Have Pigs Learned to Fly?


Now, this seems to be a rarity. A very liberal woman with an open mind.


NAOMI WOLF: Dear conservatives, I’m sorry I believed so many media lies…


It’s tempting to sweep this confrontation with my own gullibility under the rug — to “move on” without ever acknowledging that I was duped, and that as a result I made mistakes in judgment, and that these mistakes, multiplied by the tens of thousands and millions on the part of people just like me, hurt millions of other people like you all, in existential ways.

But that erasure of personal and public history would be wrong.

I owe you a full-throated apology…


I have a friend who has a few woke liberal female relatives.  What would they think? Probably that Naomi Wolf needs to be cancelled.


Vermont throws Christian school under the bus.

It’s a well-known fact that liberalism/leftism is virulently anti-Christian.

And deep blue Vermont is well known for being one of the most secular states in America.


Unless a majority of girls who are involved in school sports step up and push back, biological males pretending to be female will give an unfair advantage to the team they play on. The only way to level the playing field will be that every girl’s team has at least one chick with balls and a dick.



Go Woke, Go Broke.


Could America be on the brink of really bad economic times?

Tucker Carlson thinks so.


So does Mark Dice. 


Do you think all the woke rich people who voted for Joe Biden and the Democrat party might be questioning themselves by now?  Probably, not until they discover that they can no longer afford to live in their million-dollar houses in their secure gated communities and are forced to live among the hoi polloi.


A local sports story

Vermont is America’s largest liberal gated community. We’re rural, 95% white, and we have no gun restrictions. We’re very secular. Compared to some parts of the country we live in Shangri-La., so what do we need God for? For liberal Vermonters who love to virtue signal, there’s no safer space than Vermont. But as the scripture has shown, nothing is happening that hasn’t already been foreseen. The wheat will eventually be separated from the chaff, but until then Christians are going to be tested for the foreseeable future.

Commenting on “Black and White Sports”

All the government  “public” schools will comply. Competitiveness and safety of their student-athletes be damned before the altar of wokeness.

A Salute to Mr. Rogers


There are but two genders, male and female. Everything else is mental illness.


