Has Canada past the point of no return?

Maybe…maybe not.




And what are the opinions of Americans of various political persuasions?


Scratch a Democrat and you’ll find a totalitarian screaming to get out.


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s descent into dictatorship to rein in the Freedom Convoy protest has support from a majority of likely Democratic voters in America…


When broken down by party affiliation, 65 percent of Democrats backed Trudeau’s heavy-handed response compared to 17 percent who disapproved, while 87 percent of likely Republican voters opposed the prime minister’s crackdown and 8 percent approved.


Too many Democrats not just the billionaire/millionaires consider themselves a cut above the hoi polloi.

They consider themselves the elite.


Many years ago The Democrat party billed itself as the party of the working man and woman.


Not anymore.


And most of the media on both sides of the border agree.


“It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed”  Lenin






And now a word from Sandman


Has anyone heard if Neil Young has written a song about the Canadian Trucker revolt and the crackdown by Trudeau? “Tin soldiers and blackface coming…we’re finally on our own.” Or is he on the side of the powerful? That a crackdown: “should have been done long ago.”





The Long March to Authoritarianism

Has been picking up speed 



“To do evil a human being must, first of all, believe that what he’s doing is good… Ideology – that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others’ eyes so that he won’t hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


The generation now coming out of Western schools is unable to distinguish good from the bad. Even those words are unacceptable. This results in impaired thinking ability.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousandfold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers . . . we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn



A solution for homelessness?

San Francisco has a problem with homeless people, there are too damn many of them.


So they’re asking (for now) that homeowners and landlords take in some homeless people.

“This is not a new idea – it’s been floated for many years,” he told the Mail. “Particularly in San Francisco – it goes back to freedom, and the summer of love, and hippies and communal houses, with strangers crashing on your couch.”

“It’s not an unheard-of concept. But we’re not talking about flower children. Now it gets a bit absurd,” he added. 

He added that such high rates of mental illness and drug addiction in the homeless community thin out the number of potential candidates to place in the housing. 

“A very high percentage of San Francisco’s homeless people are homeless because they are addicted to drugs or mentally ill. So the number of candidates is going to be quite limited,” Greenberg explained. 


National Propaganda Radio has its take on the causes of homelessness.

Like a broken clock that’s right twice a day they do make some correct assumptions. But the bottom line is that it was leftist liberal policies like rent control and paying people to be homeless.


And does it seem odd that those big blue California cities have the biggest gaps between rich and poor?


One would think that all filthy rich big tech millionaires and billionaires in Silicone Valley who live in these neighborhoods and those wealthy actors and producers in Hollywood who live in Beverly Hills who live in huge mansions. Like Barbra Streisand’s place.

Now just think how many homeless people could live there. And there have to be hundreds of places like this that are owned by rich progressive liberal people who vote democrat, who should only be too happy to open at least one of the their residences to the homeless. They can move into one of their other places.


But it’s their private property you say…  What did you say, comrade?



Oh Canada!!

As most people know “The New York Times” has a statement in its masthead: “All the news that’s fit to print”. It’s been there for a long time. But its true meaning has always been this, ‘All the news that “we decide” is fit to print.


It isn’t what they report that counts, It’s what they don’t.

I don’t often read the local newspapers. When I go to the local supermarket and pass by the newspaper rack I’ll lean over and glance at the headlines. My sample is small and unscientific but it seems that very little is reported on the trucker’s freedom protest in Canada.


I did read this online line at Yahoo news.


“Though the rally has been mostly peaceful*, police have expressed concern about extremist rhetoric coming from far-right groups among the protesters. As well as reported racial and homophobic abuse, some danced on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the National War Memorial.

Nearly 80 criminal investigations have been opened in relation to the protests, including for alleged hate crimes and property damage. Some two dozen people have been arrested.”


(*This was what the media called “mostly peaceful” in the summer of 2020. One would think this is Canada’s version of January 6th.)


