C.R.T. and Marxism
One hand washes the other.
And it’s taught in all our public schools.
One hand washes the other.
And it’s taught in all our public schools.
And it starts with “Critacal Race Theory”
Last week, a black Amazon delivery driver sucker-punched an elderly white woman after the victim rejected the driver’s snide remark about the “white privilege” of getting annoyed while waiting for a package. A few months back, a Yale lecturer spoke about her “fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way.” Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot complained that too many of the journalists reporting on her are white…
A noxious leftist ideology links all of these racist incidents, and it is already wreaking tremendous havoc on American society. This ideology justifies blatant racism in the name of promoting “equity.” It is spreading throughout American classrooms, corporate boardrooms, and legacy media outlets. One of its architects has even called for a totalitarian bureaucracy to enforce his vision of “equity.” This new racism masquerades as “anti-racist,” but I have tried to warn it judges people according to the color of their skin, not the content of their character.
Would any millennail in living in Vermont today know that Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn spent nearly twenty years in exile in the town of Cavindish? Would any millennial even have even heard of him, much less read any of his written works?
When I was but a callow youth the mantra of my generation was “question authorty” and that “dissent is the highest form of patriotism”.
Not anymore it seems, now don’t dare question that you have “white privilage”, that you’re automaticly a racist by the color of your skin. Also don’t you dare question the effectiveness of masks or proclamations of Pope Fauci. Like climate change (“the science is settled”) Science has become a religion.
A fear things are going to get worse and I’ll likely not live long enough to see them get better.
I’m glad I’m old.
Remember when equality was the goal. Remember Dr. Martin Luther King when he said this. Dr. King was a martyr for the cause of civil rights for all Americans regardless of skin color. But that was a long, long time ago. And it seems obvious that they don’t even teach about the Man, his principles or his dream anymore.
Anyway, Dr. King’s already been cancelled..
You have to be carefully taught to hate(yourself), you have to be carefully taught.
And remember, we as taxpayers are footing the bill for this crap.
At least one Vermont School District (Essex-Westford, or EWSD) has instituted Critical Race Theory (CRT) “teaching” in its classrooms. Integral to the “race as sole issue” foundation of CRT is the dismissal of free speech and “equality” as tools of white supremacy and the advocacy of direct (reverse?) discrimination and even shaming as necessary tools to redress historic racism. As part of its curriculum, the ESWD has endorsed the poetry of a “Vermont poet and educator” (relocated from Los Angeles) named Rajnii Eddins. The raging racism of Eddins’s poetry reflects the toxic vitriol of CRT.
Oh well, perhaps teaching white Vermont students that they’re racist scumbags will take their minds off believing the world is ending in ten years due to climate change.
And speaking of scumbags...
In my humble opinion.
And the Lefts favorite Republican
(This is why The Republican party in Vermont is [dead] to me.)
Vermont is perhaps the most liberal state in the nation, and much to the resident liberals apparant embarassment also one of the whitest. The State, which has next to no restrictions on firearm possession, is also still one of the most safest States in the country.
This of course can only mean that Vermont’s culture and its residents are irrededeemably RACIST! Black lives Matter was then given ‘carte blanche’ to ignore the rule of law and silence any opposition through raw intimidation.
When the Vermont legislature recently passed a bill to allow a women total unrestricted abortion right up to sucking out the baby’s brain while in the birth canal, any normal republican would have vetoed the bill and forced the legislature to override. But like Pontilus Pilate; Phil Scott washed his hands and signed it with enthusiasim.
Phil Scott despises Donald Trump. So I must assume that when I drive around central Vermont and see houses flying Trump and Gadston flags and signs saying “pray to end abortion” and “pre-born lives matter” that their governor despises them too.
I realize that the majority of voters in Vermont are liberal democrats who have for generations been living in Shangri-La and feel a deep need to virtue signal to atone for the sin of being blessed with a decent quality of life.
So if Vermont is so “progressive” how did (rino)Phil Scott defeat his rival so easily?
Well you had someone who was going to give [democrats] nearly everthing they wanted. The alternative was his fringe radical opponet who was ready to step on the gas a take Vermont to a place even liberals were not ready for.
For Conservative Republicans the choice was the frying pan or the fire.
From the liberal rag ‘the Atlantic’ They really kiss up to him.
The biggest mystery about Scott is why he remains a Republican when the party nationally has moved so far to the right and has bowed so deeply to the whims of a man he can’t stand. No elected Republican in the country—not Baker or Hogan, not any member of Congress—has gone further in repudiating Trump than Scott. He supported both impeachments of the former president, and on Election Day, rather than writing in the name of a GOP luminary, Scott voted for Biden.
He [Scott} voted for a house plant for President. Personal hatred won out over love of country.
I liken it to General Robert E. Lee commanding the Union Army of the Potomac against the South and his home State of Virginia. While at the same time wearing his grey uniform.
I’m glad I’m old.
“…that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to the that cause for which they here gave gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolvethat these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” A. Lincoln
The Known.
And the Unknown
They died to protect our freedoms but sadly too many Americans seem hell bent on throwing it all away. And even worse, aided and abetted by our own armed forces
Excerpt of A.Lincoln’s Lyceum address 1838
–-At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it?– Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!–All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.
At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.
I fear dark time are ahead. I’m glad I’m old and likely will not live to see the worse. I pray my children will make it through.
What is a better medicine the vaccination? Laughter! It’s the best anti-depressant there is.
Governments all over the world have been very successful in instilling fear and compliance in large swaths of their populations. So much so that its caused crippling psycological damage for many people that may last a lifetime. Which in my opinion is far worse then the disease.
Like this pathetic bastard.
You may get it...no you got it… now live with it.
Unlike cheese and whiskey.
Via Zeducation.