I remember my teachers of long ago.

Simpler times

Back in the day, when boys were boys, and girls were girls. The morning always started with the pledge of allegence. We were taught reading, writing, arithmetic, civics, social studies, and U.S. history.

I had an aunt who was a teacher. She taught in a one room schoolhouse, grades 1-8. She was proud of her profession. If she were alive today I know that she would be appalled.

Begining in late sixties the teachers who had been on the job since the end of WW2 were starting to retire. Young replacements started to arrive from the teachers colleges and the progressive’s long march through the education institutions commenced. I had previously written about this back on March 28th 2016 in one of my first posts.

The teachers unions whose main focus was once teachers salary, benifits, and working conditions fully embraced liberal political activism. Additionally Progressives have run and have been elected to schoolboards across the country and now feel empowered to hurl obscenities at parents and have them arrested for voicing opposition to progressive ideologies such as Critical Race Theory and, least we forget; climate change.

Climate change… another corruption of science used for instilling fear in the youth in order to advance a political agenda. Remember the student climate strikes of two years ago which were worldwide. Spured on by teachers and professors who abandoned the idea of critical thinking. And in order to save the planet the solution they want to impose is the eradication of capitalism in favor of top down socialism/communism.

And don’t get me started with the Black Lives Matter organization. Black lives are the last thing they care about. It’s only a another front group whose purpose is to rip America apart. It sickens me to think that its flag flies at nearly every High School in this State.

Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.V. Lenin

The “teachers” in our government run schools have become political commissars. Too add insult to injury we the taxpayers are even forced to pay for it.

So how is the “teaching” profession doing when it comes to math and science. Well mostly they suck. Subjects like math and science require critical thinking and we know thats not allowed. High School and College students have been dumbed down on purpose because it makes them so easy to manipulate.

The sad part is that what is happing in our country today has been predicted for at least the last eighty years.


The teaching professsion along with journalism has thrown away objective truth in favor of Marxist ideology. The country’s direction hangs in the balance.

I’m glad I’m old.

Antifa supports Pedophiles

There are two genders, Male and Female. Everything else is mental illness.

Real (XX) women do not have penises.

For a man to claim identity as a women and then expose his {male} genitalia in a supposed safe space for women and female children and suffers no consequence then laws against lewd and lascivious behaviour may as well be stricken from the books.

Another take on the subject, also from (not so)Great Britian.

The 4th of July 2021

“Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” John Adams

“Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”

― Vladimir Lenin

The American system of education from k-12 to college which has been taken over by Marxist has had at least three.

Weather in central Vermont today is cool and damp with a good chance of rain. Another good excuse to avoid 4th of July festivities in Montpelier today.

A happy 4th everyone.


Is when human beings reject God and try to create heaven on Earth…and create a dystopia instead.

For people who have escaped North Korea…

Visiting an American college campus is too much like home.


Meanwhile in our home State of Vermont; the 1st amendment of the U.S. Constitution is in process of being cancelled.

Expressing an opinion out loud and in public that goes against “The Vanguard Doctrine” will cost you your job!

After a well-spoken student from Essex High School vocally opposed the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) at a public town hall-style meeting to discuss CRT implementation in Vermont schools, he was promptly fired by the Essex Parks and Recreation Department. Initially, the contrived cause was “concerns around your ability to adhere to … core values,” but it was switched to “perceived threats” that “cause legitimate concern around your ability to equitably look out for the safety of everyone who attends our pools.” This is CRT in action — shame and attack anyone who dares challenge its race-based tenets, even teenage lifeguards.

How soon will it be before speaking your mind costs you your “FREEDOM”? How soon before it costs you your “LIFE”?

We are liveing in dangerous times.

More roll of the Dice

Each day I’m more confident that my wife and I did the right thing in keeping our kids out of public school. We homeschooled and sent them to private school. It cost us a ton of money but it was worth it.