Trucker revolt in the great white north

This is a story I heard from my mother long ago.

I have a somewhat stubborn relative. He has an aversion to being “told” what to do, even if common sense says that you should. Vermont makes wearing your seatbelt mandatory, If law enforcement spots you not wearing one they can pull you over and give you a ticket and you’ll likely end up paying a fine. In neighboring New Hampshire it’s only encouraged as “common sense for all”.  Living on the Connecticut River people drive between states all the time, My mother said that he would purposely not wear his seatbelt in Vermont but as soon as he crossed the river into New Hampshire he would put it on. It was one of his quirks.


This is my feeling towards “the jab(s)”. Full discloser, I’ve had them. They should be available to anyone who “wants” them. But in many cases, circumstances arise with employers and/or travel plans and people have to make choices, either take “the jab” or lose their employment or other opportunities. 


I am not against vaccines, I’m against making them mandatory.


What’s happening now in Canada kind of reminds me of this.


Old man yells at cloud


I first heard Neil Young way back in 1966. At the time he was in a group called Buffalo Springfield. I was at a friend’s house, and their album was on the “record player”.  His older brother had been in the military overseas and had come back with this gummy substance that he called “hash” that you smoked in a corncob pipe that was lined with tinfoil. It was the first time I had gotten “high” and it was to “For what it’s worth”.


Three years later I heard “Cinnamon Girl”, a song that I would be playing on air guitar for the next three decades.

And during those decades, I purchased every album he released. At that time of my life and the things that I was going through his music related to me. But years go by and attitudes (mine) change. The last CD I ever bought of his was in 2000. It was “Silver and Gold” It was a beautiful pean of love and commitment to his wife (14 years later he dumped her).


Now I don’t begrudge Neil Young a dime of the revenue he has earned from his recording and performing career, he has a net worth of over 200 million dollars, and to be fair over the years he has done a bit of philanthropy. But, I’ve always known that Young was very left of center in his politics. Most old multi-millionaire rock stars are. He’s heavily into climate change hysteria, against GMO foods, and concern for the homeless and downtrodden only during Republican administrations, E.g. “rocking in the free world”.  He had no love for Bush the younger either.


As for Donald Trump, well, this goes without saying.


Neil Young, he’s now the “old man” he sang about so long ago. I’ll bet most people under fifty have never heard of him. But being “woke”, a Trump hater, married to a much younger Hollywood actress, and now a do-not-question-the-government, anti-free speech zealot when it comes to government orthodoxy on COVID vaccines and treatment. This of course gets you a lot of fawning publicity from the mainstream media, progressives, and music critics reviewing your latest release.


“Reviewing in his Substack-published “Consumer Guide” column, Robert Christgau gave Barn an “A” and declared it the first worthwhile album of new Young songs since 2009’s Fork in the Road.”

I haven’t heard any songs off it, maybe it’s decent. But I stopped caring a long time ago. And after seeing your attempt at censoring people who disagree with your opinions it’s apparent that a lot of people feel the same. However, you don’t seem to care in the least that both the United States and Canada are becoming more and more authoritarian coupled with the breakdown of law and order.


And Neil, what do you think of the truckers of Canada? Are you going to write a song condemning them?



A final note: I’ve just heard that 76 y/o Neil Young’s 60+ y/o wife (WTF) is pregnant!!!! You’ve previously sired three children with two women and all of them had genetic diseases.


Just STFU, live what’s left of your life and stop embarrassing yourself. 

Once I thought you were cool, now I think your pathetic. 







Sometimes the cure can be as bad as the disease.

We know that flaming libs believe in their innate sense of superiority over anyone who might not agree with their ‘progressive’ ideology.  This is shone in when it comes to the wearing of face masks. In settings where wearing a mask would not be necessary, such as walking outdoors or driving alone in their car (I’ve seen them), they will still be wearing their masks. It could be a deep fear of contracting the virus, but for many, it’s virtue signaling pure and simple. They’re afraid people might mistake them for Republicans.


