Out of the frying pan…

..and into the fire?!


Dementia Joe (a.k.a. Brandon) has COVID!


Because he’s been fully vaccinated and double boosted the symptoms are “mild”, they say.


But, He is 79 years old, feeble in both mind and body,


He has been an unmitigated disaster for America. 


He could die.


And who is a heartbeat away…?


Into the fire…




Has B.L.M. finally worn out its welcome?

One can only hope so.


But in deep-blue Vermont, America’s largest liberal gated community, white guilt and virtue signaling will likely be with us for the rest of my lifetime.

BLM found thousands and thousands of useful idiots* here in the Green Mountain State.


But there is always hope that in certain pockets common sense still might exist.




*One who is seen to unwittingly support a malignant cause through their ‘naive’ attempts to be a force for good.

Perhaps Joe Biden’s election was a good thing…

..in the long run.


Joe Biden is a sinking ship


In the latest poll of registered voters. released Friday, found Biden deep underwater with voters in every age bracket, every educational level, and both genders. Every one of those groups showed approval rates under 40%, with the youngest voters, age 18 to 34, among the most dissatisfied at a dismal 21%.


In only two states out of 50, deep-blue Hawaii and Vermont  (42% vs. 40%), do Biden’s supporters outnumber his detractors. 



During Trump’s term, he was able to accomplish many good and beneficial things for the nation and the American people.

But from his very first day in office Democrats, the deep state, and most of the mainstream media made it their mission to bring down his administration by any means necessary. Via the steady drumbeat of hoaxes, misinformation, and outright lies they were able to convince  81 million voters(?) to vote for an old man with obviously impaired faculties. Because it was going to be anyone but Trump, and with the “Orangeman” finally gone the left’s utopia would, at last, be ushered in.


But it hasn’t worked out that way. His policies have been disastrous both nationally and internationally. Law and order have broken down, especially in blue-run cities. Inflation which was 1.4% when Biden took office is now 9.1%.  

Then there is “the great reset”.


Aside from the substantial percentage of “true believers” of socialism (i.e. rule of the elite) and the climate change religion who will never waiver from their faith. Perhaps there is also a substantial percentage of centrist Democrats and never-Trump RINO Republicans who are (though they would be loath to admit it) experiencing buyer’s remorse. Who didn’t vote for Trump because they personally didn’t like him, believed all the media bullshit about him, and couldn’t stomach his “mean tweets”


Donald Trump predicted everything that would happen if Joe Biden were elected.


It seems we all had to learn the hard way.





























More Memes.





Biden is underwater…

In 48 out of 50 states.

Everybody do the Joe Biden Limbo — how low can he go? According to the latest data from Civiqs Biden has managed to get to his all-time low in job approval, as well as states in which he’s appreciated. His 33/56 is his lowest on approval and ties his highest in disapproval, while only Hawaii and Vermont put him in positive territory.


Hawaii is an island in the middle of the Pacific, and Vermont is the largest gated community in America.


Vermont is one of the most rural, beautiful states in the country.

It’s very liberal, very secular, and very safe. It’s also 93.6% white. Much to their chagrin of woke progressive liberals.


It’s 2020 America went insane. A pandemic by a virus of controversial origin in China causing sickness and death mainly of the old and medically compromised.

This was followed by the death of a black, medically impaired criminal suspect in police custody. What followed was “mostly peaceful protests” in deep blue cities all over America.


Blue state governors, Blue mayors did nothing to stop or curtail the violence and looting. Some politicians encouraged it, and the mainstream media fanned the flames, all in an effort to bring down a President they loathed. 


All across the country statues were removed and American history distorted. 

Then came the election…We all have our opinions about that.


Vermont is a long way from the border with Mexico.

Vermont didn’t have massive riots that burned down blue cities.

Vermont schools and the media embraced a grifting “Black live Matter”.

Vermont Liberals and Progressives then go into the virtue-signaling mode and woe to anyone who speaks out against Black Lives Matter.

Vermont Liberals and Progressives are disciples of the Church of Woke and Climate Change. So…

Vermont Liberals and Progressives think $5.00 a gal. gas is a good thing.


And since most Vermont Liberals and Progressives can’t admit to themselves that they could have been mistaken, and living in this safe gated community we call Vermont, polls still give demented Uncle Joe majority approval.


Sad. What most elite Libs believe. It’s their religion.


And this is called projection.














Unfortunately, Vermont’s previously healthy growth became stagnant, dropping from double-digit climbs from the 1970s through the 1990s to reach its current growth rate of just 0.02%.

According to Vermont’s former governor, the biggest challenge facing the state’s economy is not high taxes, reform of health care, or government bureaucracy but simply its long-term demographic trends, which show that Vermont’s labor force is shrinking steadily.

Vermont has a median age of the workforce of 42.3, which is the highest in the nation. Combine this with the low birthrate and very little migration into the state and it’s not hard to see why Vermont’s population is growing so slowly.

As late as August 2019 The State of Vermont was offering a $10,000 incentive to get people to move here.




Real estate in Vermont is selling at an incredible pace