The corporate media (here and in Canada) has chosen sides, in what it decides to report, the spin it will put on it, and what it decides to ignore. 


All hail the Truckers of Canada.



via liberal hivemind


Religion and politics…A Rant


Imagine two Mayan priests of long ago, standing on top of a pyramid discussing the scene that was taking place before them. It was nothing new or out of the ordinary, dozens if not hundreds of captives were being led to an altar to have their beating hearts cut from their bodies.

This practice of a sacrifice of blood to the gods was meant to ensure the rains would come and that Kinich Ahau would rise in the sky every morning.

So one priest says to the other: “have you ever wondered if one day we didn’t sacrifice anyone to Kinich Ahau, do you think that he would still rise in the sky as always?” The other priest looks him in the eye and says: “do you really want to take that chance?”  “No!” “I guess not”.  NEXT!


For decades the Democrat party billed itself as the party of the blue-collar union member working man. The Republican party was painted as the party of the rich corporate executive or a business owner whose purpose was to squeeze as much labor from his workers for the least possible cost to gain maximum profit for already rich shareholders.


But the reality is it’s the leftist Democrats who are the party of the 1%!  What better way to protect yourself from the torches and pitchforks of great unwashed than to take control of the political party that had always claimed to be on the side of the workingman and the downtrodden.  


In matters of race relations, the Democrat party plantation has kept African-Americans dependent on government and destroyed the black family ever since the sixties and LBJ’s Great Society.

And let’s not forget Democrats believe that Black people are too stupid incapable of obtaining an I.D. to vote.

But of course, it’s the “republicans who are racist”. 


Are liberal democrats who live in the nation’s largest gated community are having second thoughts?


A recent poll in deep-blue Vermont was taken by Vermont propaganda radio. 


The poll showed that only 45 percent of the respondents approved of the president’s job performance, showing Biden just slightly above water in the survey. This is compared to the 43 percent that disapproved of Biden’s job performance. Eleven percent said they were unsure or had no opinion, while one percent refused to answer.


If Joe Biden is almost underwater in deep-blue virtue-signaling Vermont then his lousy job performance is becoming so blatant that even the ‘goodthinkers’ of the Vermont Democrat party have started to notice.


” When people stop believing in God they don’t believe in nothing; they believe in anything” G.K. Chesterton


Vermont is the most secular state in the country, and one of the most leftist liberal. The two go together. But Leftists are not without religion, Marxism is their opiate. 


America is collapsing, yet here in our little corner of the country we’ve kind of been immune to the worst aspects of Democrat liberal rule. We still have a relatively low crime rate. Most people live in small towns. Many live in quiet rural areas on backcountry dirt roads, where more than a few homes wave the Stars and Stripes. I know; I’ve seen them. But ever since mid-sixties Vermont went from being a Republican “red” state to the deep blue one today. And since the sixties when liberals took control of the education system and the media, dumbed down the youth of the last three generations and poisoned them with cultural Marxism and critical race theory which has become the pseudo-religion of far too many people who vote for this crap, or they simply hated Donald trump because that’s what they were told to do. But…


Perhaps this crisis that grips the nation today may in the long run turn out for the best. The moment Trump was elected President the leftist elites in media and academia made it their mission to bring him down all of Trump’s accomplishments on the economy and foreign policy be damned. Now that Trump is gone (for now) many liberal democrats now have a bad case of buyers remorse.


Like this fellow…



A post from Sandman

A small side note, Sandman is from Canada.












Neil Young joins B.S.

Jimmy Dore has billed himself as a “progressive” and a Bernie Bro but even though he’s left of center in his politics he doesn’t seem to be able to engage in doublespeak.


He calls a spade a spade.


I’ve was always liked a lot of Neil Young’s music even though I haven’t really listened to any of it for over twenty years. I noticed that SiriusXM came to Neil’s rescue and put his channel back on their program roster. But I just can’t listen to his music anymore. Like Bruce Springsteen he’s a total hypocrite and makes me sick to my stomach.