Joe Biden has screwed America

A couple of video’s from Salty Cracker

In 1933 the German people freely elected Adolph Hitler and his Nazi party into power because the German nation was on its knees, the economy sucked, and millions were unemployed. Hitler had promised every able German citizen a job and that he was going to make “Germany” great again. (M.G.G.A.)

Now we all know how that turned out.

In America we had a situation where the (pre lockdown) economy was booming; unemployment was at record lows; the wall was being built, trade deals were being rewritten to be more favorable to the U.S. our embassy was moved to Jerusalem. And lets not forget Prision reform.

President Trump above all loved America; for this the Demo{c}rats started their campaign to bring him down from the moment he took the oath of office starting with the Russian collusion hoax.

Democrats, the Left, the swamp, the media, and academia, all hated Trump and everyone who had voted for him. And of course he was always being compared to Hitler because he wanted to make “America” great again. (M.A.G.A)

So 81 million people are said to have voted for this old demented corrupt pathalogical liar . I will always believe that”It was a coup”. They didn’t vote so much “for” Biden” as “against” Trump. Their hatred for Trump overruled any common sense they might have possesed. It may give some comfort for Trump supporters to see that millions of Biden voters may now have some buyers remorse.

Afghanistan is an ongoing disaster. The economy is on a razors edge. The Constitution seems at times be be only an afterthought. The border is out of control. People are losing their jobs over their poltilcal leanings. America is a different country then it was in my youth. Will it be able to pull back from the brink or go over the cliff. It’s likely I won’t be around to see which way the country goes.

But what’s happening now a least gives one some hope.

Little things I gleaned…

from talking with my dental hygienist.

For about the last twenty years I’ve had the same hygienist. Even though I only see her twice a year she always made removing the plaque from my teeth a pleasent experence. We would always talk about the things going on in our lives. My most recent appointment was about a week ago.

Of course our coversation drifted into current events and…politics. I brought up a few of the current current events that have happened under our present brain damaged occupier of the White House.

In a nutshell, She voted for the potted plant because she didn;t like Trump. I brought up a few of the good things Trump had done. Things like a roaring economy; low unemployment, renegotiating trade deals more favorable for America, prison reform to name but a few. She did concede that those were good things…but she just didn’t like him; his personality, his seeming arrogance, his mean tweets. Her gold standard for a President was…Barack Obama, because he was so suave and spoke so eloquently.

And so for you and millions of others it was anyone but Trump !

I hope your satisfied.

For four years, we had a president who, over the course of a single term, managed to undo a great deal of the mischief wrought, and a great many of the mistakes made, by his recent predecessors. Trump revived America’s economy, shored up Americans’ individual liberties, forged several remarkable peace agreements, and greatly strengthened our international position—thus firmly checking the ambitions of our powerful adversaries. 

But, Biden voters, he had a personality that rubbed you the wrong way. He wrote nasty tweets. In the language of TV production, he was too “hot.” You wanted “cool.”The Democrats put up a candidate who was plainly in mental decline. It was obvious every time he spoke. But you didn’t pay terribly close attention to his speeches. The sources from which you get your “news” carefully clipped out all of the bits of his appearances in which his befuddlement was manifest. If you heard someone speak out about his senility, you dismissed the charges out of hand

One hundred years later nothing much has changed.

I recently purchased a 9mm pistol…why?

As we’re know Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire are three of the”whitest States in America.

The region…is also considered one of the safest areas of the country . Yes, yes, I know, but it is what it is.

Over the last few decades the political spectrum of the majority of the population swung inexorably from conservative to flaming liberal. One of the reasons for this change was the infiltration of liberal/Marxist trained teachers in K-12 and college education.

I have no doubt that this was part of their teachers college training, written by America’s Lenin. He also wrote this.

All 8 rules are currently in play.

How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky:

There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important.

  1. Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people.
  2. Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible; poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
  3. Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
  4. Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the government. That way you are able to create a police state.
  5. Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
  6. Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.
  7. Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the government and schools.
  8. Class Welfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more disconnect, and it will be easier to take (tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

Does this sound like what is happening to the United States of America?

Saul Alinsky merely simplified Vladimir Lenin’s original scheme for world conquest by communism, under Russian rule. Stalin described his converts as “Useful Idiots”

The Useful idiots have destroyed every nation in which they have seized power and control. It is presently happening at an alarming rate in the US. “It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere”.

This has been going on for the last four generations.

Northern New England is a safe spacefor virtue signaling flaming white libs.

Of course the real reason it’s a safe space is not so much the fact that the population is homogeneous, and New England is very rural, but that the 2nd amendment is sacrosonct to a large percentage of the population.

Which can only mean one theing to flaming libs and progressives, You’re a Trump supporter, you voted for him, and that makes you a RACIST WHITE SUPREMACIST!!

And this is what its come too

There’s a movement metastasizing across America. It’s well armed, it’s extreme, and it’s led largely by white men. They’re enraged, they’re feeling entitled, and they’re taking ground wherever it’s given. And while the movement clearly got new wind in its sails under the Trump administration, it’s now self-sustaining. The Jan. 6 insurrection on Capitol Hill was just the tip of this seething iceberg, as last week’s anguished police testimony to Congress made clear. This movement isn’t going away anytime soon. 

It’s everywhere. It’s even in Vermont, where I live, which some people mistakenly consider a progressive haven. It’s bullied countless people of color in Vermont – who had to flee their communities because it became increasingly hostile and unsafe for them – and now it’s pushing me out, too. I’m selling my farm this summer, in fact, because the assault-weaponed bullies are winning on my road, and I refuse to stoop to their level and weaponize myself to fight back.

Read the entire essay by Dr. Michael Shank (link above) and you realize what a virtue signaling fruitcake this guy is.

Well, the critical race theory being taught in our schools along with a BLM flag on every flagpole, a liberal media totally in the tank, a majority left wing legislate and a cuck republican governor, I made the decision to obtain a firearm while I was still able to do so. I will practice with my sincere hope that I will never have to use it defence of my person and loved ones.

And it is a 9mm.

I can’t seem to get enough…

of Zeducation

The world has gone “F*cking” MAD !

Speaking of which…remember “Mad Magazine.”

I used to read it a lot back in the seventies, along with “Rolling Stone”. I even had a subscription for the latter.

On account of the internet, a lot of newsstand magazines declined and disappeared over the last 20-25 years. Mad Magizine was no exception.

Mad Magazine” used to take pride in being anti-establishment. When Donald Trump became President in 2017 one of his campaign pledges was to “drain the swamp” that was Washington D.C. politics.

Trump was the most anti-establishment President in history. Mad Magazine took it upon itself to join the establishment; the political left, the mainstream media, academia, the corrupt Washington elite.

And towards the end of its run it made the lampooning of President Trump its raison d’être.

It didn’t work.

The newstand Mad Magazine ended publication in 2019.

Which is too bad really. Yes, Mad Magazine did some lampooning of Joe Biden back in the day when he was Obama’s Vice President, but the intent was nowhere near the maliciousness that was expressed toward Donald Trump.

Imagine what Mad Magazine and Alfred E. Newman (“what, me worry”) could do with our present demented potted plant President Joe Biden, his crack addled son Hunter, and V.P. Kamala “heels up” Harris.

Imagine what they could do with the “SJW” movement.

But, I don’t think that in the present era of “woke” and poltical correctness that they would have the “balls” to do it.

So it’s just as well they’re defunct.
