Do Liberal Vermonters live in a bubble?

According to the latest polls, in the State of Vermont, “President” Joe Biden still has an approval rating of 56%.

Of course, it wasn’t so much that democrats “loved” Joe Biden as much as they “hated” Donald Trump.


Progressive liberalism is their religion. Facts and logic are out the window.


Our rino governor Phill Scott of course voted for Joe Biden too.


Vermont Gov. Phil Scott told reporters Tuesday afternoon that he cast his presidential ballot for Democratic nominee Joe Biden. That makes him the only incumbent Republican governor in the country to publicly disclose his support for the former vice president.
“I put country over party,” Scott said.


So… why do you hate your country, Phil?


From Zeducation.







A Safe Space for flamin Libs!

My comments:

10: Yes it is.

 9: Autumn is nice, it’s what comes after. 

 8: An armed society is a polite society. But isn’t San Francisco Progressive too.

 7: Education?! With a BLM flag flying at every high school, critical race theory is being taught instead of critical thinking. The sky is falling climate hysteria that scares the crap out of young skulls full of mush. Don’t worry new resident, your kid will have the best education indoctrination your taxes can buy.

6: Escaping your ‘progressive’ dystopian one-party deep blue shithole cities, that you voted for. 

5: Start a business, just don’t get too big unless…you use the success and wealth that you earned through capitalism to push a Marxist agenda. Looking at you B&J.

4: That’s because Liberal Progressive Vermonters have never experienced real Progressivism/Socialism. Vermont is a safe space for virtue-signaling libs. For now. That’s why we elect a RINO governor to pull back the reins and apply a little brake. Oh, and don’t think that Progressive Vermonters are irreligious, They have religion, It’s their political ideology, and woe to thee if you don’t believe. 

3. Our Gun laws pre-date the Progressive takeover. Vermont is very rural, when seconds count law enforcement can be 45 minutes away. And maybe that has something to do with our low crime rate. Criminal scum might think twice if they think their victims are armed.

2. Ah, the economy, high fuel prices, high taxes. This will be exacerbated in the future by the forced conversion to green energy…to save the planet. and let’s not forget inflation. The printing presses have been running day and night.

1.  It’s affordable to people who are used to making 200-300K a year. I will say that because of the real estate demand, the value of my home increased enough to where I had enough equity to re-finance my mortgage to give my home a much-needed facelift.


Vermont is a Progressive Playground that is slowly circling the drain. It hasn’t got to the point yet of deep blue shithole cities. But give it time.  Hopefully, when it gets to that point it won’t be any problem for me.  Because I will have exited the planet. My progeny and yours will be the ones to deal with it. 


“Well Mr. Franklin, what kind of country do we have?” ” A Republic…if you can keep it.”

“Don’t it always seem to go…that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”

Freedom lost may never be recovered.






We are definitely screwed (I’m glad I’m old)


The Morning Rant



The future does not belong to countries that make an issue over pronouns.


The future does not belong to countries that rely on ‘green’ energy.

The future does not belong to countries with rotating power outages

The future does not belong to countries that are not energy independent.

The future does not belong to countries with falling birthrates.

The future does not belong to countries with a declining manufacturing base.

The future does not belong to countries that slaughter their babies.

The future does not belong to countries with dozens of genders.

The future does not belong to countries that encourage gender dysphoria.

The future does not belong to countries that have normalized graphic pornography.

The future does not belong to countries that purposely destroys the innocence of their children.

The future does not belong to countries that declares war on half of their citizens.

The future does not belong to countries that gives two sh*ts about climate change.

The future does not belong to countries that pay people not to work.

The future does not belong to countries that try to create more wealth by printing more money.

The future does not belong to countries that allow rioting and looting to go unpunished.

The future does not belong to countries that decriminalize crime.

The future does not belong to countries where people poo in the street.

The future does not belong to countries where mental illness is a civil right.

The future does not belong to countries run by elites who think the country needs to be “fundamentally transformed.”

The future does not belong to countries run by elites who think they’re smart enough to pull off a Great Reset.

The future does not belong to countries without borders.

The future does not belong to countries whose people have forgotten how to govern themselves.

The future does not belong to countries run by elites who hate it.

Vermont screams “White Privilege”


It appears that our Rino governor is one of the most popular in the nation. This same article, states that Joe Biden has a 93% approval rating among Democrats in Vermont.  
How can supposedly intelligent people be this disconnected from reality?


It’s no secret that Vermont is a deep, deep, blue state.  It is also one of the most secular. One of the charms of small Vermont towns and villages was the churches and their distinctive steeples. Sadly many are closed and more just hanging on with an aging congregation.


Today, many people have abandoned Judeo-Christianity in favor of cultural Marxist political ideology in which atheism is its central pillar. This transformation did not happen overnight but slowly throughout past generations via the vessel of taxpayer-funded education indoctrination. 

 From the demographics of Vermont, it’s obvious that Vermont is a very “white” state. It is often considered one of the safest states in the country.

It has very few restrictions to gun ownership, no permit needed for concealed carry. Of course, these laws or lack thereof predate by decades the progressive liberal playground that Vermont is today. And the libs find this somewhat embarrassing.


Perhaps it’s because scenes like this have yet to appear in the more urban areas of Vermont. Upper middle class and affluent white voters (women in particular) What’s been happening in liberal blue cesspits

around the country hasn’t quite reached Vermont…yet.


That’s one reason I think for the seemingly total disconnect and also their total acceptance of what the mainstream media tells them and if the mainstream media doesn’t report on something it’s because it doesn’t fit the leftist narrative. So don’t concern yourself with it.
But do liberal democrat Vermonters truly believe in this ideology or are they virtue-signaling hypocrites putting on a show from their safe-space white privilege neighborhoods.


So if and when real political (criminal) violence comes to white privileged Vermont will law and order prevail? 


Or since all white people are racist are we just getting what we deserve.




Or is liberalism a mental illness? especially when it comes to women.










Is Moving To Vermont Worth It? – Forbes Advisor


The Church Street Marketplace (Burlington, VT) – Umbrella Terms













These people are not good guys


History teaches us:

The people who pull down statues are never the good guys.

The people who burn, loot, and murder are never the good guys.

The people who would compel you to wear certain things are never the good guys.

The people who would compel you put substances into your bodies over your objections are never the good guys.

The people who would restrict where you can travel, who you can visit are never the good guys.

The people who restrict what you can read are never the good guys.

The people who restrict what you can write and publish are never the good guys.

The people who would withhold information from you “for safety” are never the good guys.

The people who want to restrict or prohibit your access to food, water, employment, medical care, and other necessities of life are never the good guys.

The people who justify any and all excesses in the name of ‘public health’ or ‘public safety’ are never the good guys.

The people who impose restrictive rules on others they have no intention of keeping themselves are never the good guys.

And those who support, encourage, defend, and cheer on the people who would do these things are never the good guys, either.



Memes for Monday


What they really think.

Your papers please.