be single again. I never imagined that my country would go down the tubes so fast.
No matter their age woman are hypergamus. The more toys (motorcycle, boat, RV, etc.) and the bigger financial resources a man has will most definitly improve his chances in the dating market. From 8 to 80 girls just want to have fun.And if your not able to provide it in sufficient quantity it’s incel city for you.
Sandman offers comentary and advice on economics, the state of relationships between men and woman, and the future of western society and culture.
This may sound wierd, but I’d like to see $8 gas a gallon this summer. It was $2 under Trump, and the first thing the vegetable did was cancel the Keystone pipeline and restrict drilling. Then when his own left starts complaining, he can say, “What did you expect? You knew this green new deal would hurt, now shut up and take your medicin like the good little usefull idiots you are!” Kind of like an addict needing to hit rock bottom before being able to see the error of their ways. Ace
But Ace, that’s part of the plan to make us drive electric cars.
.Volkswagon recently went crosscountry with their new electric car. It took only 18 days,Not bad if you have plenty of time to kill.An ecouragement to take a train?
If gas does go through the roof (and of that I have no doubt) It may well be more economical to go electric, and perhaps you’ll be able to find a“free” charging station, but that won’t last. Nothing is ever free. Some of us can recall when they said nuclear power would be too cheap to meter. But energy has to come from somewhere, and nuclear power doesen’t create those bad emissionsthat the greenies are terrified about.
But lets cut to the chase, Our Leftist Overlords want to force as many people back into mass transit as possibe either by the carrot or ultimatly (and it will happen) the big stick. They can’t have the Masses just going places on their own whenever they feel like it.
When I was in High school many years ago I tried out for the baseball team in my freshman, sophmore, and junior years. My parents paid out money they really couldn’t spare for a pair of cleats. I went to every practice, and tried my best, but my obvious lack of talent, and athlectic ability in general, led to my being the first one called into the coaches office and told that my presence was no longer neccessary.
Academically it was the same. I did graduate of course; but with a G.P.A. of around 2.5. The guidence counselor didn’t mince any words: forget about college. I didn’t have the grades to be accepted anywhere I was just mediocre.
Which was all for the best. With no sport or academic scholorship possible, my parents couldn’t have afforded it anyway.
So I joined the Coast Guard and had the time of my life. Afterwords I was able to go to college and got an associates in a STEM field. And for the next fifty years I ‘earned’ a paycheck, paid taxes, had a very succesful marrage, and we raised two kids who are now doing very well, thank you.
Could I have done better with my life? Hindsight is 20/20 they always say: but the past can’t be changed. You’ll always have those cud’da, shud’da, wud’da feelings. “If I’d only done this instead of that”. My life would have been different but not neccessarly better.There is no point dwelling on it.
I do know my life could have turned out a lot worse.
Aldous Huxley set his dystopian novel “Brave New World” in the year 2540. But it was Orwell who correctly predicted that dystopia would come much, much sooner.