The first post.
I have always marveled from the fact that it was only a mere 66 years from the Wright Brothers first flight to landing on the Moon. Of course the main catalyst for such rapid advancement can be summed up in one word, ‘WAR’. War, even more the capitalism focuses human ingenuity to develop new and more effective methods to destroy your enemy before your enemy can devise better ways to destroy you. War technology spins off to peacetime technology and what was science fiction to one generation is commonplace in the next. The fact that I’m sitting right now at a keyboard typing out text that will go out on the “internet” that people all over the world will be able to read is but one example.
The purpose of this blog is to chronicle some history of an extremely ordinary person. Me. And to convey some prospective to todays millennials of which I have two. What was it like to grow up in the fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties with no internet, computers, cellphones etc. and the political and social changes that have taken place during that time.
I will be also commenting on current events happening today.
And what’s going on today is not pretty.