Black Lives Matter is nothing but Grift
What is “Grift”?
It’s what Black Lives Matter (BLM) practices.
Black Lives Matter has dug its root deep into the Vermont soil.
Vermont is the largest gated liberal community in the nation. The State is 94.2% white, 1.4% African-American
Vermont is an overwhelmingly left-leaning Democrat.
This combination has led to self-loathing white guilt that can only be satiated with virtue signaling on a mass scale.
BLM flags fly over Vt. High schools. BLM has infiltrated churches. BLM is a corrupt Marxist organization that has found a whole State full of useful idiots.
Via Liberal Hive Mind.
Just what I suspected
A few days ago the Montpelier Police Dept. hired a Chaplain, then they abruptly reversed their decision.
Now we know why.
Monday, Chaplain Peter Taraski told WCAX News what he says happened.
Over the weekend, the police department released a statement saying that the decision was made “to avoid any further distractions or conflict within the community.”
In a statement to WCAX News, Taraski says he was told that he’s racist, that there was too much scripture on his Facebook account and that he was labeled as a Republican.
He’s a clergyman: (“too much scripture” ?!), (“a Republican”!?) and of course that makes him a RACIST!!
So what conflict are we talking about…with the local chapter of BLM?
The Time Argus had a more detailed take on the situation.
He (resident Ben Eastman) said, “While I commend MPD on its intent to serve the community, and the chosen pastors commitment to suicide and domestic violence prevention, looking at his Facebook page I see anti-immigrant posts and posts that refer to BLM (Black Lives Matter) as godless… posts calling unmarried couples fornicators, and I have to wonder if this pastor represents the inclusive morals of the community at large, and whether or not secular counseling services wouldn’t be better handled by a secular counselor. [ BLM (black lives matter) is rooted in Marxist ideology, so yes they’re godless, and “inclusive morals” really means “no morals”. ]
On April 4, 2021, Taraski shared a post that referred to people who immigrated to the country illegally as “illegals” and compared how they are treated to how veterans are treated. [and W.T.F. are they supposed to be called]
On March 30, 2021, he shared a post in support of voter ID. The ACLU has said voter ID laws are an attempt to deprive people of the right to vote, especially racial and ethnic minorities and people with low incomes. [the ACLU and white liberals are convinced that racial and ethnic minorities and people with low incomes are simply incapable of obtaining proper identification, the soft bigotry of low expectations]
On Sept. 13, 2020, he shared a post that showed pictures of vandalism and destruction caused by anti-police protests with the caption, “This is not a god-forsaken world, it is a world that has forsaken god!”[ Ya think]
On May 5, 2019, he wrote a post that said, “Tired of seeing food stamps buying Starbucks” while sharing a story about a bill that would ban people from using food stamps to buy certain items.
On June 8, 2018, Taraski shared a post that said, “If you’re having sex and you’re not married it’s not called dating it’s called fornication.” [ well, that’s what it says in the bible, and god knows people sin, it’s Jesus’s job to take care of that, but you have to ask him first]
It’s amazing that in the course of my lifetime I’ve witnessed such a decline in the general morality of American citizens and their institutions.
Things that society would have deemed unacceptable two decades ago are now enthusiastically embraced.
And like good Marxists, forcing Judeo-Christianity from the public sphere they destroy the moral compass that God gave us for man’s moral compass, which will lead not to a utopia but a dystopian society where everyone, save the self-anointed elite, lives in abject but equal misery.
Luke 6:22
Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake.
I would guess this is the kind of chaplain the Montpelier police are looking for.
There’s such a demand for Hate…
..that often it outstrips supply.
If hate isn’t there when you need it, manufacture your own.
More Zed !
When you don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.” G. Marx.
“Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it.” M. Twain
“Vote: the instrument and symbol of a freeman’s power to make a fool of himself and a wreck of his country.” A. Bierce
Et Tu DuckDuckGo…
Sticking to your principles is hard it seems.
Duck and cover redux
If you’re a baby boomer born after WW2 then you would probably remember this…
Those old enough to remember the sixties will recall the anti-war movement
that engulfed the country.
And who can forget the eighties…when leftists at home and in Europe seem to fear President Reagan more than the evil empire. There was the nuclear freeze movement.
In Vermont, there were peace marches,
During the weekend of August 6, 1981, Patty Heather-Lea walked one leg of a peace march from Washington to Moscow. That’s Washington, Vt., to Moscow, Vt.
“I had just gotten married,” recalls Heather-Lea, who’s now 60 and a high school math teacher in Bristol. She remembers “wanting to do something, wanting somebody to wake up to what was going on in the world.” So she marched to Montpelier with a sign that read “Let’s Have a World for Our Grandchildren.”
As of March 2022, the 72-year-old Ms. Heather-Lea has never strayed from her “progressive” roots. I doubt she voiced much condemnation of the burning of American cities in 2020. I imagine she rejoiced when the Orange man when down to defeat. Now the planet would be saved, cancer would be cured, equality of outcomes achieved, the white male patriarchy suppressed.
I can only speculate what her thoughts are now. An open border, out-of-control crime, currency inflation, the rise of authoritarianism (it’s ok as long as it’s my side in charge and it’s only white male deplorable’s getting their heads cracked and thrown in jail), and closer to WW3 as at any time since the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. If the unthinkable should happen climate change will be the least of our worries. All this while living in the largest white liberal gated community in the nation. Yes, I’m referring to Vermont.
Phil Scott told reporters, “I put country over party. It’s been a bit of a struggle for me, but I ended up voting for Joe Biden.”
Sleep well, Joe, Kamala, and our “woke military” are on guard.
Always remember: Dissent is patriotic when Republicans are in charge.
Dissent is treason when Democrats are in charge.
Is it incompetence…
Or is it design…
More Zeducation
The world has gone insane. I’m glad I’m old.
The world is going…
…to hell in a handbasket.