Ham radio operators have been put on notice.
My question is who decides ‘what is illegal’ ?
Sort of like someone who decides that what you thought was ‘free speech’ was really ‘hate speech’ .
My question is who decides ‘what is illegal’ ?
Sort of like someone who decides that what you thought was ‘free speech’ was really ‘hate speech’ .
45 degrees F. in January and February is warm.
What a wet, cold, miserable spring.
On well.
Looks like this pattern is going to continue for awhile.
Springtime for Bernie and Socialism.
Is that applause I hear???
No more time today. will try and post soon.
Hello from deepredpond.
Yes, it has been awhile since I have posted anything. But due to circumstances beyond my control I just haven’t had the time to do it. And it’s certainly not for lack of interesting events to comment on.
deepredpond.com is changing to deepredpond.org . This small change of address will allow my site to utilize the “disqus” plugin that will make commenting much easier to the perhaps less then a dozen people who take the time to read my little blog.
So, no I’m not quitting. Just on a hopefully short hiatus.
Keep watching.
Always remember…This is the reason for the season.
From American Thinker.
Getting water to California’s central valley farmers isn’t as important as protecting the delta smelt. It’s okay if wind turbines kill 4200 bald eagles each year.
Saying all lives matter is racist. Saying only black lives matter is not.
Russia revealing secrets about Hillary is evil. Hillary putting highly classified data on an insecure server is fine.
Exposing Hillary’s secrets is a foreign coup. The NYT’s revealing highly classified anti-terror programs is heroic.
WikiLeaks is a source for truth justice and the American way if it’s exposing critical national security programs that have nothing to do with domestic surveillance. WikiLeaks is an agent of fascism if it reveals anything that Hillary wants hidden.
Electoral college electors ignoring how the people voted in their state is true democracy.
A lot more examples about liberal logic.
Read the whole thing.
At age 69
He follows Keith Emerson who passed last March.
May he rest in peace.
75 years… I’ve read that the youngest survivor is now 88.
Soon the entire WW2 generation will be gone. Time marches on.
Least we forget.