There is no denying that contracting COVID can get you very sick and in many cases can prove fatal, but the collateral damage this pandemic and its politicization have caused to the psyche of young skulls full of mush could well be as bad as the disease itself. 


And Libs it seems are coming to that realization too.

What starts in California…

Los Angeles is a progressive democrat shithole. Most all Democrat-run cities are shitholes.


But it’s what they voted for, so I have no sympathy.


Looting trains in L.A. is a misdemeanor. Now, who’d have thought something like this would happen.




“It’s who counts the votes…”

Via Salty Cracker



Obama Tried to Warn you: ‘Don’t Underestimate Joe’s Ability to F— Things Up’.


“It’s not who votes that counts it…It’s who counts the votes.”  Joe Stalin,




America is dying

Paul Joseph Watson




As of January 2022

In Vermont, Joe Biden’s approval rating is 49 percent approval, 39 percent disapproval.


The majority of Vermonters still prefer to live in their progressive, virtue signaling, bubble.


They know they’re fortunate to live here, and they’re embarrassed by it.



According to the latest census
Vermont is:
  • White: 94.16%
  • Two or more races: 2.02%
  • Asian: 1.68%
  • Black or African American: 1.36%
  • Other race: 0.39%
  • Native American: 0.34%
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.05%



Let’s Hear What “Wayne” Has To Say

From Vt. Digger



A Liberal Vermonter living in California has his panties in a twist.

The nasty move by Vermont Republicans

Jan 2, 2022, 8:22 AM

An open letter to Paul Dame: I am currently a Californian but not by choice, having moved here from Bristol, Vt., five years ago for family reasons.

I just learned that you, as Vermont’s new GOP chair, used a so-called euphemism of the slur “F*** Joe Biden” to lead a rally in a Brandon event in November. That is despicable and no doubt a new low for the Vermont GOP. 

Yes, free speech is a time-honored all-American expression but is seriously tainted under the guise of hate. Whether you realize it or not, you are walking lockstep with former president Trump in the perpetration of division and hate in America. Shame on you.

In your party’s desperation in the state, it is unfortunately no longer enough to be in strong opposition to Democrats, which for the most part is a respectable element of our two-party system. Copying a trendy new hateful tactic that can work in some parts of the country will only hurt you in Vermont.

I can’t wait to move back to the best state I have ever lived in to support all the good Vermonters against what the state GOP has become. But it won’t be hateful, unlike the tactics you play. Be careful, because the next thing you know, these types of tactics could spur a mini-Jan. 6 at the wonderful Statehouse in Montpelier. Don’t think it can’t happen. 

Maybe you ought to think about taking your gutter politics across the Connecticut River because they are very un-Vermont-like, even for the GOP.  

Wayne Michaud

Citrus Heights, California

I looked up Citrus Heights California. It’s a very nice place. According to its demographics, it’s somewhat similar to Vermont. What’s different is that it’s slightly majority Republican. Might be a reason he longs to come back to the Democrat Peoples Republic of Vermont.

Is this person such a partisan liberal that he’s been oblivious to what’s been going on in Democrat-controlled cities around the country over the past two years? Hasn’t he noticed that Joe Biden’s presidency has been a disaster? Does it bother him that Democrat economic, soft on crime, and immigration policies are tearing the nation to shreds? 


I guess he believes that the Vermont Republican Party being as powerless as it is, should just keep its mouth shut. Sort of like the Republican Party in California. And the vitriol that President Trump received during his entire term was fully justified?


Fact: Vermont is 95% ‘white’. It is perhaps the most rural (and safest) state in America. Our idea of gun control is a good aim and a steady hand. This makes Vermont, in my opinion, the largest gated community a.k.a. “a safe space” in the entire country for flaming virtue-signaling liberals.


Let’s go, Brandon!!!




The State of Vermont has informed me…

That it’s time for my booster.

Now I was vaccinated last Spring to be able to board an airplane.

I have had a flu shot.

The latest Omicron strain seems to be hitting the fully vaccinated.

I’m planning to fly again this Spring. If they require it to fly, I’ll have to consider it.

But it gives one pause.


Via Salty Cracker.